Error -1200


When trying to connect the VPN I often get Error -1200.

Thoughts anyone?



  • Roxana G

    On 7/2/2019 at 3:37 PM, TravelingTartar said:

    When trying to connect the VPN I often get Error -1200.

    Thoughts anyone?



    Please send us a screenshot with the error. Have you tried different networks? Do you receive the same error on other networks as well?

  • Hi. It's happened on a few different networks on two different machines. I don't have a screenshot. Next time it happens, I will post it here.

    For reference, though, what does the -1200 refer to?

  • Roxana G

    16 minutes ago, TravelingTartar said:

    Hi. It's happened on a few different networks on two different machines. I don't have a screenshot. Next time it happens, I will post it here.

    For reference, though, what does the -1200 refer to?



    Was the error -1200 or -1002? Was it when you connected to the VPN on the MacOs or other OS?

  • -1200 it was on MacOS (latest).

  • Roxana G

    7 minutes ago, TravelingTartar said:

    -1200 it was on MacOS (latest).


    Do you use a Firewall which may block the connection? Please check as well the Proxy settings:

    open System Preferences from dock or from the Apple Logo menu

    go to Network

    select the Advanced option and go to the Proxies tab

    disable Auto Proxy Discovery or any other options at "Select a protocol to configure" 

    Change the DNS settings and try again to connect to VPN:

    Open System Preferences.

    Search for DNS Servers and select it from the dropdown.

    Click the + button to add a DNS Server and enter

    Let us know the results.

  • Hi. Thanks for all this. However, on my current connection, all is well. It happened a couple of days ago at a McDonald's and then again at a shopping center. Next time it happens, I'll try to debug more, based on your recommendations, and revert. Thanks again!

  • Stefan I.


    If possible, try to temporarily switch to a different network such as a phone hotspot and let us know if there are any changes:,2817,2481374,00.asp


  • Hi Stefan. Yes, I had tried, and it had worked. For now it's working fine. I'm traveling in Europe and I have had zero problems. As soon as I get back to the U.S., if the problem comes back I'll post on this thread again.