Can Bitdefender Total Security 2021 be installed WITHOUT the Firewall?

The firewall in Bitdefender is defective. I get pop ups in the lower right corner of my Windows 10 computer that some program, I.P. or .DLL is attempting to gain access somewhere (anywhere - various places). If I click "OK" for allow, the pop-up keeps popping back up all over again. So I tried clicking it again, and again, and even up to 1,000 times, and it won't go away. If I switch my clicking to "Block", the same thing happens, clicking it is endless. If I try clicking the "X" close button in the top right corner of the pop-up, same thing, you can click it a million times and the pop-up just simply will not close. You're stuck with it on your desktop until a full system restart.

I would like to keep all of the other features of BD Total Security, such as A/V, anti-malware, anti-ransomware, etc.. Just not Firewall. I would like to revert to the Windows Security Center's Firewall solution instead, because it works, and BD's is broken.

Any help with this is appreciated.




  • Hello @bobw1234 and welcome to the Community!

    The Bitdefender cannot be installed without the Firewall, if your product includes this module.

    Please check if you have the Alert Mode enabled for the Firewall. With this enabled, alerts are shown each time an application tries to connect to the internet.

    More information regarding this is available here:

    In the event you do not wish to use the Firewall at all, you can disable it (not recommended) by following the steps below:

    Open Bitdefender and go to the Protection menu. In the Firewall panel, set the switch to OFF.

    However, I would recommend checking the Firewall settings first and then resort to deactivation, if not satisfactory.

    Let us know if this helps.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hello Alexandru, Thank you for the answers you posted to my question. Currently, my Alert Mode setting is OFF, but I still receive notices about things getting blocked. And those notices, like I said in my post, are cyclical/non-ending (they keep popping up no matter if you click 'Allow', 'Block' or the 'X' box). I have used your Method 2 solution, to turn the firewall OFF. But that setting only lasts as long as you do not restart your PC. After a restart, it is automatically set to ON. My desire is to revert to the Windows Firewall in Windows 10, which is much easier to manage. Is that possible? It would mean, perhaps, disabling BD Firewall in the registry or some other setting. Please let me know.

  • Any update on this?

    For me the BD firewall even activates again while playing a game. Not even needing to restart the PC.

    I disable BD firewall, set Windows defender firewall to defaults, game runs fine online, during game at some point offline again, BD firewall switched itself on again.

    So, here I am with my subscription to BD but, I basically cannot use it. Uninstall seems the only workable option.

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022


    I know this is not a solution to your problem, but maybe use the free version of BD along with using Windows firewall on that PC?

    And maybe this is overkill on my part, but I have 2 subscriptions of BD, AV+ as to be lighter on a couple of PCs using Windows firewall, and Total Security for my notebook and my Android devices. With the discount prices I received, both subscriptions cost about the same as other vendors version of their "Total Security".

    The Bitdefender Repair option has helped a lot of members here, including myself. I would try that.

    Otherwise, you may need to get ahold of Support. There are a couple of options you have in working with support.

    The first way is the “easy way” in contacting them (located towards the bottom of the page) from one of the 3 options listed, email, chat and phone support (is not toll free). Then let them guide you as far as what they need and when they need it.

    The second option is to "be prepared" ahead of time for the information that they may ask from you. I would first suggest taking a screenshot(s) of the issue.

    Then create a log file from Windows using the Bitdefender Support Tool which can be created by following these steps:

    Then contact Bitdefender Consumer Support by e-mail with a description of the issue you’re having. They will reply with a ticket number.

    From there you can attach the screenshot(s) you previously took, along with the log file helping to speed things along. Then wait for their follow-up response.



    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Hi,

    Check the network settings as well. Bitdefender applies a basic set of firewall settings depending on the type of network you are connected to. It can be set to:

    Dynamic - Let the firewall choose between Home/Office & Public Home/Office - Allow all traffic between your computer and computers in the local network.

    Public - All traffic is filtered.

    But something just doesn't add up here. I think it will be necessary for the engineers to have a closer look at these machines, as more information might be required to troubleshoot this.

    You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact methods available here:

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose your desired contact method. I would advise to raise a ticket, as this way you will also be able to attach logs, if required.

    And please do let us know the outcome, as I'm very curious about this and your findings could also help members that may encounter similar issues in the future.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user