15-20 minutes to autoupdate

edited March 2018 in Update

When you just turn on the computer, is it normal to take about 15-20 minutes for the auto update start? Isn't it a security issue?


NOTE: Thread is currently being used to investigate the issue causing virus signature updates taking more than 10 minutes to complete. We will update the status when a fix is delivered. 



  • Here update settings, updated the product, shall immediately after loading system.


  • Yes, I have exactly same parameters on my end. But still, BD2018 is taking about 15-20 minutes to update after turning on the computer.

    I already full uninstalled and reinstalled the software.


  • I also posted that problem but i guess it will never be fixed. Also i would like a progress bar for update.

  • I have a similar problem.  When I skip turning on the computer for a day, when I do turn it on, I get the YELLOW Security Widget and a message that my computer is at risk because an update has not been done for 2 days.  I do have Auto Pilot on, and when I do an 'UPDATE NOW", it takes a looooong time, but does an update.  I have waited up to about 30 minutes for an auto update, but it doesn't happen.  I reported this problem on BD TS 2017, and support tried to tell me I didn't have an active Internet Connection.  WRONG!!  I have had this same problem on 3 computers on my router, 2 with wi-fi connection and one Ethernet.   It's not a BIG issue because I have learned that the laptop, which I sometimes don't turn on for a couple days, has to be manually updated when I do turn it on.  BUt, it is a reflection of the quality of the BD product, unless somebody can tell me I am doing something wrong, other than buying BD products.  

  • Looks like the last updade ( fixed this. :)

  • I have installed on three laptops with Windows 10 Home 64 bit - there's a problem with autoupdate on all of them.

    When I click for manual update BD get's it in about 5-10 min, but if I  don't do it  auto-update doesn't start (any logs) - this same problem as discribed by /index.php?/profile/71912-jimbealde/&do=hovercard&referrer=https%253A%252F%252Fforum.bitdefender.com%252Findex.php%253F%252Ftopic%252F76705-15-20-minutes-to-autoupdate%252F" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/71912-jimbealde/" title="Go to jimbealde's profile" rel="">jimbealde .

    I think this issue is very dangerous. Can somebody from BD tell us if it is a known issue and when will you definitively correct it?

  • MarcHoppe
    edited February 2018

    Never mind......it's pointless to report issues.

  • Erziram
    edited February 2018

    +1 on this topic, updating takes extremely long.

    What did I do to analyse this a bit further:

    - Reinstalled W10, build 1709

    - Installed Bitdefender 2018

    So a very clean starting point, literally NO other software to interfere.

    The downloader was extremely slow during installation already (hardly 1mbps on my 500mbps fiber connection), so that's really down to bandwidth from the Bitdefender download servers (AWS EC2 servers, and some reverse-unset.blabla name right?). After it eventually installed, updates were getting in at roughly 200kb/sec MAX, with lots of interruptions on the bitdefender updateserver side (http://upgr-mmxviii-cl-ts.2d8cd.cdn.bitdefender.net/).

    My conclusion so far is that Bitdefender's content delivery network might be a culprit, which means new updates are pushed into the world at a slower pace.

    Thus increasing security risk for their customers if this isn't remediated soon. Even checking for an update takes 5 mins or more.

    I would advise Bitdefender to at least form an official reply in this thread, please let customers know that you are aware of this issue and care.

    Otherwise it's pretty straightforward for me: I've got around a month to go in my subscriptions. If it is not fixed, I'll move all devices to a competitor and will advise friends & family to do the same. That's around 40 licenses gone and people do talk about it.


  • Hello /index.php?/profile/213255-erziram/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="213255" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/213255-erziram/" id="ips_uid_9980_7" rel="">@Erziram


    We are investigating this issue, however we have not had internal reproduction of the situation you describe. 

    Could you please send us an email at bitsy@bitdefender.com with the following details?

    - Your ISP and physical location (City/Country)

    - Your current DNS servers

    - Your connection type (cable/wi-fi)

    - A support tool log, generated with the option to reproduce the issue enabled: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/8919/


    Thank you!

  • Hi /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" rel="">@Sergiu C., I've send an email and included a log. Bitdefender isn't actually updating for me at all right now. I do see it connecting, but nothing happens. Seems to be no transmission at all now.. Quite odd, on a freshly installed machine since only yesterday. My company laptop with other brand of antimalware on the other hand, is updating just fine & fast.

