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Bitdefender vpn unifiedSDK.service.exe error in windows reliability monitor

Petersl Defender of the month
in VPN

Hi everyone,

There is an issue when the bitdefender vpn is installed it gives an unifiedSDK.service.exe error in the windows reliability monitor, this error occurs every time after boot.

The vpn does connect but when closing the vpn app and then restarting it I also sometimes get a "the service does not work at this time. Restart your computer" error. After restart the vpn works again.

It started after I reinstalled bitdefender last year and with this install the "Tap adapter" was replaced with the "Wintun Tunnel".

I have a ticket with support about this issue since December 2023, they did fix it once in an update but then with the next update the issue returned. Bitdefender support is aware of this issue and are working on a fix.

I have unistalled the bitdefender vpn until there is a permanent fix.



  • Alexandru_BD

    Hello @Petersl,

    Do you already have a ticket raised for the Support teams on this topic? If yes, they will get back to you as soon as possible and assist further.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month

    Yes @Alexandru_BD I have a ticket with support.


  • Alexandru_BD

    Alright @Petersl, thanks for letting us know.

    Please do update us on the status and your findings, as we would very much like to find out what's causing this error and hopefully help others this way.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Petersl
    Petersl Defender of the month

    Hi @Alexandru_BD

    Bitdefender support has let me know on the ticket that they are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. The fix will update automatically with bitdefender total security.

    I'll let you know on this post when they have fixed it.


  • Tester4321
    edited May 20

    Many users have this problem and it has been reported here for several months - but without success. We have three computers running BD with VPN, and the error occurred on all of them. After the last VPN update it was only on 2, but unfortunately it wasn't fixed for everyone.
