How to stop the notifications about the online threats?
I am getting fed up with the constant notifications about BitDefender blocking online threats. Great job. Now can you just do it without telling me about them all the time?? Machines get probed and scanned all the time. Just block them silently. Even when I am on a webpage and just reading, I get these notifications. Just…
docs.google.com Suspicious Connection Blocked
My notifications are filled repeatedly with this critical notification: chrome.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an untrusted certificate to docs.google.com. We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since untrusted certificates are issued by unrecognized Certificate Authorities. I don't really use…
Wife's PC BDTS Firewall Notification Prompt Bug. Any Help?
Hi, My wife's PC is experiencing a bug with the firewall notifications. We use the firewall in active mode so it can notify us every time a program is trying to access the internet. On my PC everything works fine. On her PC, very often when she gets a notification from the firewall asking to ALLOW or BLOCK a connection…
Restart Required + Notifications Distrupting Work
Hi Bit Defender, I encorage you to take this feedback before you find one on google or other platform. New to Bit Defender here purchesed in 2020 changed from Kaspersky in 2020. I keep getting this notification to restart my computer/s even after shutting down at the end of each day / use. By the sounds of it, this has…
Recurring notifications popping up
OK. I can see a number of posts of this topic before, but about specific notifications. Myself, I have a suspicious connection blocked message that appears up to 20 times a minute (it's something to do with my clients Teams site). I am very happy the connection is blocked, but I am not happy I cannot turn this specific…
Getting many notifications about a single application trying to send TCP packets to same IP
Hello. I am happy about bitdefender, but the notifications are sometimes annoying and the notification settings very lacking. For example. I had my PC running for an extended time and in that time it seems Microsoft Xbox Gamebar decided to try to send TCP Packets to a specific IP address. It is okay that i get notified…
How to disable notification for Bitdefender Total Security ?
I am constantly receiving notifications for "Malicious behavior blocked" on my PC (around 400 in half hour) and it is very annoying to me when I am working on my PC because these notifications will deactivate my selected app (Word) and will activate the notification window. So continuously, I have to click on my word file…
Repeated Notifications of Web Site Danger
I just installed BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition Beta and I have been receiving a continuous stream of warnings about a web site that is dangerous. I don't know what this site is, I never go near it and I would like to know why I am being bombarded with warnings.
I keep getting spam notifications from Bitdefender saying "Suspicious activity blocked" with a new one appearing right after the other. it says "DotNet tried to load a malicious resource detected as Gen:Suspicious.Cloud.1.miW@ae249bo and was blocked. Your device is safe" It has been repeating this notification for over an…
"Never see again" button on unwanted features
I personally have Total Security, but I imagine this translates to other plans too: Total Security has a lot of features - and BitDefender won't stop nagging about it. Even when turning off "Recommendation notifications", some people are still experiencing notifications asking to turn on features they will never use. Can…
"Suspicious connection blocked" notification keeps interfering with my ability to type on the laptop
Hi, I appreciate it that suspicious connections are blocked but it's really annoying me about how it interferes with my work when I work in a public area (not all the time, but it happens) : 1) Popup notification appears -- which I cannot get rid of , and it keeps popping up (presumably cos the threat is still there on the…