  • 49 minutes ago, Erziram said:

    Hi /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" rel="">@Sergiu C., I've send an email and included a log. Bitdefender isn't actually updating for me at all right now. I do see it connecting, but nothing happens. Seems to be no transmission at all now.. Quite odd, on a freshly installed machine since only yesterday. My company laptop with other brand of antimalware on the other hand, is updating just fine & fast.

    Can you let me know when the last update was performed (You can check in Notifications > All) and the Bitdefender build number and antimalware engine version? (Right click on the Bitdefender icon in the system tray > click on About).


    Thank you!

  • Spulci
    edited February 2018

    /index.php?/profile/213255-erziram/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="213255" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/213255-erziram/" rel="">@Erziram I'm experiencing the same issue you've got since today. My first Bitdefender installation won't update. Update Downloader task starts in background...it runs a few secs then exit without errors. Bitdefender Internet Security 2018 shows no new entries for this update operation in the log page. Last update was 23 hours ago (yesterday) as the alert tells me. Machine with issue has Build Signature11479458 Engine 7.74902 Windows 10 16299.248 (due to the fact that I downloaded weekly.exe to try to fix the issue...so weekly.exe installed old signature from the previous week). I can use the internet without issue on this machine....no firewall issues at all.

    Btw my second pc Bitdefender IS 2018 installation (using the same ISP and internet connection as the first one) has no issues. It has downloaded a small update that required a reboot. Everything is fine on this pc. Build Signature11503856 Engine 7.74927 Windows 10 16299.214 (rebooting to 16299.248 in a few secs).

    I've opened a ticket with support /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" rel="">@Sergiu C. : 2018021520550002 and I uploaded a telemetry file reproducing the issue (hit Update button..wating for the error) from my issued installation..the file was uploaded from the application itself before I could send you via email. Btw I used the same email address for the opened ticket.

    Please let me know if you need more information


    P.S. Infact, as you can see, enabling manual update on the affected pc shows two updates available: bigger one for the signature, and a 0 byte one (a product update) for the application....I can't select the second update...but I suspect that Bitdefender need this product update to install virus defs correctly...it's the same update that required a reboot on the second pc that isn't experiencing any issue at all!


  • eruption77
    edited February 2018

    Hello, I just wanted to add that I too have the same issue as above:  No update in almost 24 hours and no update errors in the log.  If I try to run one manually, it just goes through very fast but doesn't actually update.  After the manual check, the desktop widget will turn yellow, and I'll get an exclamation point in over the tray icon because no update has been performed in so long.  After a few minutes the tray icon will return to normal even though no update has been done.

    I've attached my 'About' screen.  Also edited to add 2nd screenshot that mirrors above.



  • Thank you for the replies. We are looking into the issue. 

  • Thank you guys.

    I was away from my PC for a while, came back and checked the update log again.  An auto-update appears to have succeeded a few minutes ago.  I then tried manually checking and nothing is throwing an error anymore.

    Next, I changed the setting to Prompt Before Downloading again, then manually checked again.  This time there was no window showing signature updates as shown in my above post.

    I've again attached the updated About screenshot.

    Thank you again.


  • Marius G.
    Marius G. QA Engineer BD Staff

    Everything should be OK now, and no issues should reoccur regarding updating the product.

  • I STill have a issue. 

    Made a fresh installation of my client and. Owa Bitdefender IS is updating since minutes but there is no traffic on the line.... 

  • Erziram
    edited February 2018

    Hi /index.php?/profile/211201-marius-g/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="211201" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/211201-marius-g/" rel="">@Marius G., thanks for the update (literally, BitDefender updating seems to be working OK now). Just out of curiosity, what was the issue?

  • /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" rel="">@Sergiu C. update issue fixed. As many others signature numbers has been downgraded and no program update required this time. Signature version 11499373 engine 7.74996. I'll turn on the other pc (the one without issues) that has bigger signature number: Signature11503856 Engine 7.74927 to see what happens now (I expect downgrading too).

    Please continue to investigate slow update download that I'm having only on one of this two installation as reported by many others and that it's related to Bitdefender only (not an ISP issue at all). Btw thanks for the fast fix and share our gratitude to the whole development team!!! :)

  • So what is the solution ? I'm still getting longer than normal update times. Support has stopped responding to my open ticket. It shouldn't take 10+ minutes to download and install a 50 meg virus update (not program update). I have a 100Mbps wired connection and I downloaded a 1 gig file from another company in two minutes yesterday.

