Upgrading from Bitdefender Internet Security to Bitdefender Total Security

Why do companies make things unbelievably complicated? My current subscription (Internet Security) expires in about 3 weeks. About 5-6 months ago, I ordered Total Security which I've been trying to activate for several hours today. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I did get a popup while trying to use the activation code but it said I needed to install it on a second account or something or to contact support to merge it.
It does not seem you can actually remove the current antivirus from your account. I've tried several times earlier today. First I tried to download Total Security from online. It just went back to Internet Security. I then tried the disk that came with Total Security but the same thing happened, just reinstalled Internet Security. I've even tried going to my Control Panel and remove it, which needless to say did not do anything.
If there is no way to remove products from your account, that is absolutely BS. If anyone can give me any other ideas to try, that would be great. As much as it would be completely inconvenient an unnecessary, I guess the only option would be to put it on a second account.
I just wish things were so much simpler than companies make them.
You just need to add the subscription to your account (central.bitdefender.com) and both your old product and new one will show up.
Once that's done go into subscription and under your old product click Manage/Manage device allocation. And move your devices from the old subscription to the new one.
Finally once you moved them all, login on each device in your Bitdefender Central/subscription and click install protection from the new product. Run the downloaded file and there should be a popup window that does a small update and it's done. It won't actually reinstall the whole product. At least it didn't happen to me and I had Internet Security before and now I'm on Total Security.