Something Wrong with System Scan

Ever since the latest major update of Build System Scan has always been finished untimely. It only runs about 3~4 minutes, scanning about 8,000 files, simply a tiny portion of C drive, ignoring the other drives. Please investigate whether this is a prevalent phenomenon after Build Thanks very much. Happy New Year!
We could not reproduce the situation internally, thus, kindly email us at as we will need to further investigate the situation in order to provide you with a solution.
Please reply to this thread with the ticket number that will be sent automatically as a reply to your mail.
Happy New Year!0 -
The Support Tool log has been prepared and has been delivered to you at the designated email address. However, your mail server rejected it. The reason for it is that the size of the attached file exceeds the fixed limit of the server. Please provide assistance. Thanks0 -
It seems like the ticket was not generated either. Please email us at the email address mentioned above with a brief description of the situation you're encountering and then I will be able to provide you with a link to our upload platform for the logs.0 -
I submitted the request two days ago and have been waiting for the ticket to be issued since then.0 -
I have located your ticket, we're looking forward to your reply.0 -
/index.php?/profile/211912-alex-d/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="211912" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/211912-alex-d/" rel="">@Alex D. File Uploaded. The ticket number is 2020010802570001. Thank you very much once again.0