[Tips for security] Do you use Windows as an administrator or standard user?

In the context of cybersecurity, it is highly recommended to use the computer as the standard user for day-to-day activities, using the administrative user only when necessary, as mentioned in Microsoft's own documentation.
"As a security best practice, use your local (non-Administrator) account to sign in and then use Run as administrator to accomplish tasks that require a higher level of rights than a standard user account. Don't use the Administrator account to sign in to your computer unless it's entirely necessary."
The links below go deeper into knowledge about how and why to use a standard Windows user account.
The question is: do you use your Windows with an administrative account or a standard user account?
Let us know and if possible explain why 😉
Well, I use the standard user account to increase security more. Most programs work normally without needing administrative privileges, including Bitdefender 😄
In addition to the security benefit, another benefit I get is that it keeps my system intact against configuration changes, e.g.
This way, my system remains very stable, with the administrative account being used very rarely when there is a need to update some software.
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Well, I also use a Standard User Account, and here are the reasons:
- Reduced risk of malware infections.
- Fewer conflicts and crashes.
- Easier troubleshooting.
- Performance boost.
- Reduced risk of data breaches.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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That's great Flexx 🙂 To find someone here in the community who uses Windows in this way is very nice 😁👏🏻
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@Gjoksi @garioch7 @Scott @Alexandru_BD Let us know what you think and how you use your device 😙😄
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This is a good topic. Thanks for sharing these insightful articles.
I use a standard user account. 😁
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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It's nice to know that you also use the default account 😄 I don't know if there is any documentation from Bitdefender on this subject (I didn't find it in the support area), maybe I didn't look correctly 🤔. If you know of any topics on this, it would be nice to share them with us 😁
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I use it (all of my Windows devices) in Admin mode, always have, and always will. I have Windows for the enjoyment of the OS, and I want to use it in its full fingertip functionality. For a less experienced, novice user who may use my device(s), then a separate user/guest account would be advisable. I guess if I was that truly concerned, I would use a Linux distro or VMware workstation.
But, to each their own 😊
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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Well, I understand and respect your opinion :) from a security point of view it's not ideal but as it's your device, so I can't give much of an opinion. We know that no AV is 100% capable of detecting malware, especially for new and unknown malware. So, do you fully trust BD to protect your system? Have you ever thought about the possibility that one day it might fail to detect something (since no AV is 100%)? What would your personal data look like?
Unfortunately, there are things that I cannot comment on here, as they would involve other (competing) security products.
See @Scott, as I said earlier, I respect your opinion and do not wish to confront you, we are just exchanging ideas as friends 😄
I asked these questions above, just for you to reflect, if one day you want, okay? Don't get me wrong, diversity of opinions only contributes to expanding our knowledge ☺️
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I actually found these two, should they be relevant to the discussion:
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Excellent! Thank you very much @Alexandru_BD, you will certainly add and centralize knowledge on the topic 😉😀
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No problem, no "confrontation" here :) But this (below) is what I'm more worried about, online information, our web browsing and not so much for me regarding "personal" PC malware. Two of these hacks, the ransomware attacks directly affected me, and not, compared to if I was using Windows as an Admin or a Guest :) To me, it's more about what we're doing online, submitting forms, disclosing information etc. That is one of the reasons why I've stated in the past I will never put a Banking app, or even the BD Central app on my phone, which I only use for phone calls, texting, and occasional photos.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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I actually agree with you! What we do with our data and where it is stored is a very important thing to be concerned about. Just like you, I am also concerned about this and I also try to use software with a focus on privacy and whenever possible offline (unfortunately nowadays there are many online services, we win due to practicality, but we lose on the security and privacy side since we don't know how our information is stored).
This is why I also love BD because if you look at most AV product testing labs, BD always stands out in offline detection rate, which is great as it keeps the detection rate high even when there is no internet connection.
I'm glad you didn't take my previous post the wrong way 😊 my goal is not to force anyone to do anything, just to exchange knowledge between members of the community.
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Absolutely, my friend :) And it was a good topic started, along with your 1st post links :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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Thank you for the compliment :) I am always available to help the community, whenever necessary 😊
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I have always used an Admin account for the reasons that @Scott has already explained. I have been using computers since 1988, and I have never had a malware infection. I credit that to robust security software and practicing "safe hex." 😉 In addition, I have a robust backup strategy in case I make a mistake, which, in my view, is even MORE important than having good security software.
I see no compelling reason to adopt a "Standard" user profile and then have to switch to install or remove programs or any of the other functions that are not available to the Standard profile. Perhaps some of my reticence comes from my years of working for an employee who only enabled the "Standard" profile for all employees for obvious reasons, but which was frustrating to have to call the Help Desk to accomplish simple tasks denied to the Standard profile.
Just my two cents. My opinion was requested, so I have provided it. I don't wish to debate my decision or the reasons for it. I hope that you will understand.
Have a great day.