    This problem has existed for over a month now and I'm no closer to a solution than I was when I first reported the issue. :(

  • Hi Marc, 


    The issue hasn't been forgotten and is being investigated by our development team. 

  • Thanks, Sergiu, as you can add me to the list of those experiencing slow virus updates, about 5 minutes for running a manual update an hour after an auto-update. (I have mine set to update ever 2 hours)

    Running the latest build, with 30Mbps service connected via ethernet.

  • Same here, slow, long updates..

  • MarcHoppe
    edited February 2018

    Ok so let us see if we can help each other. Columbo is getting 5 minute updates after an hour on a 30Mbps connection. I got a 5:36 update an hour after the initial update of this morning which took 14:33 although it was a program update that required a reboot. This in on a 100Mbps wired connection  Normal first of the day non program updates have been taking between 10 and 11 minutes. Can you guys check and see if we all have the same update link:


    BD 022718-1.png

  • Yep, Marc, same update location here. But..let me check and see what the initial update is when I start my pc. I usually turn them on and do other things, so I haven't kept track of the initial update. I will get back with you tomorrow with what I time it to be.

  • Hello Guys,


    I am a French user of Bitdefender and i just post this message to report that daily updates slower since 2018, same update location here.

    I'm not the only who has postponed this problem and i did not have precise answers on the french forums.


    Sorry for my language, translated by Google.

  • 11 hours ago, columbo said:

    Yep, Marc, same update location here. But..let me check and see what the initial update is when I start my pc. I usually turn them on and do other things, so I haven't kept track of the initial update. I will get back with you tomorrow with what I time it to be.

    Ok great. I'll time mine again tomorrow as well. With the program update of today perhaps updates will be quicker from now on but I'm not holding much faith. Before the longer updates started over a month ago updates took maybe three or four minutes although I never had a reason to time them. Do you remember when the longer updates started for you ?

  • MarcHoppe
    edited February 2018

    9 hours ago, Fraise said:

    Hello Guys,

    I am a French user of Bitdefender and i just post this message to report that daily updates slower since 2018, same update location here.

    I'm not the only who has postponed this problem and i did not have precise answers on the french forums.

    Sorry for my language, translated by Google.

    Thank you for the report. That tells me it's not just an issue with those of us in the United States. That also indicates it's not a system specific issue since it is affecting several different users.


    Merci pour le rapport. Cela me dit que ce n'est pas seulement un problème avec ceux d'entre nous aux États-Unis.
    Cela indique également qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un problème spécifique au système
    car il affecte plusieurs utilisateurs différents.


  • 23 hours ago, MarcHoppe said:

    Ok so let us see if we can help each other. Columbo is getting 5 minute updates after an hour on a 30Mbps connection. I got a 5:36 update an hour after the initial update of this morning which took 14:33 although it was a program update that required a reboot. This in on a 100Mbps wired connection  Normal first of the day non program updates have been taking between 10 and 11 minutes. Can you guys check and see if we all have the same update link:


    BD 022718-1.png

    Mine are longer then that, 20 mins +/-


  • SebastianDI
    edited February 2018

    That does not change it, their servers do not offer the speed the users must have. So many use Bitdefender now. It is their servers.

    Same here with update. Takes ages.


    Greetz from Germany. Normal, no need to write bout that more. BD programmers will do their best, doing a fix. I am sure. Ah here and with activation too. My girlfriend from Tangara da Serra (brasil) can not activate her Trial Version from Bitdefender Total Security 2018. This should get fixed, too. God it.

  • columbo
    edited February 2018

    13 hours ago, MarcHoppe said:

    Ok great. I'll time mine again tomorrow as well. With the program update of today perhaps updates will be quicker from now on but I'm not holding much faith. Before the longer updates started over a month ago updates took maybe three or four minutes although I never had a reason to time them. Do you remember when the longer updates started for you ?

    On the PC I previously posted about the 5 minute normal update, this morning after about 7 hours of sleep mode, it took the update just over 7 minutes.

    Tomorrow morning I'll update my notebook that has BDIS on it, and see if that causes a difference for me.

