Only Windows Classic theme available


I'm using WIndows 7. After I upgraded to Bitdefender 2017, my windows automatically changed to classic theme. And I cannot change to other theme since they are all disabled in my control panel. Sometimes after I restart my PC, it will return to Aero theme. sometimes it does not. Totally hating this! I WANT MY AERO THEME!!!



  • GregJS

    The same thing has happened to me.

    In addition to that my firewall has been disabled and I can't get that up and running either.

    I'm running Bitdefender Total Security.

  • Sorin G.



    Please contact our support team via and provide them with the logs from the Bitdefender Support Tool.


  • LaurentR



    I have the same issue. Any news on this topic ?


  • Spunky Monkey

    We are having the same issues. Is there a fix for this, yet?

  • Sorin G.



    Well Greg's issue with the firewall was resolved by our support team , there was no mention about the Aero theme.

    I would advise you all to update your video card drivers to the latest available version. Also update your Windows and see if the issue persists afterwards.

  • After installing BitDefender and re-starting my desktop appearance has changed.  The colors on my taskbar are now gray rather than black; my "show desktop" icon is almost invisible, and the items on my "start" menu have been re-arraigned.  No changes in function but what else has been changed that I haven't seen?

  • LukAda

    On 23.03.2017 at 6:53 PM, ika298 said:

    I'm using WIndows 7. After I upgraded to Bitdefender 2017, my windows automatically changed to classic theme. And I cannot change to other theme since they are all disabled in my control panel. Sometimes after I restart my PC, it will return to Aero theme. sometimes it does not. Totally hating this! I WANT MY AERO THEME!!!

    I have exactly the same problem with AERO. Please solve this problem.

  • Sorin G.



    I was finally able to reproduce this issue, after numerous tries.

    Our devs have been informed and they are working on a fix.

    Thank you for all for your time.