Malware Spam Campaign Found Spreading New META Information Stealer

Alexandru_BD admin
edited April 2022 in News & Blogs

Independent security researcher and ISC handler Brad Duncan noticed a malware spam campaign spreading META malware, a novel info-stealer quickly gaining popularity among cybercriminals.

The META malware strain has been used in attacks to steal cryptocurrency assets and passwords stored in web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Marketers promote it as an improved version of Redline. The META info-stealer is sold on cybercrime marketplaces at $125 for monthly subscribers and $1,000 for unlimited lifetime use.

In this campaign, the threat actors employ a standard modus operandi of sending Excel spreadsheet files laced with malware macros as email attachments to their targets’ inboxes. The email message usually mentions fund transfers to trick users into downloading and opening the attachment on their devices.

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