Safepay problem
Hello. I have problem with log in to one of my bank accounts using Safepay. Problem occured cirka two month ago - before I used it several years without any problem. In the attachment you can read what page show up on the end of the log in process. After contact with bank technical service they answer me that problem is compleatly not on their part. I can log in to this bank using the same method /username, password, token/ but without Safepay. In the same time I dont have problem to log in by Safepay to other banks or goverment sites, like I was doing several years before. So now I really dont know where is the problem. My second similar question to this bank technical service was ignored by them.
I think the Bank should confirm exactly what is preventing access and why. Otherwise, although it may seem that the secure browser is the culprit here, I think it's difficult to troubleshoot without knowing exactly where the login process is interrupted. Naturally, secure browsers like Safepay are designed with enhanced security protocols that may conflict with certain website behaviors or features. I can think of a few reasons why this would happen, but again, these have to be confirmed with the respective Bank, otherwise it's just a guessing game.
First, some websites may not be fully optimized to work with secure browsers. Safepay might handle JavaScript, cookies, or other website scripts differently, causing the login page to break or not function as intended. Secondly, banking websites often have strict session and authentication requirements that may not align with Safepay’s security measures, and we've seen this in the past, banking websites not accepting the browser version or blocking access completely. So, in my opinion, the website owner should clarify what is causing the login process to fail. Because surely they can see that.Regards,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Thank you for answer 🙂
As I said - the bank send me answer only one time /that it is not their fault/. My second question was ignored by them. But even they will give me answer where exactly is the problem (in which point of processing of log in) how I can fix it myself? Isnt it something that Bitdefender technical staff should fix? Is it something that you can do by yourself? I dont think so.
I remember 3-4 years ago the keybord in the Safepay browser stopped to work and after my question to the Bitdefender technical worker fixed working in remote way on my desktop. I will ask them - maybe they can do it in the same way.
Regards Bernard M.0