  • The morning update on this system ( i3 2100 3.1 GHz, 4 gigs ram, Win 10 Pro 64 bit) was a little quicker at 9 minutes 41 seconds but on my studio computer ( i7 3770k at 3.5 GHz, 8 gigs ram, Win 7 Home 64 bit) the update took 11:06. This is much much longer that it used to take. Of note is that I power down my computers at night rather than letting them go into sleep mode. Each morning is a cold boot.  I've done it that way for many years and my Win 7 computer has had Bitdefender of some type installed on it since the day it was delivered. All my systems in question have BD Total Security 2018 installed. Again this is on a 100 Mbps wired connection. Right after the update on this system the other day I downloaded a 1 GB file from IK Multimedia in Italy and it took two minutes. Normal BD virus updates seem to range between 40 and 60 megabytes so no reason they should take more than 30 seconds to download here. 

    If I had to guess I'd guess BD cut bandwidth to save money. I first noticed this issue on a Saturday morning so maybe they did it on a Friday night. Perhaps the issue is the fault of CDN, BD's server company. Either that or there is a bug introduced in a program update. The longer update times started right about the time that the BD VPN was introduced although I can't track it to exactly that time frame. 

    Still no response since last Friday from BD on my support ticket.  Not too sure what else to do at this point.

  • SebastianDI
    edited February 2018

    2 minutes ago, MarcHoppe said:

    The morning update on this system ( i3 2100 3.1 GHz, 4 gigs ram, Win 10 Pro 64 bit) was a little quicker at 9 minutes 41 seconds but on my studio computer ( i7 3770k at 3.5 GHz, 8 gigs ram, Win 7 Home 64 bit) the update took 11:06. This is much much longer that it used to take. Of note is that I power down my computers at night rather than letting them go into sleep mode. Each morning is a cold boot.  I've done it that way for many years and my Win 7 computer has had Bitdefender of some type installed on it since the day it was delivered. All my systems in question have BD Total Security 2018 installed. Again this is on a 100 Mbps wired connection. Right after the update on this system the other day I downloaded a 1 GB file from IK Multimedia in Italy and it took two minutes. Normal BD virus updates seem to range between 40 and 60 megabytes so no reason they should take more than 30 seconds to download here. 

    If I had to guess I'd guess BD cut bandwidth to save money. I first noticed this issue on a Saturday morning so maybe they did it on a Friday night. Perhaps the issue is the fault of CDN, BD's server company. Either that or there is a bug introduced in a program update. The longer update times started right about the time that the BD VPN was introduced although I can't track it to exactly that time frame. 

    Still no response since last Friday from BD on my support ticket.  Not too sure what else to do at this point.

    We have harder problems than that right now. There seems to be a heavy bug inside their software. Windows event log shows a heavy error about HDD after this software is installed. This is more heavy.

  • MarcHoppe
    edited February 2018

    Can you post some more information about the "heavy error about HDD" ? That doesn't really tell us much. Right now the long updates are "more heavy" to me since if they aren't fixed I'll have to look at another security solution which I would rather not do.  There are other bugs with BD TS 2018 that I have reported mostly concerning the display of the Security Widget status but I don't seem to experience "heavy error about HDD".

    EDIT: I just checked the Event Viewer here but I don't see anything about HDD Errors. What are we supposed to be looking for ?

  • 20 hours ago, MarcHoppe said:

    Ok so it's apparent BD doesn't care one bit about problems with their software. I will be searching for an alternative. I will be looking for a way to contact Florin Talpes to let him know how bad his software and employees have become. 



  • Math_Matei
    edited March 2018

    Correct! I agree!

      When the Sorin G. left, the forum was left to no one, no one cares about it.
    To be ashamed of those who took over the forum
    Florin Talpes can be found on LinkedIn

    Windows 11 Pro - 11th Gen Intel Core i9-11900KF @3,50 GHz, 128.0 GB RAM

  • Hello, 


    As I mentioned previously, the issue has been forwarded to our development team for investigation. 

    Anyone who is experiencing long update times, please send us an email at bitsy@bitdefender.com, or if you've already contacted the support team, please post the ticket ID, so that I can check that we have all the relevant information from you. 

    Thank you!


  • 1 hour ago, Sergiu C. said:



    As I mentioned previously, the issue has been forwarded to our development team for investigation. 

    Anyone who is experiencing long update times, please send us an email at bitsy@bitdefender.com, or if you've already contacted the support team, please post the ticket ID, so that I can check that we have all the relevant information from you. 

    Thank you!


    Thanks, Sergiu, for re-assuring us that it's still being investigated. I guess most of us thought this issue may have been addressed and resolved with the lastest build update, thus we were still comparing notes. 

