New Password Manager queries

BitDefender has just "surprised" me with a migrate wallet to new password manager option.

But there is little information on this.

Question 1) I have more than one wallet. Will they still be separated if I migrate them ?

Question 2) Can I migrate them at different times ?

Question 3) I have one wallet which is synchronised across 3 PC's. If I migrate that wallet on the PC I am using right now, what happens on the other 2 PCs ? Will updates made to the wallet on those PC's be synchronised with the Password Manager on this PC ?

Question 4) Is Password Manager a separate chargeable product? Or is it bundled in with my existing BitDefender licence ?

Question 5) If I want to continue using Wallets (a) can I get rid of the prompt to migrate to Password Manager? And (b) is BitDefender going to drop the Wallet functionality in the future leaving only the new Password Manager ?

Please (polite request) only give direct answers to my specific questions above. I don't want (in this thread) to be "answered" with queries/points that are not directly answering my questions.

Many thanks in advance.


  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited June 2022

    Hello @S400 and welcome to the Community!

    I will do my best to answer all questions in detail.

    Answer 1) They won't be separated, they will be merged. In the near future, the development teams are considering giving users the option for the new Password Manager to be used by different members of the family, as separate identities under the same main account.

    Answer 2) Yes.

    Answer 3) Updates on Bitdefender Wallet will not synchronize with the updates for the new Password Manager. Manual export requires for migration of the data from Bitdefender Wallet to Bitdefender Password Manager. Once migrated, Wallet and Password Manager are completely separate, changes made to Wallet will not be reflected in Password Manager and viceversa.

    The new Password manager is synchronized cross-device / cross platform.

    Answer 4) Password Manager can be purchased as a separate stand alone service from the official Bitdefender website here, but it is also included in the Premium Security and Ultimate Security suites. Antivirus Plus, Internet Security, Total Security and Family Pack will still include the Wallet by default.

    Answer 5)

    a) some of the recommendation notifications for the new Password Manager will have a dismissal mechanism, so yes, you can continue to use the Wallet, as it will not be mandatory to upgrade to the new Password Manager.

    b) We don't have a clear decision regarding what will happen with the Wallet in the future. It is still included in the products stated above at Answer 4 and there are no plans to discountinue the wallet functionality at this time.

    I hope the information is helpful. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    For more information on the new Password Manager and also a comparison with the Wallet, you can visit the article below:

    Best regards

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2022

    @Alexandru_BD in looking over this thread last night, I was wondering what the Important meant in the article below, as S400 had multiple wallets to sync, or wanted to sync. Would some of the same entries that may be in multiple Wallets be duplicated in Password Manager, or be "overwritten"? TIA :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • It is possible to make as many exports as you wish in as many files as you want, but the idea behind this paragraph is to underline that multiple imports into the new Password Manager are not technically necessary and one must be careful not to overwrite them, indeed 😅 The concept is that once the import has been achieved, the relationship with the Wallet ends.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Alexandru:)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.