How To Find Your Bitdefender Build Version
Hello everybody, As you may know the more information we have on your Bitdefender and the operating system the easier it is to provide advice and assist with the encountered situation. You can locate your Bitdefender build number by following the steps bellow : - right click on the system tray icon - click on About There…
Why is quarantine file so large?
I am using Bitdefender Total Security. It seems to have only a couple of items in quarantine. Yet the file named "C:\ProgramData\Bitdefender\Desktop\Quarantine\4MCE7GFQ3YULWSG2K9XSCSVGYW.bdq" is ~2.5GB. Why?
Total security my arse
I have just signed up yesterday and about to throw this ****** straight back at bitdefender. Blocking web pages without the optionm to trust them is pathetic. If i hear yet another twonkl tell me that it doing its job of securing your machine, you cant have it both ways im going to wish some serious discomfort for them. The…
Very High Disk Usage During Update
I think the title says it all, I am running the Bitdefender Total Security 2017 (build: on Windows 10 64 bit with 3GB RAM. I observed that whenever I manually updated BD, my PC would become unresponsive and when I see the disk usage, it would show around 100%. Earlier, BD was on Auto Pilot and whenever I…
Huge Folders under ProgramData\BDLogging
There's a huge collection of logs under c:\ProgramData\BDLogging\CstLogs\vsserv.exe. Each folder in size is 74.5GB, 55.7GB, 55.1GB, 50.5GB, respectively, so BDLogging is taking up roughly 75% of my ProgramData folder. Under vsserv.exe, or any of the other folders under CstLogs that match an exe name, there are multiple…
cancel subscription
I just purchased this bad product, i want to refund my money while i cannot login to my account from another device
Help, I have key logger and silent logger on my android phone
None of the reputable apps are detecting it, I found it while being nosey looking through my settings and through all the different things in the settings app.... how can I find out how to get rid of it? I have no clue about how it got on my phone, or what app or file it's attached to. Please help. Also, if my phone…
Vulnerability scan claims no password
When I run the vulnerability scan it says that my Netgear r7000 router has no password. I have a good password set so this concerns me. I'm assuming it means the www.routerlogin.net page which opens the Netgear Genie. thanks Ken
How slow are Customer Support?
Hi All, Pretty simple scenario - I bought the wrong product last weekend, raised a customer support ticket immediately to request a refund, where I hope to then purchase the correct product afterwards. This was nearly 4 days ago now, no communication from Bitdefender without chasing. Only response from Bitdefender both via…
cancel avast automatic renewal
Select the Subscriptions tile. Click Unsubscribe under the subscription that you want to cancel. Select Unsubscribe from future renewals and let my subscription expire on MM/DD/YYYY, and click Confirm. Read more : disable automatic renewal avast cancel avast subscription
microsoft office cannot verify the license for this product
To fix this issue, follow these steps to stop running the application in compatibility mode: Exit the Office application that triggers this error. Right-click the Office application that triggers the error, and then click Properties. ... On the Compatibility tab, clear the Run this program in compatibility mode for option.…
Critical error
OS: Windows 10 / 64 bits BitDefender Multi Device 2017 Since Friday 28/10 I started getting critical errors popping up all the time. This happened after Windows updates and apparently a BitDefender update. I tried almost everything to resolve, but it is still not working... a) I tried the repair process recommended by…
BD has stopped outlook: permission required to access outlook.pst
BD has stopped outlook: permission required to access outlook.pst
Best Internet Classified Ads Platform in the United States
A classified announcement generally consists of a short, crisp text with a little contact information. https://medium.com/@julia.alovely/which-is-the-best-classifieds-site-best-internet-classified-ads-platform-in-the-united-states-610893fb2f89
Bitdefender put files in quarantine while licence expired
Hello, I have an old version of Bitdefender Internet Security still installed in my PC, but my licence have expired, I just forgot to remove it. Yesterday, Bitdefender put by mistake an important file in quarantine, as my licence expired, I can't find a way to recover this file because I can't access to Bitdefender tool.…
Can't Map Network Drive at Corporate Network
I connect to a corporate network via their VPN. To access files there I need to map a network drive to find the correct folder | files. I cannot do this unless I disable the BD firewall. Any way to achieve this without having to go into BD and turn off it's firewall each time?? (I have contacted support without much…
[fixed] Wallet not auto-sign into Walmart.com
For at least a few weeks now (maybe many weeks) wallet does not auto-sign into Walmart.com. It does not fill in my email address nor my password. I notice that the password area has a small lock symbol in it, and when I click on the lock, wallet will generate a password that I don't want. I don't know if this has anything…
Bitdefender AVP 2018 it slows very much the running of OS and any application
Bitdefender AVP 2018 build After last update, Bitdefender AVP 2018 it slows very much the running of any application, including the OS Win7-64bit. At PC restart, Bitdefender AVP 2018 think it was never updated. Maybe some conflicts with the "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\OAWrapper.exe", I don't…
Conflict with PlayerunknownsBattlegrounds
It appears that there is some conflict between Bitdefender and the game Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (https://www.playbattlegrounds.com/). Here's what's happening: The game launches without issue, however when attempting to connect to a server and join a game lobby, the screen freezes with blocky models on the screen.…
vsserv.exe every day problem...
