Some GravityZone Endpoints do not update automatically / fail to update

Hello all,

We have an issue with some of our endpoints that don't update automatically. The vast majority of the endpoints update regularly, but some have to be pushed manually and even with that, some keep failing to do product and security content updates.

Some of the problematic computers are on Windows 10 and some on Windows 11.

All our endpoints share the same security policies.

This is what our Update Locations looks like:

Below is the error I see when a manual update fails:

Any thoughts on this?



  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @abitmuchuser

    Since this is an issue regarding the Enterprise line of software, I will give @Alex_Dr and @Andra_B who are the Mods of that forum, a shout-out for you, to help with your question.

    Kind regards,


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  • Alex_Dr
    Alex_Dr Quality & Customer Experience Specialist BD Staff

    Hello @abitmuchuser,

    Although these are basic steps, have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the product on the affected endpoints?

    Do you receive any error messages when trying to install the product locally on the endpoint, for instance?

    Can you also please double check you have not exceeded the license usage for your environment (just in case)?

    Awaiting your response,

    Alex D.