Bitdefender Services Are Not Responding. Please Restart...
Might be that BD is still not stable on windows 7 because mine is working without any problems or glitches.
I'm using BD on XP. I have it installed on two XP machines and one Vista machine. I was going to have it installed on my son's Vista machine by buying another license but not now. I'm going to wait and perhaps get something else for his machine.0 -
I'm getting this problem,but not every time it updates the last time occurred after an update,i watched the vsserv.exe process in task man,the cpu use was not high but the memory was up and down,for ages until it finally restored it's self back to normal again,it would seem fairly obvious at this point that the cause behind this is quite possibly down to some error with the update files at some time since the last product update, that it may have actually installed, as it did work for a while without problems,
It in my opinion does not look good for us , as this product has been out for nearly 5 months and still has problems?
will it ever work properly,hopefully it will before they release the next 2011 range0 -
I'm not going to get too excited just yet, .... but, ... I'd been having ''vsserv.exe not responding'' EVERY day recently. Needed to restart the service repeatedly in the same day on numerous occasions.
My PC was also responding very slowly when accessing Windows Explorer & programs. Even trying to open BD was a slow process, waiting for it to show itself.
On the 30th Dec', I decided to reinstall BD. I used the BitDefender_Uninstall_Tool.exe, then rebooted. I then used a Third party registry cleaner, and it found more BD left-overs !! I backed up these files, then allowed the program to delete them, then carried out a fresh install & update of BD.
Well, ... so far, 48 hours later, ..... NO vsserv.exe lock-ups; Windows Explorer opens like it should (quickly); programs, .... including BD, show themselves how they used to a while back - quickly. I'm not holding my breath, ... but it's been a while since the PC and BD behaved themselves. I'm hoping the pre-reinstall clean up of the Registry might have cleaned out something that was hindering things?
I'll post here IF, and as soon as BD greys out again.0 -
................... 4 days and counting, ..... NO vsserv.exe not responding (or greyed out icon), and everything is working as quickly as in my lasy post
Did the clean install sort things out??? Was it the ''left overs'' that I cleaned out, causing the problems???
Any thoughts Alex? ..... if there's anything you might want me to send, feel free to ask.... I'll keep my fingers crossed it stays working.0 -
Google search ''freeware system optimization'' for the cleanup tool I used for the Registry clean.
0 -
.......... 6 days and counting, ..... no lock ups. Just the occasional temporary grey icon as something updates for a minute or two, ... then back up and running nicely !!
0 -
Its the TEMPORARY grey out that annoys me so much! Nothing opens when I try to browse and if I am working on something, it locks up. Why can't it update in the background as other programmes do? I just have to sit and wait - its not good enough.
0 -
Its the TEMPORARY grey out that annoys me so much! Nothing opens when I try to browse and if I am working on something, it locks up. Why can't it update in the background as other programmes do? I just have to sit and wait - its not good enough.
I agree with you there Edelia, ... it certainly halts just about everything else while it's up to something.0 -
Hi all.
I am a new BD user. I used Kaspersky before this(BD IS 2010). I new about contaminated past AV and did a through clean up and removal of Kaspersky.
I thought I did the proper thing and used the trial for a little less then 30 days and all was well and I was satisfied enough to make the purchase.
My machine is xp sp3, e6400, 2 gig ddr2. I have verizon FIOS.
During the trial I did online gaming, P2P and various apps I was happy about full screen and auto game mode etc. I poked around quite a few feature and was happy.
I had put most features to test and I read and understood the functions. I never saw the grey icon.
BUT>>>>> I did not turn on home network. Other machine is xp and wifey's and was to remain as is while testing.
I purchased the software and felt good about it. It was simple and complete for the present machine I was using. I then installed on my wifes machine and locally it was fine.
To assist my wife I figured I woould try the home network feature. I turned it on and all seemed well.
To my dismay the missing service and greyed icon started, along with white/blank pages on IE (drudge report was really bad).