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I asked for your opinion in a friendly way, not to debate or try to convince you otherwise, because it makes no difference to me... It was just to exchange knowledge here in a friendly way without arrogant or haughty behavior.
As I said, I'm not here to force anyone into anything, I just think that diversity of opinion is interesting and allows us to learn more from each other.
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Comme @Scott, j'utilise un compte administrateur.
Etant la seule personne à utiliser mon Pc j'ai une "pratique assez rigoureuse" (pas de navigation internet hasardeuse sur le web, communication de données personnelles uniquement sur des sites gouvernementaux et seulement si cela est obligatoire).
De plus j'effectue des sauvegardes hebdomadaires basées sur le principe de sauvegarde 3 2 1.
Windows 11 Famille 24H2
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual
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Hi @TaxiMagicien42 and as well as @garioch7 it was a good reminder for me, as far as your both mentioning the back-up aspect...which I don't do enough of. But I have all my Windows PC's cloned, I just need to be more faithful with my incremental backups. Thanks for both of your reminders :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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How does it look for you @Scott, Macrium Reflect and AOMEI Backupper are excellent backup software.
I've tested both but because I have a paid license for Macrium Reflect Home I use it and I've never had any problems 🙂
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Good call. Macrium Reflect has an excellent reputation, especially on Malwaretips. I tried it, but it didn't make as much sense to me as what I paid for and use, EaseUs Todo. I cloned all the drives, took out the original drives, and seated the cloned SSD drives. Every one of them, 5 PC's, worked without a glitch :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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En ce qui me concerne, je cherche à remplacer "l'outil de sauvegarde" intégré dans Windows 11 par un logiciel tiers dédié.
Auparavant, j'ai longtemps utilisé le logiciel Acronis. Je l'ai abandonné lorsque l'éditeur a ajouté une solution de sécurité.
Windows 11 Famille 24H2
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual
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I used to use Acronis too, but you're right, it started to become bloatware after a while.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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Exactly @Scott, I got to know Macrium Reflect through the Malwaretips community. Thanks for the info on Easeus, it's always good to know about another great product in case I ever need it 🙂
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I echo your words @Scott, Acronis used to be an excellent product, unfortunately today it is pure bloat.
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@Guilhermesene good thread 😉😊😊
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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@Scott I'm glad you found my topic useful as that was the intention 😄 to promote conversation between members and the exchange of knowledge, after all, all subjects are interconnected and connected to cybersecurity and Bitdefender is included in this as it is part of the package 😄
I don't know if there is such a possibility, but if there is, it would be very nice if they fixed this topic here in the community so that new members can participate and we can get a general idea of how people use their device 😉
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Unlike @Alexandru_BD, i use Windows as an Administrator.
Speaking of backup, i only backup my data, not the Windows itself.
First, i encrypt my sensitive and important files with Glary Utilities and next i do a backup on all data on Google Drive.
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@Gjoksi Just a tip: instead of using Glary Utilities, you can use VeraCrypt, a free and excellent encryption program.
I use it to encrypt my KeePass password vault 🙂 I create a container file (vault) and inside the file I put the KeePass password vault, which in itself is already encrypted, so if someone manages to get the VeraCrypt container file they won't be able to decrypt it and even if they do, they'll still have to decrypt the KeePass vault 🙂
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"strong security for the Paranoid". Now that's what I call bold value proposition.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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@Guilhermesene or as this member reminds us of...lol :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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I was even going to ask you @Scott which user you were in the community.
It's funny because in another community I had the impression that you were a "Microsoft Lover", but the community here is literally changing my perception, it even seems like another person haha 😆
It's nice to know that this young guy with his hair down is you 😁
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Paranoid for those who are sometimes paranoid about security, like me @Alexandru_BD 😅
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lol...oldschool is a lot sharper than I am, and I wish I could say that I'm Andy Ful :) :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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I confess I got a little confused: are you Andy Ful or oldschool 🤔? Either way, a great person 😉
I would never have imagined that you would be a moderator here in the Bitdefender community, that's very cool 😄
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lol, my friend, you may be misinterpreting my post, as I'm neither. I'll introduce myself over there to you sometime, and I think Glary Utilities is a good company to consider for their software updater :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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haha the confusion can sometimes be due to the translation from English to Portuguese, but no matter, I'm sure you're a great person 😙
If you're Andy Ful → Microsoft Lover
If you're oldschool → Brave Browser lover
Thanks for the answer about Glary Utilities here haha 😆
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Hey, buddy.
VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. Brought to you by IDRIX (https://www.idrix.fr) and based on TrueCrypt 7.1a.
I already tried TrueCrypt a long time ago and didn't like the program.
So, i'll continue using Glary Utilities.
Anyway, thanks for the recommendation.
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@Gjoksi No problem my friend 🙂 It was just a recommendation.
Feel free to use whatever works best for you in your specific scenario.
The important thing is: stay safe 🛡️
I wish you all the best 😉 you've always been very helpful and welcoming to me here in the community.