The Bitdefender Firewall Disabling the Network Connection in the Windows Sandbox

I downloaded a virus sample and had it scanned by Bitdefender first. However, Bitdefender has not deteced it as a virus so far. Therefore, I executed it in the Windows Sandbox to see the result. The sample, a setup file, downloaded some malware which installed itself in the Sandbox and kept bugging the victim with a voice message pushing you to disinfect your system with Windows Defender that happened to be missing from your system as the spoken warning mesage claimed. No files were encrypted. The execution of the said malware requires network connection. After I had seen the stupid result, I switched off the Windows Sandbox. Later on, as I need to test something in the Sandbox, the network in the Windows Sandbox is disbled. If I turn off the Bitdefender Firewall first and then open the Windows Sandbox, the network connection will be back. Please investigate this issue. Thanks very much.