Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Explorer.exe infected


I have a problem on windows, when I switch it on just after login in, I have a white screen, and bit defender tells me that a thread has been blocked on my device showing me a chart:

winlogon.exe-> userinit.exe -> explorer.exe -> Alternative outcome (with an a red shield with a cross), and then an alterrnative path thread detected.

I managed to put back the files and icon and everything by manually adding a new explorer.exe task in the task manager. I scaned the system, there was some problem resolved by bitdefender but when I restart my computer the problem remains.

I think bit defender is blocking explorer.exe at the launch of the computer as it thinks (and prehaps is right) that the process is trying to send personal information online.

Any idea how to solve the problem?




  • Hello @PaulR,

    Based on your description of the situation encountered, I would recommend contacting the Technical Support Teams, as more information might be required to troubleshoot this. The engineers may require logs from the machine to further advise. You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact methods available here:

    Stay safe.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user


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