My previous experience with Kaspersky tech support was to run repair and try to clean up the install. I took that to heart with BD IS2010 and did a repair.
All seemed well but I noticed it had removed the home network settings.
I am going to run without Home network and see how it goes.
I am not complaing, I am posting to increase the data and I hope it helps someone else.
Have a good day.0 -
Hello all,
We are currently investigating this issue and hopefully we will release fix shortly. In case you will receive the "Services are not responding message" again, we would like you to follow the steps bellow :
1. Open My Computer.
2. Browse to
C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010
- considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition
3. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file ;
4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish
5. Go to the desktop, upload the report on then send me a PM with the download link .
If there are users that have Windows Vista or Windows 7 , in the moment when they encounter this message we would like them to follow the next instructions if possible:
1. Open Task Manager and click on the Processes tab . Task Manager can be opened in multiple ways :
• simultaneously press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Shift+Del keys ;
• click on Start from Windows , choose Run , type “taskmgr” and click on Ok after that;
• right click on your task bar and choose Task Manager ;
2. Right click on the vsserv.exe process and select the 'Create Dump File' option;
3. A message will appear letting you know where the Dump file is located;
4. Go to that location, upload the file on then post here the download link.
Please accept our apologizes for any inconveniences this situation might have caused.
We are looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Can't run the supporttool.exe as i get a message after step 2 that i do not have permision to continue even though i am logged in as administrator. I also did a dump to upload but the file is 450MB and can't be uploaded. I am very frustrated and like everyone out hee am shocked that after months of your release and release of windows7 that you still have your heads up your you know what's.
comon>>>>get it together already or refund our money if we want it.0 -
i was running bitdefender 2009 on my windows xp main pc and windows vista laptop with no problems at all. Licence was due for renewal and my daughter got a netbook with windows 7 on it for christmas. So idiot here bought three 2010 bitdefender keys for 2 years. Managed to install on laptop and main pc but couldnt even get it onto netbook. Main PC now locks up and bitdefender icon is permanently grey, laptop not much better. Wish i had never bothered what a waste of £54 quid. I now have software which is useless and a netbook which i need to protect with something else.
I wish I had read this before I handed out the cash.0 -
I dont know if I have resolved anythiing, but this morning I decided to turn of the 'network to other pc' option and since then, touch wood my little red circle has stayed red instead of grey. Not ideal because one of the things that attracted me to bit defender was the networking option but for now i am hoping keeping it turned off will keep it operating.
HOpefully Bitdefender will get their proverbial finger out and get this whole sorry mess sorted out.0 -
just an update...
It is looking good with no home network. No service or grey icon so far.
Taking input from other posts regarding internet settings has made IE snappier and no white page etc.
All in all working as intended. Various scan performed over nite with no problems and various gaming and internet viewing.
Have a good day.
edit to add settings..
Please open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Firewall module then on the Network tab, under the "Network Configuration" - Adapter, select your network adapter and change the Trust Level to "Trusted Local", Stealth to No and Generic to Yes .0 -
Although I have a home network, I do NOT have it enabled in BD. I have the correct settings for Network under Firewall and that works OK but it still does not stop BD getting greyed out and freezing the computer when it is (I assume) updating. I have my updating set for every hour so you can imagine how annoying it is when this happens constantly.
0 -
Although I have a home network, I do NOT have it enabled in BD. I have the correct settings for Network under Firewall and that works OK but it still does not stop BD getting greyed out and freezing the computer when it is (I assume) updating. I have my updating set for every hour so you can imagine how annoying it is when this happens constantly.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
I am only trying to convey my expierence so it may help others.
I too have hourly updating.
Have you tried to repair your BD. Start/program/bd/repair remove
I also had a similar problem with kaspersky, regarding the use of other spyware programs like Spybot or superantispyware. The updating was considered a spy routine (web contact) and blocked by the spyware programs.
Try to make sure they are not running in the background and for testing purposes, exit/disable them. You may want to carefully check your processes that are running.
