The website doesn't allow me to pay


I'm trying to buy total security 2020 throug paypal but when y procced to pay the website says: "Please verify your account with the card issuer before retrying with this card". I tried with other card from other bank and the message is the same. I'm trying to buy it from Colombia.

Thanks in advance


  • Andy_BD
    Andy_BD ✭✭✭

    Hey @alejafernandez, I'm sorry to hear you are having problems making a purchase for one of our products.

    However, if you are trying to make a payment via paypal and you receive that error, it might be an issue between your bank/card issuer and paypal

    You should consider contacting your bank/card issuer to make sure that there are no issues with online payments.

    Have you made any other online payments via paypal with those cards before? (it doesn't have to be with Bitdefender, any other online vendor)