[Sent2Devel] Protection at boot
If Protection at boot is enabled under Ransomware Protection, my (pin to taskbar) icons disappear on boot/restart. Anyone else having this issue? Is there going to be a fix?
Workaround : Remove Desktop from the protected folders.
Bitdefender > Protection > View Modules > Ransomware Protection
You can add individual folders from your Desktop to protect them.
I forgot to mention I'm using Windows 10 Home 64-bit : Version 1607 : OS Build 14393.4470 -
The issue is known and our devs are currently working on a fix.
The fix will be delivered via automatic updates.0 -
On 2016-12-05 at 5:51 AM, Sorin G. said:
The issue is known and our devs are currently working on a fix.
The fix will be delivered via automatic updates.
I thought that update Version: would have fixed this issue. I guess not.0 -
9 days and still no fix" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title="
" />
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Still happening! Fresh install of windows 10 pro with total security 2017. I found if I go in task manager and restart explorer they come back.0 -
Updated 2 machines from 2016 to 2017 and the issue does not happen. Still happens on the fresh install of windows 10. I even reinstalled everything and it still happens. For now I had to leave boot time protection disabled (not happy about that).0 -
gotogordon, Remove Desktop from the list of protected folders and it "should" leave the taskbar alone on reboot, even when having ransomware on during boot.
The sad part about this is, it was reported a YEAR ago in the 2016 version, yet it persists today, in the 2017 version. So I wouldn't expect a fix for this, since they have had a year to fix it and still nothing.0 -
I've been waiting patiently to see if there is a fix yet but to no avail. Going by the speed-or lack of it- there doesn't appear to be a fix anytime soon; perhaps we are expected to wait until the 2018 release? I purchased the BTS 2017 on the back of a good and mainly trouble free year of using the 2016 version but I was so wrong. One of the main reasons for running this software is to protect against ransomware and if you have to dilute your settings then surely this is a case of Bitdefender not upholding their part of the contract between themselves and the client. On top of this I have found that the console quite often refuses to open, safepay rarely works properly and has crashed my (totally up to date) windows 10 PC as well as constantly bombarding me with messages about if I want to add "this site to the list" etc, no matter how many times I say yes it asks me again....and again....and so on. Not really sure this software is fit for purpose and until Bitdefender sort this mess out I have reluctently taken it off my PC even though I still have about 7 months left of my licence.0 -
So this on another clients machine over the weekend! Yes I could remove desktop from protected folders but that is a work around and not a fix.0 -
I have just recieved a warning for mentioning another manufacturers product which i am currently using instead of Bitdefender due to their problems. I thought that the forum was a chance to be open and honest about the failings of Bitdefender but it appears not. Thought this type of sensorship went out when the Berlin wall came down.0 -
I have this same problem with BDTS 2017 build When activating Ransomware protection at boot and then restarting the system all of my desktop icons are moved and aligned to a grid on the left side of the screen rather then arranged on the desktop as I want. My Quick Launch task bar program icons are also removed. In order to get them back I have to locate one of the task bar icons and unpin it from the task bar. The rest of the icons will then appear. I then have to re-pin the program icon I removed back to the task bar.
I have deactivated the Protection at boot option.
System is Windows 7 HP 64 bit with all patches and updates applied. I also have a laptop running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit with BDTS 2017 (same build #) and the problems described above are not occurring there with the Protection at boot option turned on.0 -
And so it goes on. This is at least 4 months subscription wasted with Bitdefender not supplying a working module of their so called best security in the world. Can we expect a refund or credit against what we have already paid (and wasted) for this software? If Bitdefender was a car or fridge etc -well just think of all the returns and refunds/replacements they would have to do. Perhaps Bitdefender could actually address our issues with a firm answer rather than just fobbing us off by saying it has been sent to dev(-4 months ago) and thus sweeping it under the carpet. Ridiculous.0 -
On 3/28/2017 at 9:07 PM, dower4720 said:
I have this same problem with BDTS 2017 build When activating Ransomware protection at boot and then restarting the system all of my desktop icons are moved and aligned to a grid on the left side of the screen rather then arranged on the desktop as I want. My Quick Launch task bar program icons are also removed. In order to get them back I have to locate one of the task bar icons and unpin it from the task bar. The rest of the icons will then appear. I then have to re-pin the program icon I removed back to the task bar.
I have deactivated the Protection at boot option.
System is Windows 7 HP 64 bit with all patches and updates applied. I also have a laptop running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit with BDTS 2017 (same build #) and the problems described above are not occurring there with the Protection at boot option turned on.
This problem has gone on forever they know about it it's ridiculous it's taking this long!!!, everyday I get a call about it.
On windows 7 you don't need to turn off "protection at boot" just simply remove "desk top" from the list or RW protected items.
If there is something on desktop you want protected just simply add a new folder to desktop and drag the file in that folder and select protection for that folder in the ransomware module settings.0 -
Happened to me again on a client machine. Win 10 Pro with new install of AV 2017. It makes us in the IT/computer business look bad when a product we recommend our clients has issue after issue!0 -
Why do my posts keep dissapearing from here??????? My last 2 have just "gone". Looks like Bitdefender dont like critisism. So much for a so called democratic and free society.0 -
/index.php?/profile/208217-lordsteve/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="208217" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/208217-lordsteve/" rel="" style="">@LordSteve flooding the thread with offtopic posts only leads to customers having a hard time getting information.
The thread will be updated when the fix for this issue is released. At this time there is no ETA.
Thank you for your patience.0 -
Thank you for your response. I would suggest that this is not off topic as it is simply requesting an answer as to when us paying customers can expect a fix. As it has already been well in excess of 4 months since i was able to use the software that I paid good money for without being able to use as advertised I feel that I have a right to ask for answers. This is not off topic; just a simple question: is this ever going to get sorted out? Or perhaps you can arrange for me to recieve a full refund as this software is obviously not fit for purpose.0 -
The development team is working on resolving this situation, rest assured that the issue is not ignored.
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And here we are....again....yet another month gone by without a solution. That means that even according to bitdefenders own time line I along with countless other paying customers haven't received the protection that we have paid for. No more fobbing off... .Please arrange for a refund for me or I will have no choice other than to contact both trading standards in the UK as well as the magazine's that continue to give you good reviews without investigating what's really going on.0 -
/index.php?/profile/208217-lordsteve/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="208217" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/208217-lordsteve/" style="" rel="">@LordSteve for commercial issues/requests please contact our support team via bitsy@bitdefender.com. The forum is no place for them.