Getting Hammered With These Critical Errors
Online Threat Prevention
chrome.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an untrusted certificate to We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since untrusted certificates are issued by unrecognized Certificate Authorities.
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Yep, we've spotted it last evening, should work right now (not the link, that's still wip, but you should not be getting warnings from OTP) .
Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB
Forum working fine today. I had to abort yesterday's session here. I got over 100 identical critical errors in the less than 10 minutes that I was online.
Thank you and have a great day.