When will Password Managers "Vaults" be here?

A year ago I bought a Total Security Bitdefender Subscription intended to be used with my family. Everything looked great except for the fact that in the Password Manager Tab would be displayed each and every password and account log of all the members of the subscription, without the possibility of having Vaults for each and every user where they would store all their password etc.

I searched for help in the community FAQs and read about this very topic, seeing how many people were having the same discussion in the Bitdefender community. From what I read the devs took the matter to their heart and said there would be a fix to this situation in the 4th quarter of 2022, so I waited.

As of now I'm writing in June 2023, my Bitdefender Subscription is expired and sadly the Password Manager Vaults are nowhere to be found . I'm going to renew the subscription as I have total faith in the Bitdefender Community and I strongly believe this to be the best solution out there, but the questions still stands: When will Password Managers Vaults arrive?


  • Gjoksi


    Check out this comment:

    All we can do now is to wait until October 15, 2023.


  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited June 2023

    Hi @Federico Tonini,

    A new shared plan has already been developed and it's undergoing the final checks before implementation. I expect it to arrive before the Wallet EOL date. It will allow users to share the same Password Manager subscription and comes with a new Bitdefender Central experience, specially designed for shared usage. I can't tell you how many users it will support just yet.

    More to come soon 😉


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user