Opening up firewall for Drobo shares on home wifi
Haven't been able to open up the firewall to allow connections to shared drives on our Drobo 5N ever since the upgrade to Bitdefender 2017.
2 laptops, both running Win10.
One laptop connects just fine: 2 Adapters appear in the Firewall settings for Local Area Connection and Local Area Connection* 3.
The other laptop only has WiFi, no ethernet. No Adapters show up in the Firewall Adapters. I've tried adding the Drobo device IP address to the Network Exceptions, both as Trusted and Home/Office with Allow.
Or maybe I need to play with Rules Advanced--but what Program path am I going to allow through? explorer.exe? And ports in the Advanced section?
Frustrating that I can't access my home network files without turning off the firewall.
For the device that does not show any Adapters in the Firewall menu, please run a update on the product and reboot the machine when a Event with a Update asking for a reboot appears.
Please ensure that all physical Adapters are set to Home/Office with Stealth OFF and Generic ON.
Alternatively please follow the steps in the article below.0