Full system scan

Mixed review
Mixed review I'm jealous

I've read some who mention their full system scan s take up to 5 hours. I'm jealous. I'm going on 88 hours!

I do a quick scan and a vulnerability scan every day. My computer has slowed considerably since I installed the 2024 version. I had the 2023 version and loved it. Have mixed feelings about buying next year's version.


  • Hello,

    The speed of a System Scan depends on many factors such as system specifications, large volumes of data, the computer resources in use by another software, if it’s the first scan since installing Bitdefender, and most importantly, the number of archives & over-compressed files/backups. With every system scan, Bitdefender will index the files that have already been scanned, and the scan time will greatly decrease.

    To speed up a System Scan, if system resources are not a concern, the following solution may be considered: run the scan in high priority mode. This will instruct Bitdefender to compete for system resources on equal terms to other programs and decrease the time needed for the scan process to finish.

    1. Click the Protection menu on the left side of the Bitdefender interface.
    2. In the Antivirus panel, click Open.
    3. Click the ••• button next to System Scan, then choose Edit.
    4. In the Manage Scans window, use the drop-down menu to change Scan task priority from Low to High.
    5. Click Next, then click Save.
    6. Press Run Scan and wait for the system scan to end.

    After making the above changes, you should notice that the Bitdefender scan is no longer taking an unreasonable amount of time to finalize.

    In the past, Bitdefender had indeed yearly releases and the product was advertised with its annual versions. Since 2021, the annual version of the products in the portfolio was removed, however, this doesn't mean that the product version stays the same. Continuous updates are being frequently released and the users will always benefit from the latest version of Bitdefender, as soon as the updates arrive on their machines.

    I hope the information is helpful.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • @Mixed review ,

    Welcome to the Bitdefender Forum.

    88 hours is NOT normal for a Full System Scan. Since we know nothing about your computer, it would help if we knew the make and model, processor, memory, and drive size, including free space, as well as which OS (Windows or iOS) that you are running.

    I am guessing that the scan is hung. I have a Windows 11 computer, an Intel i7 processor, 32 GB of RAM, and a 1 TB SSD. Bitdefender does a full system scan of the 180 GB of programs and data in about 30 minutes.

    You could try a Repair Install to see if your Bitdefender (which product?) has become corrupted.

    Please provide more information so that we can help you to determine the cause of the issue and resolve it.

    Have a great day.



  • Rock.87
    Rock.87 Defender of the month ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024

    Disable all software from the auto startup except windows necessary services and bitdefender , clear your system cashes , configure it for best performance by going to the start up and choosing '' appearance and performance " , also look for the corrupted driver or troubling software , & may ve at least good internet connection to avail Bitdefender's proper benefits. if this does not help just perform a clean installation of the windows , do not install any other software , ( click on START & look for command prompt , right click on it and run it as admin, write this command ( case sensitive ) '' sfc /scannow '' in there without commas for win 10 pro right after the installation to get an idea about the windows corrupted files , as since a year the installation files are becoming corrupt right after the new installation ). lets see if it work.
    the most important thing is your pc should be compatible with bitdefender.

  • @Rock.87 this thread is a bit old, but I get it that the information here may help others in the future.
    Going forward, let's just avoid resurrecting threads that have been inactive for months, please. 🙂

    Thank you

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

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