Hallo, I agree this Program, what is problem? Quote Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: vsserv.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5926cd41 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ntdll.dll, Version: 10.0.15063.0, Zeitstempel: 0xb79b6ddb Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000374 Fehleroffset: 0x00000000000f775f ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x638…
How Do You Make a Conscious Robot?
You've likely heard of conscious thought and subconscious thought, but humans may, in fact, possess three levels of consciousness, a new review suggests — and this concept could help scientists develop truly conscious Artificial Intelligence (AI) someday. Though AI technology has been advancing at a rapid clip, in many…
Bitdefender not working with Airplay & Virgin superhub 3
Hi. Here in the UK I recently updated my Virgin Superhub 2 to their Superhub 3. Immediately I had a problem with my NAS drive not connecting and Airplay disappearing on my Macbook. I was advised on the Apple forum to uninstall Bitdefender which I did and which immediately solved both problems. Obviously I want to continue…
What causes this notification. "sync.1rx.io/usersync/bidswitch/0
My wife keeps getting this notification about a phishing attempt "sync.1rx.io/usersync/bidswitch/0 " Is there a way to find out where the attempt is coming from so she can avoid the web site?
[Sent2Devel] Widget moves after running a 3D application
Yes, but now the widget does something different, after closing a fullscreen 3D application, like Quake 2, Unreal or the Nvidia Cave demo, the widget has moved to the upper left corner of the screen! This is in Windows 8.1.
Copies are available on ebay for about 20% of the normal price. While I love a bargain, I am not looking to buy counterfeit; but kinda assume that if BitDefender doesn't demand the auction be taken down, they are probably okay. And advice here? Some do not come with an authentication code, but are "pre-authorized". What is…
Outlook flagged as Ransomware
I just did a system scan of my computer and Bitdefender called out Outlook.pst as Ransomware and blocked Outlook.exe. I am pretty sure this is a false positive but is there anyway to be sure before I add Outlook to my trusted list. This is the first time this has happened in the 7 months that I have been using Bitdefender…
Bitdefender blocking commercial software.
Blocking commercial software from this site https://orbxdirect.com/ - The FTXCentral installer and the executable that needs to be installed keeps getting deleted, even after exclusions the software won't install correctly. Please also see this thread:…
Bitdefender overriding my Admin settings
Win7 64 OS - AppData folder with full share permissions keeps removing my settings which makes this folder and subfolders invisible, this means I have to keep changing the settings back to what they were. Why is the software overriding my settings?
BD 2017: how can I disable BD for some minutes?
Hi, I have just installed BitDefender 2017 and sometimes I have to disable it for some minutes. When I used BitDefender 2016 I was able to find this option but on I am not able to find it in this new version. Where is it please? Thanks.
Systray error message incorrect
Often when starting PC. BD icon goes white. Floating the cursor brings msg 'bd not loaded restart, if continues contact Cust Serv'. i found that clicking icon gets BD to load OK. What causes this minor irritation/
Erreur d'exécution au lancement de Killer Network Manager : icon missing
Bonjour, Total Security 2017 est installé sous win10 64x. Avec ma nouvelle machine LDLC qui utilise le driver et application des gestion réseau "Killer Network Manager" , j’obtiens systématiquement à son lancement l'erreur "C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2017\Application.ico" est introuvable. Voir les fichiers…