General Topics

General Topics

Come say hello and tell us about yourself!



  • Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Guilhermesene , and welcome. We defiantly would appreciate any help and insights you could offer here on this community 😊

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Hello @Guilhermesene and a warm welcome to the Bitdefender Community!

    We are happy to have you onboard and I hope you will enjoy our forum. Here's something to get you started:

    I'm at your disposal for any questions you may have.

    See you on the threads 😉


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    My name is Dimitris, I am from Greece, I have been using Bitdefender Total Security since 2017.

  • Hi @DimitrisG and welcome to the Community!

    Thank you for being with us for so long, your loyalty is highly appreciated!

    How's the weather in Greece now? 😊 What a beautiful country you have there..

    Enjoy our forum and let us know if you need anything.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hello Everyone. A quick introduction about me.

    My name is Alfredo; I live in Mexico City. This is my first time using Bitdefender (coming off ESET). I trust I will find suitable protection here as I faced some very negative issues with my former provider. I am a retired engineer and I still work as an independent consultant. I like sports in general and a lot of reading. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from you.

  • Defender of the month mod


    Hello, Alfredo, and welcome to the Community.

    I hope you will enjoy the forum.

    Kind regards.

  • Welcome! Also, in this transition, we would very much encourage you to provide honest feedback (good or bad) upon using our products.


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Hello Everyone!

    I’m Sanjay Pasari from Delhi India, the User Community Manager here at Bitdefender. Before this I used to work at a video games studio, doing community work there. I met a lot of interesting people and got me to understand more about what it's like to be on the other side of the fence. It was a very interesting insight especially since I've been a gamer for more than 5 years now.

  • Hello @sanjaypasari and welcome to the Bitdefender Community! We're happy to have you here.

    Since you recently joined us, here's something to get you started:

    Are you also a Community Manager?

    What are your favourite games and do you play on console or PC?

    Greetings from Romania!

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hello everyone! Myself Jozef Clifford Behr from London. I Recently join this community. Hope U All Guys Support Me And Provide Some New Knoledge.

    Thank You!

  • Nunzio ·

    Bitdefender Plus, Windows 10 Pro-32 Bit, CPU Intel Core2 Duo T7500, RAM 4 Gb - Bitdefender Mobile Security

  • Hello @Jozefbehr and welcome to the Community!

    We'll do our best to answer your questions and help you out. Here's something to get you started on the forum:

    Make yourself at home and have a good time! 😉


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Edward here; User for years, glad to see BitDefender prospering.

    Joined here/now during extended troubleshooting/updating of my collection of computers and Phones.

    It is good to see solutions to known problems documented; Saved me considerable time.

    My Bit Central interface is almost done; Configuring it may have given me hints about my other problems,

    specifically setting up port forwarding and IP address to satisfy Warframe MMORPG requirements.


  • Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome, Edward @Emeritus glad to have you here. Be sure to post any questions you may have; as it could also help someone else on the forum :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • edited February 2023

    Thank you, Scott.

    My Bit central view of my Bitdefender Box is now current and corrected;

    changed the names of the two conflicting computers, now see both, and

    may have helped by removing some old ipconfig data from one PC using

    DeviceCleanup. V1.2.1 - Removes non-present devices from the Windows

    device management.

  • I'm generally new to Bitfender however I can't get to certain sites that I typically use which is a disturbance. I'm utilizing my ipad to get on certain locales. I'm not especially educated so I'm disheartened with my buy right now.

  • Hello @honey2 and welcome to the Community!

    Are you using a VPN connection when navigating on those sites, or do you receive any pop up message from Bitdefender whenever access is blocked? This would help us understand what exactly is blocking the connection and why.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Defender of the month mod

    This is a post/comment by @Encrypted_God, that was posted in a wrong section:

    "I've been a K user for many years. Due to the crap that's going on, I need to change my AV software. I have more time on that sub but I just can't continue. Anyways....hello to all😊"

  • Let's give a warm welcome then to @Encrypted_God, we're happy to have you around and thank you for joining our community! Here's a thread to get you started and if you need anything, don't hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy your stay! 😉

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • edited February 2023

    Hello Bitdefender staff and community.

    I am Boris and I am an IT Admin. Apart from that I participate in various malware hunting and analysis activities.

    My relationship with Bitdefender started when I was 13 (2008) when I somehow fall on to the Bitdefender website, looking for a way to clean an extremely infected PC (on which Kaspersky IS 6 with annoying HIPS was installed and I was always terminating it from the tray). I’ve always liked the Bitdefender way of doing things and BD’s threat research.

    In my spare time I like travelling, socialising, staying fit and sending emails to BD (as well as to various other vendors) persuading them to block shopify-based scam websites and other threats.

  • Hi @BradD and welcome in our Community!

    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Hi @BradD and thank you for joining us here!

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Ditto! Those damn VPN pop-ups are almost enough to make me want to drop Bitdefender. I can't go 30 minutes without a pop-up trying to sell me a VPN. There should be a way to silence these pop-ups.