  • The point is we shouldn't have to shame you on Facebook just to get a response on your support forums. You have to communicate with us or we just assume no one cares. My ticket number is 2018020316100003 opened on 7 February, going on a month and still no resolution. You can't blame us for getting frustrated.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭✭✭

    /index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?/profile/212852-sergiu-c/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212852" rel="">@Sergiu C.:

    Here is my support ticket number, which was opened exactly a month ago (2018-02-02).  I have received some emails from Technical Support and supplied all of the requested logs and support tool submissions.  The problem persists of lengthy signature update times.

    Integrated Support - 519829.zip 2018020219580002

    If I should provide any further information, please let me know.  I would like to see this "nuisance" issue resolved.

    Thank you and have a great day.



  • MarcHoppe
    edited March 2018

    So Phil I wonder why some of us are reporting long update times and others are not ? It's possible that many people simply don't notice the issue since they update in the background. My thought has always been that if you are going to have security software installed you might as well have it up to date and if you're going to do an update you should wait until it's finished to proceed with any work. It just makes sense to me. So is there something that all of those who report the longer update time have in common ? It's not location as you're in Canada, I'm in Las Vegas, and I've seen a report from France. It happens here on Windows 7 and 10 so it doesn't seem to be OS related. There is nothing special about any of my systems, two are standard HP's and one is custom built. I'm at a loss and apparently so is Bitdefender as to why some of us are reporting long update times and others are not unless like I said others have just not noticed the longer times or have not bothered to report the issue. It does look like the longer updates started for us at the same time so that may be a clue......

  • MarcHoppe
    edited March 2018

    I just got this response from support: "We have found nothing in common so far, and the number of people reporting the issue seems to grow smaller, since we eventually find out that their issues were "misdiagnosed"." So we've all misdiagnosed the fact that it's taking much longer to update BD TS than before. Unbelievable. This is what they want me to do next:

    1. Copy the file dbg_trace.ini from C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\logging inside drive C . You will have C:\dbg_trace on your system.

    2. Then restart Windows in Safe Mode and copy C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\logging\updatesrv.logger inside C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\ . If you are prompted to replace the existing file please confirm the action.

    3. Restart Windows normally and replicate the update issue (an update cycle that takes about 10 minutes to complete).

     4. Type %programdata% inside the search bar next Windows start menu then hit Enter. This will open the folder C:\ProgramData . Look for a folder named BDLogging. Copy it to your desktop and compress it in an archive, then send it to us attached to your reply.

    I'd would be a lot easier just to get my credit card out and buy a Security Suite from someone else. <img class=" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title=":angry:" />


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭✭✭

    /index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="200519" rel="">@MarcHoppe

    I am like you in that every time I turn on my computer, the first thing I do is manually initiate updates, first of BDTS2018 and then Malwarebytes Premium.  Only when they are updated, do I venture into cyberspace.  That is why I noticed the issue, because I wait for the manually-initiated updates to complete.  Today it was ten minutes instead of what was formerly a couple of minutes.  I don't have the fastest Internet here in rural Cape Breton, but I have been using BD for many a year, so I KNOW how long signature, not version, updates should take, as do you.

    I agree with you BD Tech Support do burden us users with all of their requests for information.  Presumably they have a Quality Assurance department and they should have an extensive "test bed" of computers upon which they could attempt to replicate the issue themselves.

    I have not had a further reply from BD Tech Support since the 18th, and that was just their form email thanking me for my patience!


    I'd would be a lot easier just to get my credit card out and buy a Security Suite from someone else. <img class=" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title=":angry:" />

    My subscription expires this year, and I too am thinking about "migrating" to another anti-virus security solution.  I have no issues with BD detection rates or its performance; but, on occasion, the Tech Support has not been as responsive as I would expect.

    Have a great day, and I guess all we can do is wait, or migrate!



  • The only way you can get a response from "support" is to insult them either here, in a ticket, or on Facebook. Or threaten to contact the owner of the company.  The latest response I got about "the number of people reporting the issue seems to grow smaller, since we eventually find out that their issues were misdiagnosed" is just unbelievable.  In other words he's saying there can't be anything wrong with our software so it must be user error.  How can we misdiagnose update times that are many times longer than normal ? One day it was fine, the next day it wasn't and nothing changed here. No new software, no OS update, no ISP change, no hardware changes. Nothing. All we do is install their software and keep it updated. If it breaks it's not our fault. I shouldn't have to go digging around in Safe Mode manually replacing files so they can data mine my system. I still don't know why daily or even hourly virus updates are about 50 megs in size even if updated in less than 24 hours. I know someone didn't write 50 megs of virus definitions overnight. Even at that size a 10 minute update is ridiculous. I suppose they could be making us update the entire virus database each time but that would be even more ridiculous. It would waste user's time and BD's bandwidth. 