Have a good day.0 -
Hi vlar
No, haven't tried repair. Will give it a go. Have no other anti-spyware stuff at all.
Thanks!0 -
Hi vlar
No, haven't tried repair. Will give it a go. Have no other anti-spyware stuff at all.
Hi, here is what I found after suffereing all the maladies described above. I had the constant stopping of services, failure of services to load, slow internet, lockups etc. etc. etc.
The root of my evil was McAfee which I had been running for years on my laptop and desktop. Last Christmas I bought some mini laptops for my grandchildren and when I did I purchased a multi-license for Bit Defender based on the trial and internet ratings. I was very happy with it, no problems, no resource problems. Unlike McAfee which is like an octovirus populating all corners of my machines.
Anyhow back to what I found. I had uninstalled McAfee apps and used their McAfee Removal Tools to clean my machine before loading BD Total Security. After a couple of weeks of problems with BD services etc. I decided to look for McAfee crap on my own. Found lots of McAfee stuff in the registry that my registry cleaner and McAfee removal tool just left sitting there. Also found a McAfee service in Scheduled Tasks that was causing problems and a lot of McAfee apps and files that had not been deleted in my C; drive by searching for McAfee in My Computer. I even found some old Norton AV crap that originally came with the system in the registry.
Deleted everything manually and have not had a problem since on either my laptop or my desktop.
Finding and deleting files in MY Computer is no big deal. But be careful with the registry. Back it up first by using a registry cleaner app or by running regedit and clicking on file/export. This will backup your registry to a file on your machine that you select.
To see if you have old anti virus registry crap just click edit/find and enter McAfee, Norton or whatever. Every time you find an entry delete it. If you can not delete it because you don't have permissions right click on the folder and change permissions in properties. Long, tedious process but it works.
Bit Defender should write an app to help folks do this, it would go a long way toward smooth transitions from one AV product to theirs and would get them a lot of good will.
Good luck all.0 -
Hi vlar
No, haven't tried repair. Will give it a go. Have no other anti-spyware stuff at all.
PS: I sent the usual files to BD and their suggestion was to uninstall and re-install BD. I didn't take their advice. Cleaning my machine of old AV crap was all that was necessary.0 -
This is sad, i put 2 tickets for support an no reply yet, i have the issue for VISTA and 7 it just turns Grey after a while.
0 -
I've had this issue since I upgraded from IS 2009. I have done EVERYTHING that Tech support has told me to do; to no avail. I used the supporttool.exe about 8 days ago (after doing 3 clean installs using the removal tool); emailed the requested info to Tech Support and no one has contacted me yet. I am done with this program; I will be requesting a refund and telling everyone I know not to use this.
0 -
So this bug has been resolved all you have to do is update BitDefender. Thank you for your patience.
My reaserch shows that there has been problem with vsserv.exe - Windows Service with is responsible for starting BD antivirus shield with is somehow merged with BD seciurity centre GUI - so the main problem here is that even when your shield is not started by Windows after reboot ... you are left with no option of restarting shiled manualy using BD GUI.
However I found the way of bypassing this problem (this is not a FIX it is more like a temporary solution) and I'm in process of troubleshooting why BD shield is crashing.
- reboot your PC
- after boot screen press F8
- select Safe Mode with console
- wait
- login as Administrator
- in console type services.msc and press Enter
- in services windows shearch forBitDefender Virus Shield service ( in properties it should say vsserv.exe )
- in properties of this service go to Log ON tab
- select option "This account" and Browse
- in text field type in name of Administrator account ... usualy it is Administrator and then find
- it should find and Administrator account in this syntax: COMPUTER_NAME\Administrator
- click OK and you will be droped to previous window
- type in Administrator password, retype Administrator password and press Apply
- now go to Recovery tab
- Select Action when service fails to start :
a_ First Failure: Restart Service
b_ Secound Failure: Restart Service
c_ Subsequent Failures: Restart Computer
- in field restart service after select 0 sec
In restart computer options set time to 10 sec ( to be able to close your programs ), just in case select option to send message to all computers on the network.
