Bitdefender has lorem ipsum text?

Restarted as it suggests but now the app shows lorem ipsum and nothing is functional..
I've tried uninstalling and then reinstalling from scratch, nothing. Are there any settings stored I can remove, or anything else I can do to get it working again?
This also seems to disable all the behaviour of Bitdefender, so I can't actually use it...
I think you have the same issue as the users from this post (just click on "View Post"):
@camarie @Alexandru_BD Any help here?
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We tried to reproduce the issue, but without success. I think is better to open a support ticket so that the product logs and status should be available for analysis.
I suspect either a installation that did not found the actual strings to populate the interface (so it remained uninitialized as in the design phase), or there is a component that is not responding in time (or stopped) that interrupted the correct initialization. But I am just speculating at this time without seeing what went wrong.
If you submit the support ticket, can you get back with feedback, so that I can check quickly (or at least forward to the appropriate people) its status, please?
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Hello again.
As @camarie already said, you should contact Bitdefender Consumer Support by chat, telephone or e-mail:
Select: How to's & Troubleshooting Bitdefender products -> Troubleshooting -> select your Bitdefender product, for example Bitdefender Total Security, click on Contact Support in the black box and then click on Chat 24/7.
NOTE: Bitdefender telephone support is not toll-free!
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To add here, @JPed do you have the English pack installed on that device? One user mentioned that after the update from windows 10 to 11 the English language was not available anymore. After they downloaded this language pack for Windows, Bitdefender was working properly again. If the issue persists, the best way to move forward would be to get in touch with the Support teams for further investigation.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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My specs:
OS Windows 10 Pro 22H2 x64 With Latest Windows Updates Installed
OS Build 19045.4170
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19054.1000.0
BD Total Security
Windows display language - English (United States):
Windows display language - Macedonian (in Cyrillic alphabet - Македонски):
In both cases i don't have any issue with the Bitdefender's GUI, even after changing the Windows display language from English (United States) to Македонски and/or from Македонски to English (United States).
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Hey all, I posted that I had this problem on the other Post that Gjoksi pinned. So it turned out that my computer had somehow contracted malware from an Nvidia Driver update and it rendered bitdefender useless. I had all the placeholder text. There also were no languages to choose from in the settings menu. Literally everything I downloaded to try and help me fix my pc would not load (almost like my app wizard wouldn't work). In the end I had to do a hard reboot of windows with a USB Dongle preloaded with a fresh copy. Now bitdefender is back to normal and the pc runs smooth as silk again. Don't know if it's everyone's issue. But it fixed it for me.
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No problems with my specified language/text, nothing changed there, English (UK) as it has always been:
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Well I installed English (US) as a trial to see if that'd fix it.
And surprise surprise it did. Why it doesn't accept English (UK) I can't fathom.. but a "fix" is a fix, thanks to those on the forum for raising the solution! Whether its a weird Windows bug (wouldn't be surprised either) or something else..
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That explains it. Most likely the interface, which has a numberof support languages (such as en-US, fr-FR, de-DE etc.) tries to locate the txtui files (files containing the strings to be displayed) attempts to locate en-GB, and since there is no such directory in the product, it fails and the strings remains as they are.
I will forward this to the application guys, because I think even if a specific type of language is not present, if they are in the same family, we should at least load the closest one (with all the small differences - I can accept an UK user to protest loudly seeing date as month/day/year instead of day/month/year, but seeing an uninitialized interface is not an alternative). Thank you for the piece of information!
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Following up: it's not that simple. The case of a missing language pack was tested and it should load en-US when everything else is failing. As soon as more details are available will post updates.
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Starting today my Bit Defender no longer works it just shows lorem ipsum and ive had to uninstall it as a weird popup with no text on it keeps showing up I havent installed anything new so im unsure if its some new virus or not targeting BD. Hopefully its jsut a server side error and i can reinstall it I just am unsure as to what may have triggered this glitch today. The firewall itself is unavailable as well just says restart device
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As mentioned the workaround is to go to "Language Settings" in Windows (Use the search on the task bar) and install the "English (United States)" language pack. Doesn't have to be default, (I still have UK as default), but it helps make the real text appear.
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The suggested workaround changing the language worked for me, using solely the information above. No virus issues. Thanks