    Like yours my update was 10 minutes 45 seconds today and all of them have been right in the same 10-11 minutes for virus updates. I have three systems with TS 2018 installed so I have to waste thirty minutes every day updating since I don't boot them all at the same time. It makes me wonder what they are doing with our systems for all that time. Uploading our files or keystroke history ? Then to get a snotty response from support in the process just adds insult to injury. I used to tell everybody that would listen to buy BD TS 2018 now I must tell everyone not to buy it........

  • News flash ! I just got a 5 minute 45 second update on one system after getting a 6:45 update on the other system this morning. This system is still running McAfee which updates in less than two minutes. It is Sunday which means few businesses and perhaps fewer users are updating today which means less demand on bandwidth. I'll time them again tomorrow on Monday which should have all the commercial customers updating and demanding more bandwidth. If the updates go back to taking 10-11 minutes on Monday I think we have a clue.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭✭✭

    /index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="200519" rel="">@MarcHoppe

    I got an email from Technical Support.



    Thank you for your patience.

    A potential fix for this behavior was delivered in the latest Bitdefender update. Please bring up Bitdefender 2018 and then click on Update Now. Wait until the update process completes, then restart the computer.

    After Windows restarts, check if the first update takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

    To make sure you have the latest build please right click on the Bitdefender icon from the system tray, choose About and look at the Product Information.I am sorry for this entire situation and I appreciate you time and patience. Please confirm your results with us. Looking forward to your reply.



    I didn't time the update this morning because I go to my email, AFTER I update BDTS2018 and Malwarebytes Premium, but it didn't seem as long as it had been.  I will time it tomorrow and report back here, and to BD Tech Support.  I have updated my BDTS2018 to the newest version specified.


    Have a great day.




  • No email for me at least not yet. I could swear that I've had version for awhile. I seem to remember posting that number somewhere in a support ticket or here. Too lazy to look right now. Anyway my studio computer had an 8:56 update this morning which is almost two minutes faster but still a bit too long. If anybody thinks that's not a big deal take the stopwatch on your phone and sit there for 9 minutes and you'll see it's not such a short time.

    I just updated my other computer which did already have and the update took 10 minutes to the second. I know Bitdefender does rolling program updates so maybe this update hasn't been delivered to everyone yet.

    None of the recent updates have required a reboot but my systems have been rebooted just in the normal course of operation. Oh well at least there has been some movement on this issue so that's a good thing. I'll keep updating and timing updates and hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Take care. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭✭✭

    /index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="200519" rel="">@MarcHoppe

    According to my BDTS2018, Build installed on 2018-02-27.

    I timed the first update of the day, manually initiated, today.  Time: 8.5 minutes, which was a bit faster than it had been, but still far longer than BD signature updates took previously.

    I submitted another "Support Tool" package to BD after today's update completed, citing my open ticket number.

    Have a great day.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭✭✭

    /index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/" data-ipshover-target="https://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?/profile/200519-marchoppe/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="200519" rel="">@MarcHoppe

    I received an email this morning from BD Tech Support very quickly after I had responded to their request to test out the update times with the newest BD build.


    We have discussed this matter with our development team, and they will continue investigating the case to determine whether this was triggered by a product update or by a server change. Thank you for your patience throughout this entire process and please accept my apologies for the frustration that we might have caused.

    I am very pleased that BD Tech Support is continuing to actively investigate this issue.  This is the kind of support that one does expect from BD and other reputable software vendors.

    Have a great day.



  • I updated one system this morning after it got the update last night that required the reboot (no reboot required this morning) and it took 12 minutes 21 seconds. Even longer than recent updates. So we're going backwards. I'll boot the other system that has TS 2018 installed and report it's update time later. This system still has McAfee installed where updates are never more than two minutes. Very frustrated with Bitdefender. If they can't get updates right are we sure they can get protection right ?  I'm quickly losing faith. It's nice that they are at least trying to fix the issue but if they continue to fail good intentions mean nothing.

    Perhaps a coincidence but this all seems to have started when they rolled out their VPN service. Very frustrating......

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