Media autorun enables, Bitdefender wants to fix it but fix isn't permanent. Why?
Every day or so I get an amber vulnerability message that media autorun is enabled and that this is not desirable. So I press fix and it gets disabled. The fix seems to only last until the PC is powered off.
What is the point of offering a fix if it has to be done every time I power up the PC? Windows 10 Toshiba laptop with all Microsoft updates installed.
Is it such a big deal having media autorun on a personal laptop where I only install and uninstall my own USB sticks or insert/run/eject my own CD's/DVD's or those purchased from a reputable music/video retailer?
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
1 -
Hello @iwood,
Are you referring to USB/CD's/DVD's? Because the autoscan setting can be disabled, if you are sure the content is trustworthy.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
0 -
I guess, the OP was refering to this:
He was talking about the media AUTORUN vulnerability, not the media Autoscan for malware.
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That makes much more sense now @Gjoksi. 👍️
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user