Meet Bitdefender Scamio, the next-generation AI scam detector

Alexandru_BD admin
edited February 2024 in News and Blogs

The Bitdefender developers have been working on a complimentary scam detector service designed to help users verify fraudulent online schemes delivered by email, embedded links, texts , and instant messaging through collaboration with a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We call it Scamio and it’s first iteration is now available!

What is Scamio?

Scamio is an AI Chatbot that is continuously trained to detect online scams. This new hybrid solution combines AI with Bitdefender’s stellar threat-detection algorithms, machine learning, pattern recognition, and advanced data analysis techniques to identify even the most sophisticated scams. Scamio was developed in response to a rapid increase in the use of AI and large language models (LLM) by cybercriminals that makes detecting scams with just the ****** eye incredibly difficult.

It serves as a personal scam detector that gives a second opinion on potential fraud attempts by analyzing emails, text messages, images, individual links, and even QR codes for malicious content based on Bitdefender’s award-winning technologies and up-to-the-minute global threat intelligence (based on billions of validated threat queries daily).

Scamio is free and requires no downloading or access to a Bitdefender product. It is simple to use, supports any device or operating system (OS), and is accessed through Facebook Messenger after a quick account set-up.

What can you "ask" Scamio:

  • To check the legitimacy of a link 
  • To analyse a potential phishing email / message by sending a screenshot/image of it
  • To process the suspicious message or email text copy-pasted directly in Scamio chat
  • To identify potential scams from a brief description

Users can either copy/paste the content, upload an image, take a photo of an offline scam attempt,  into Scamio and describe (via text) in a conversational manner the scenario of how it was received. Scamio analyzes and then provides a verdict in seconds along with recommendations on further action.

What’s more, Scamio never stops getting better. To understand and interpret user conversations accurately, Scamio is equipped with state-of-the-art NLP capabilities. This enables it to discern the context and subtleties of language that are typical in scam communications.

You can chat with Scamio and find out more at the link below:

As you explore Scamio, we're keen to hear about:

  • Its efficiency in spotting potential scams
  • Any user interface feedback
  • Areas of improvement
  • How excited you are about Scamio as a concept

Finally, you can watch the release video below:

Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user


  • Cool !

  • . . . and is accessed through Facebook Messenger after a quick account set-up.

    For customers like me who avoid social media sites, particularly Facebook, this new offering is of no use. It would be nice to have it work in Outlook, Gmail, etc. when it is next "iterated."

    Just my two cents. Have a great day.



  • Hello @garioch7,

    Scamio is also available at, so it's not mandatory to have social media accounts to access it. 🙂

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • @Alexandru_BD ,

    Interesting. It doesn't appear to be integrated with usual IM and texting apps, excluding Facebook Messenger. It would be useful, but an extra series of steps to get Scamio's decision about scam/phishing messages coming from the non-integrated apps.

    A step in the right direction for sure, but until it integrates more fully into actual IM and texting apps, I don't think that there will be much uptake except for the rather large Facebook crowd.

    Thank you for the info. Have a great day.



  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited December 2023

    Hi @garioch7,

    Scamio is not limited to Facebook Messenger alone. The chat and web link are ways of 'talking' to it, but this doesn't mean that it will only detect facebook scams. It will also be available for whatsapp and telegram compatibility will soon follow.

    Users either copy/paste the content, upload an image, take a photo of an offline scam attempt into Scamio and describe (via text) in a conversational manner the scenario of how it was received. Scamio analyzes and then provides a verdict in seconds along with recommendations on further action. Scamio incorporates both AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and interpret user conversations (even language nuances and subtleties typically used in scams) accurately. The best part is that it can actually learn from the content that it's being uploaded.

    Let's dive more into it and find out the reasons behind its creation.

    Right from the beginning, a distinction must be made between what already exists and what Scamio comes with, because here we are talking about a dynamic chatbot that can be dynamically interacted with. It can be viewed as the first solid incorporation of the modern AI into the Bitdefender ecosystem. This took long months of investment and the concept behind was to take advantage of the new developments in AI, to help users stay safe from the constantly evolving barrage of online scams.

    Scamio can be used for free by anyone on any device or operating system (PC, Mac, Mobile Phone) – you just need a web browser or Facebook Messenger. Scamio is thought of as a tool to help all users (not only those who use BD products), taking into account that scams have generated a phenomenon that affects all social categories and they become more and more complex every day. Bitdefender built Scamio as a free public service to help people combat a dramatic increase in online scams, including those that use AI and LLM technologies, because that's the catch here, it has been noticed that AI tools are increasingly being used to create state-of-the art scam content that becomes very hard to spot.

