Stuck on "Uninstall your current security apps". How can you find out what needs to be uninstalled?
Installer wont let me proceed with installation until the listed app "Trend Micro Maximum Security" is uninstalled. However there is no program with that name on my computer. Is there a way to find out what exactly needs to be uninstalled? Is it possible that it is a glitch? I had found one related program (CleanerPro) and uninstalled it and then restarted my computer, but I am still stuck on this step of the installer.
Best Answer
Download all in one in one antivirus uninstaller from
The software will display all the antimalware currently installed on your pc and provide you with the manufacturer uninstaller for them. The software is updated on constant basis as soon as any manufacturer releases new uninstaller for their antimalware product.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
Follow the steps from this article:
If that dind't help, follow the steps from this article:
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Nice find, nice link :) :)
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