What the hell is going on?????

edited March 2022 in General Topics

I am totally sick to death of this program now, It freezes my PC, stalls everything, crashes all the Fecken time, I can't work or do any, when it doing what ever the hell it's doing, bdservicehost : bitdefender Virus shield, you say it doesn't run a background scan, it clearly does, I should be able to run a scan when i want to run it not when you want to. telling people to reboot their pc because your program is broken is not a FIX, it's a bad as Norton now for interrupts, its a JOKE!!!!!

Fix the bloody thing, and your profiles don't either, If I'm working nothing is suppose to be running with your blasted program instead I'm constantly getting program freezes because your running a fecken scan in the background

a very pissed off person now

Best Answer


  • I'm tired of thinking I'm protected and then they come up with more security that I need for more money.

  • Hello @Severance,

    I am sorry to hear this. The first thing to check would be the system requirements. This sounds like a performance issue of the machine. The scans can be customized and scheduled. Scanning exceptions can also be made. I believe the root cause lies somewhere else. Of course, compatibility issues may happen, but I think the engineers must take a closer look to troubleshoot this behavior.

    There are a couple of articles that may be relevant to the issues you have encountered. I would recommed to check them first and if nothing helps, kindly get in touch with the engineers for further assistance.

    By scanning only new and modified files, you may greatly improve overall system responsiveness with a minimum trade-off in security.

    And custom scanning:

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi @Interested_party23,

    I'm not really sure I understand your message. Can you elaborate please?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alexandru_BD,

    My system is not the problem, I work in computer graphics, and I have the latest tech in my pc, there is no performance issue with my pc

    I uninstalled Bitdefender and re-installed, just see if that would fix it, and it didn't, everyday now a scan comes on at 3pm and stalls my pc, the internet go slow and I can't work for 30 mins while this is happening

    If Bitdefender isn't on my pc then it works perfectly its your software that is causing the issue, Look I've a two months left after that I'll get rid of it , problem fixed then

  • Hi @Severance,

    I am sorry to hear this and I appreciate your comprehensive explanation.

    Perhaps the engineers can have a look and further advise. More information might be required to troubleshoot this, therefore I would recommend you to get in touch with the Support representatives by choosing one of the contact methods available here:

    Let us know how it went.

    Stay safe.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alexandru_DB,

    I've left his alone for a few weeks now, I my frustratingly about to blow my top, every day now, the scans are happening constantly now, and I've no way to stop it, I freezes my pc my HD goes up to 100%, I've no scan running on Bitdefender, so that would mean its running its own scan everyday now and I don't have the ability to stop it.

    I work all hours of the day and this is causing me to stop and shut down my work for this program to do whatever the hell its doing, I've had enough it now, I went through your list and its not my pc, again if Bitdefender isn't on my pc its works perfectly fine, as I've writing this its doing some sort of scan for the last 30 mins and I've no way to stop.

    Time to get rid of Bitdefender!!!!!!!!

  • Hello @Severance,

    I'm sorry to hear this. Do you have any other security solution installed on the same PC? If not, I would recommend to uninstall the antivirus and perform a clean reinstall on the machine. Then run a new scan and check if the situation persists afterwards.

    If you are still experiencing slowdowns on the machine, my advice would be to get in touch with the engineers for an in-depth analysis. This way, they may also request logs from your device that would help find the root cause.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alexandru_BD,

    I want to know why the scan is running in the first place, When I first purchased this software I could do a weekly quick on a Sunday and that was fine and I would do a full scan every couple of weeks, but I was in control, whatever update Bitdefender has done I have no control over what scans are done now, I can schedule and quick scan and every day Bitdefender is doing its own scan, I don't need to talk to an engineer, all antivirus hog pc's every single one of them

    I want to turn off this blasted background scan that's it that's all I want, If you can't answer me that then, I'll uninstall the software and get something else where I do have control over my own my PC

  • Hi @Severance,

    I am advising to contact our Support Teams because we have received sporadic reports related to the scanning behavior and the engineers must obtain logs for analysis on a case per case basis, to get to the bottom of this.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alexandru_BD

    This isn't sporadic, these post are all over customer care

    this is just on I found and there is loads of people complaining about it : https://community.bitdefender.com/en/discussion/82368/my-bdservicehost-uses-too-much-of-my-cpu-and-memory-all-the-time-how-can-i-fix-it

    Its running a scan an I don't want it there its that simple, why is that so hard, I'm working now and its stalling my pc, interrupting everything, this can go on for 40 mins at a time, that's nuts, do an update and get rid of it!!!!!!

    I've had Bitdefender for a while and this never happened before you did an updated before Christmas and all this ****** is happening now

    If your antivirus was a physical object id have it kicked down the road.

  • Hi Alexanddru,

    Thank you, This is all I needed to know, Sorry if I came across as a complete ******, but this is so frustrating that everyday that this would happen, I've deadlines and for this to cause this to my pc on days like today, but thank you and hopefully it will be fixed fast

  • Hi @Severance,

    Please don't worry about it. I can tell you that the frustration is mutual, because we have resources engaged in this investigation stretching from the Support Teams and all the way to the product management teams. The best way to move forward would be to follow up with the enginners from the Support Teams, as they are collecting the reports and keep a close tie with the developers, so they can check each and every case and look for similarities and a pattern that would help the deployment of a suitable fix in all scenarios encountered.

    We don't want to patch things and it is necessary to collect as much information as possible, for an effective fix to be implemented.

    Thank you for your understanding. I also hope we get to the bottom of this in good time.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user