    Before, it was somewhat easier to spot scams, especially for the trained eye, as there's usually a checklist and common sense tells us to look for the source and grammar mistakes, among other indicators. But nowadays, AI tools help to perfect these tactics and the place where they make the difference most is in the way the content is written, so modern scams can appear more legitimate, although the tactics are, in most cases, the same. So think of it as a way to counter this, by using the same tools, but in a positive way. Scamio helps even the playing field by giving users a powerful scam-checker that uses threat-detection algorithms, machine learning, pattern recognition, and advanced data analysis to identify increasingly sophisticated scams.

    Like our free decryptor program, Scamio is another example of Bitdefender working relentlessly to disrupt cybercrime operations.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • The key takeaway is that you can upload any questionable content into Scamio, regardless of the channel where it was received, so the detection response is not conditioned by a specific platform. It can even analyze plain text and will let you know if someone is trying to con you. With Scamio, you can actually scan a "story".

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • @Alexandru_BD ,

    Thank you for your detailed explanation. It is much appreciated. All of its capabilities were not immediately apparent to me.

    Have a great day.



  • Hi @Alexandru_BD,

    Will there or are there plans for scamio to be also intergrated with the Bitdefender mobile application as well? Like for example if we take QR codes, many people now adays would just open their camera's and scan etc and may or may not open social apps like facebook, whatsapp etc. Just curious to ask 😅.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards,


    The guardians of the digital realm

    Bitdefender Premium Security, Digital Identity Protection user

    Bitdefender Gravityzone user

  • Hi @Flanksy,

    Scamio means a complex hybrid approach to threat analysis, which benefits from AI enhancements, Bitdefender’s advanced data analysis techniques, and security specialists’ expertise. All in all, it's an AI-enabled chatbot capable of identifying even sophisticated scams. The chatbot is separate from the rest of the products and services in the Bitdefender portfolio.

    Conversational by nature, Scamio uses natural language processing and machine learning to accurately communicate with users, interpret their requests and reply to questions. Also, users can see their conversation history and share with others the key takeaways when they learn that a message, email, QR code, or link is potentially malicious.

    Besides scam detection, Scamio’s goal is to raise awareness about the scam phenomenon and help users learn how to avoid any type of scam. It won't be integrated with Mobile Security, because technically, it's not an actual product, but a free tool. Scamio is also multi-platform, available without downloading or installation -> currently: web-based app, plus integration with Facebook Messenger. Compatibility with Whatsapp and Telegram will soon follow. Regarding QR codes, these can be analyzed by simply adding them to the chat. For those who don't use social media or the chat applications mentioned above, there's always the web option available here.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi @Alexandru_BD

    Thank You for the explanation and now I do have a better understanding of Scamio and well understand on the intergration part as well 😁

    Thank You

    Best Regards,


    The guardians of the digital realm

    Bitdefender Premium Security, Digital Identity Protection user

    Bitdefender Gravityzone user

  • And here's some news coverage for Scamio on Sky News - check it out:

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    It would be nice if Scamio was just a link to make it easier to verify a concern, without having to log into (in my case) our Central accounts, something like, like we can with haveibeenpawned. Again, just to make it easier and more convenient, as in this case to check this type of email more quickly.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

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  • @Scott ,

    When I went to this link, I was asked to create a new account. I wasn't going there and possibly messing up my Central account. About five years ago, I was running out of email addresses when BD Tech Support was finally able to get my Central account working again, which malfunctioned for reasons I still don't know or understand.

    I went to my Central account today, but I saw no Scamio option.

    I like your idea. It would be just like using VirusTotal. That would be a huge service to the computing community.

    Have a great day.



  • Does Bitdefender consider making scamio available on iMessage, as it is stated on scamio's website that it is available on webpages and Facebook Messenger?

    iMessage can also achieve the functionality of α robot!iMessage can also achieve the functionality of α robot!

  • As of now, it is only available for Facebook Messenger. Afterward, it will be available for WhatsApp. Currently, there is no plan to introduce it for iMessage. WhatsApp is currently in the awaited stage, as per the Scamio website.

    @Alexandru_BD anything to add here.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

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    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Hi,

    Nothing to add here, I've replied on the ideation thread as well: 🙂


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scamio for WhatsApp is now available:

    There's also a dedicated QR code that redirects desktop users to the app:

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • How can I remove or disable the Scam Detection Chatbot?

    It won't let me exit it or disable.