Bitdefender Password Manager Improvements And Suggestions

Maybe this should be a pinned post started by a moderator instead (I kind of expected to find that but there isn't one). But features that I really miss since switching from Lastpass (and some features that Lastpass also lacks):

  • Full screen view of your accounts list. I have about 1400 passwords and I need to do some serious cleaning up (especially after the Lastpass breach), but it's pretty much impossible to do that from the pop up menu from the plugin.
  • Easy search for duplicates. Just an option to let password manager show you all duplicates and tell you which is the most recent password so you can just delete all the older entries (as opposed to having to think for which sites you may have duplicates and searching for all of those manually).
  • Stop changing the order when using a login. Say I manually search for duplicates for for instance facebook. I find 3 accounts in password manager. I try the bottom one. It fails. But now the bottom one is the top one because it is the last used. And I mistakenly delete the bottom one and lose access to facebook. Very very annoying.
  • Stop creating duplicates. For some reason password manager creates new duplicate entries when I log in to websites. I just keep getting more and more duplicates. It should offer to change my password if there's already an entry (it would still be mistakenly thinking it's a new password, but at least it wouldn't create a duplicate). Instead it creates a new duplicate entry. This seems to mostly happen when it isn't fully logged in (when you have to enter your pincode for full access).
  • Recognize apps. Whenever I want to use password manager on my mobile, for almost all apps I have to manually enter my username, then go to password manager, search for the account, copy the password, go back to the app and paste the password. This is really user unfriendly.
  • Allow entries without a URL to be edited. I have several entries where it doesn't have url and username because it didn't save it right from the original import. I then want to enter the username and save. But it won't save without a proper url. But when it's an app password, there is no URL. This is just kind of ridiculous. I then have to make up a url just to be able to save my username for an app password entry.
  • Family plans. I know you're working on it but I'm still listing this because I really need to be able to help keep my elderly parents' passwords safe and be able to recover them if necessary. I can only do that with a family plan.

I'm happy that Bitdefender is keeping my passwords safer than Lastpass was, but there's still a lot of room for improvement as far as features and user friendliness is concerned.

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @J.C.

    As far as your first suggestion, I agree, and created a thread in that regard:

    As far as the other ones, I'm not sure. There has been talk of other improvements coming to Password Manager in the 2nd quarter of this year. We'll just have to wait to see what those include. Mutli user ability is one of them.

    Kind regards,


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Hello @J.C.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us, your comprehensive and valuable feedback is highly appreciated!

    I have noted your recommendations and forwarded your complete feedback to our Password Manager product & development teams. As @Scott mentioned, the multi-user feature is work in progress and we are expecting it soon.

    More developments are in the pipeline for this service and I'm sure the product teams will make good use of your above observations in their quest to make Password Manager a complete service that meets our user's needs as accurately as possible.

    Your contributions and ideas are always welcome and please feel free to share with us any other suggestions that come to mind in the future. I have also converted your post into an ideation thread, so members can vote. For more information and guidelines for the ideation section, you can check the thread below:


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • tresgeo
    edited March 2023

    Would like the password manager to use biometrics and/or two factor authentication so I don't have to use a master password as my only security. Worried about if the master password gets compromised. Worried about a malware that keystroke captures my password entries. Can't do this with TFA or biometrics

  • Hi,

    Get ready for a long Waah story. In settings on Bitdefender, my "Password Protection" is grayed out. I can't see if it's actually working. "Manage Password", where it's supposed to allow you to change the password, which restricts unauthorized access to Bitdefender, it's grayed out as well. Not long ago I suddenly lost Administrator status, though I'm the only one who uses this computer (home computer, one owner - me). I can't access most files or hardly all, because most programs require Administrator permission, but gives me no options to do that. In some instances it says "proceed without Admin.?" I say "yes" but it still won't give me access.. I've tried many different ways to reinstate my permissions. I tried in Program Files - Bitdefender, but just as so many files on my computer, it's either empty or requests Admin. permission. Can't do it, can't get done!

    Reading up on that problem I've got a good idea that it's Bitdefender and an impersonator who are the culprits, but as per above, I can't access that info either.

    I might have an impersonator again. A few years ago I had one, who actually cancelled my Bitdefender subscription. I didn't notice that for months. I ended up having to buy a new subscription, paid full price even though I explained, to Bitdefender, what had happened and that I still had over a year valid subscription with them. They confirmed that, but still took complete payment without extending coverage for the remainder of the subscription which had been cancelled.

    In the interim the person had plenty of time to create all sorts of damage, incl. nasty email to friends and family, all contacts on Facebook, wrecking windows, etc. Geek Squad had to wipe my computer clean, but I was still being plagued, followed, and impersonated. I even bought a new computer. Thought I was safe but it doesn't look like I am. I have to get into my settings to, hopefully, check things out. Can someone please help me! I can't find a way to contact Bitdefender unless I use chat and I don't want to do that, for obvious reasons. Can anyone please help me!!!!!!

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited April 2023

    Hello @klgordonshawca12-

    I'll jump in here. From what I can tell, the situation you are encountering is not related to the Password Manager and it's a bit off topic, as the subject of this ideation thread revolves around Bitdefender Password Manager and not Bitdefender Password protection settings.

    Nevertheless, I'll try to help you out here. The issue you are facing has to do with the admin rights. In the event password protection was enabled for the Bitdefender settings, only the person with administrative rights to the computer can change or disable them. I would recommend you to contact the Support Teams for further assistance, as specified in the article below:

    It might be necessary to reinstall the Bitdefender product on your device, but the Support engineers will advise you on the next steps to take. You can reach them by choosing one of the contact channels available at the link below:


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alexandro_BD

    Thanks for your reply. I'll follow the link you gave me. Hopefully they can help me out.


  • Forgive me if this has been mentioned already but I would like to suggest a password manager app for windows desktop environment. Opening browsers for passwords is a pain to be blunt, would rather one stop shop login in the desktop environment and already be logged in with browsers.

  • To share your feedback, kindly contact the bitdefender support by visiting and scroll down to the bottom of the webpage where you can get in touch with support representative either by email, chat or over a call.

    Alternatively, you can also share your feedback with bitdefender support team by dropping them an email at

    The support team will reply back to your query within next 24-48 hours excluding weekends.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I also would have to agree that an easier way to manage any passwords in large quantities at a time such as duplicates needs to be a function that gets added soon because the app is not able to recognize when a *.csv has added duplicates even if the only change in them is as minimal as a capitalized email address in the username field.... this has become a massive problem for me as I attempt to migrate and convert over to using one password manager instead of 3