  • Defender of the month mod



    Open your Bitdefender program and go to:

    1. Settings -> General and disable "Special offers" and "Recommendation notifications" (for the "Password Manager" notification)

    2. Protection -> Antivirus -> Settings -> Scan flash drives and select "Autoscan" or "Disabled", do not select "Ask every time" (for the "USB Immunizer Recommendation" notification)

    3. Protection -> Antivirus -> Settings -> Scan CD & DVD and select "Autoscan" or "Disabled", do not select "Ask every time" (for the "CD/DVD Recommendation" notification)

    4. Privacy -> Safepay -> Settings and disable "Safepay notifications"

    5. Privacy -> Video & Audio Protection -> Settings and disable "Notify when allowed applications connect to the webcam", "Notify when an application tries to access the microphone" and "Notify when browsers access the microphone"

    6. Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and disable "Activate profiles automatically" (for the Profile notification)

    After doing that, in the future no pop-up notifications will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen.

    REMEMBER: When a threat is detected, a pop-up notification will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen and you can't disable those pop-up notifications.

    Next, as an option to fully disable the Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups, open your Bitdefender program, go to Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and enable/activate "Work Profile" or "Game Profile".

    When "Work Profile" or "Game Profile" is enabled/activated, all Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups are disabled.

    Finally, as for the Bitdefender VPN pop-ups, you can simply uninstall Bitdefender VPN from your device by following the steps provided here (just select "Bitdefender VPN"):


    open the Bitdefender VPN program, go to Settings -> Notifications and disable "Allow notifications".

    It is recommended that you also review the privacy preferences set in your Bitdefender Central account:

    1. On any internet-connected device launch a web browser, visit and sign in to your Bitdefender Central account.

    2. Click on your username in the top right corner and select "Bitdefender Account" in the menu. This option will launch in a new browser tab.

    3. Access the "Data & Privacy" tab, then click on the "Privacy preferences" section.

    4. Uncheck both boxes to stop promotional messages:

    - Receive in product insights regarding threats, news, and offers.

    - Receive insights regarding threats, news, and offers via email.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭


    Je vis en France.

    J'’ai commencé à utiliser un PC en 1990 afin de pouvoir poursuivre mes études. Avant 1990, je n’avais jamais utilisé d’ordinateur personnel.

    Étant atteinte depuis ma naissance d’une paralysie cérébrale, j’ai toujours eu besoin d’une « aide technique » pour pouvoir écrire. Jusqu’en 1990 et avant la démocratisation de l’usage des PCs, j’utilisais une machine à écrire (je connais le clavier AZERTY depuis l’âge de 5 ans). 😉

    Et puis en 1990, j’ai utilisé pour la première fois de ma vie un ordinateur personnel de mon lycée dans le cadre de mes études. A l’époque et pour ceux et celles qui s’en souviennent, il n’y avait pas de système d’exploitation (Windows) tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui. Je me souviens devoir utiliser des commandes DOS pour interagir avec la machine et sauvegarder mon travail sur une grande disquette souple 5 pouces 1/4. 😁 Sans oublier tous les raccourcis clavier que j’avais appris par cœur, puisque je ne pouvais pas encore utiliser la souris du fait de mon handicap physique. En effet, à ce moment-là, il n’était pas encore possible de régler la vitesse de déplacement du curseur ni même la vitesse du « double-clic ». A ma grande surprise, j’ai vite pris goût à « l’informatique » moi qui suis à la base, plutôt quelqu’un de « littéraire ». Je pensais à tort, que l’informatique s’adressait plutôt aux « matheux » et aux scientifiques. Bref, le sujet m’a très vite passionnée à tel point que l’on ne me qualifie de personne « geek ». Avec du recul, je peux dire aujourd’hui que l’outil informatique a changé ma vie en me permettant d’accéder à de longues études (informatique et juridique) et d’aller là où on ne m’attendait pas forcément compte-tenu de ma situation personnelle.

    A la fin de mes études, j’ai décidé de mettre modestement et bénévolement mes connaissances ainsi que mes compétences à disposition d’une association de personnes en situation de handicap. Ma mission comportait deux volets. Le premier était consacré à la gestion de leurs machines (maintenance, sécurité) et le second, avait pour objectif d’initier les personnes en situation de handicap à « l’informatique » en général.

    Cela fait maintenant sept ans que Bitdefender protège très bien mes appareils. Je suis très contente de pouvoir enfin bénéficier d’une solution « tout en un ». Je n’ai pas grand-chose à reprocher à Bitdefender même si parfois, il peut « capricieux ». Toutefois, je regrette de ne pas pouvoir accorder autant de temps que je le souhaiterais à cette communauté.


    Windows 11 Famille 24H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • Good day, Bitdefender community.My name is Lily, and I'm a digital artist. My connection with Bitdefender began lately, when I stumbled across the Bitdefender website while seeking for a solution to clean my PC.

    In my spare time, I enjoy playing, socializing, and relaxing with friends over a cup of tea.

  • @TaxiMagicien42 & @capuchinapr thank you for sharing a few words about yourself and for joining this community. We are happy to have you here.

    Best regards and Happy holidays! 🎄

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023



    Meilleurs voeux pour 2024 à la communauté Bitdefender.


    Windows 11 Famille 24H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual


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