- press OK
- Apply, OK
from now it should run without crashing
tested on Windows 7 64bit BD IS2010
Good Luck
Please let me know your feedback0 -
On the 30th Dec', I decided to reinstall BD. I used the BitDefender_Uninstall_Tool.exe, then rebooted. I then used a Third party registry cleaner, and it found more BD left-overs !! I backed up these files, then allowed the program to delete them, then carried out a fresh install & update of BD.
Well, ... so far, 48 hours later, ..... NO vsserv.exe lock-ups; Windows Explorer opens like it should (quickly); programs, .... including BD, show themselves how they used to a while back - quickly. I'm not holding my breath, ... but it's been a while since the PC and BD behaved themselves. I'm hoping the pre-reinstall clean up of the Registry might have cleaned out something that was hindering things?
I'll post here IF, and as soon as BD greys out again.
... BD on Windows XP has continued to behave itself since the registry clean-up (following uninstall & before re-install) on 30th December. I can only conclude that the BitDefender_Uninstall_Tool.exe didn't do as thorough job as I'd hoped it should... tut tut.0 -
My reaserch shows that there has been problem with vsserv.exe - Windows Service with is responsible for starting BD antivirus shield with is somehow merged with BD seciurity centre GUI - so the main problem here is that even when your shield is not started by Windows after reboot ... you are left with no option of restarting shiled manualy using BD GUI.
However I found the way of bypassing this problem (this is not a FIX it is more like a temporary solution) and I'm in process of troubleshooting why BD shield is crashing.
- reboot your PC
- after boot screen press F8
- select Safe Mode with console
- wait
- login as Administrator
- in console type services.msc and press Enter
- in services windows shearch forBitDefender Virus Shield service ( in properties it should say vsserv.exe )
- in properties of this service go to Log ON tab
- select option "This account" and Browse
- in text field type in name of Administrator account ... usualy it is Administrator and then find
- it should find and Administrator account in this syntax: COMPUTER_NAME\Administrator
- click OK and you will be droped to previous window
- type in Administrator password, retype Administrator password and press Apply
- now go to Recovery tab
- Select Action when service fails to start :
a_ First Failure: Restart Service
b_ Secound Failure: Restart Service
c_ Subsequent Failures: Restart Computer
- in field restart service after select 0 sec
In restart computer options set time to 10 sec ( to be able to close your programs ), just in case select option to send message to all computers on the network.
- press OK
- Apply, OK
from now it should run without crashing
tested on Windows 7 64bit BD IS2010
Good Luck
Please let me know your feedback
I'm having the same issue, bitdefender not responding on every boot. I can manually go in an start it, but a virus agent that doesn't start with windows is not much of a protection!
I'll try to tips in your post, setting the service up to use the local admin account. This is a not a fix like you said though0 -
Alright used the above work around and seems to work, it seems antiphishing isn't working when the service uses the local admin account. That's not such a big issue for me, but does make it less functional.
Any news on when this issue will be fixed for good?
Best Regards,
Tegner0 -
Alright used the above work around and seems to work, it seems antiphishing isn't working when the service uses the local admin account. That's not such a big issue for me, but does make it less functional.
Any news on when this issue will be fixed for good?
Best Regards,
no clue ... I'm BitDefender user just like you.
Just to let you know that I'm using the lattest Mozzila Firefox (3.5.7) and AntiPhishing seems to work ok ... also BD Antispam plugin in Outlook works fine ... just checked today.
There's another problem ... o'doh vsserv.exe is now forced to run under admin account Firewall is crashing from time to time and it says that is 'disabled' ... I'm quite sure this is last time I'm investing money in this software0 -
Hello all,
In order to solve this issue please be so kind as to make sure you uninstalled any other security solution you might have on the same computer (any spyware removal, Ad Aware, Spybot or another antivirus).
Having more then one security product installed on the same PC can degrade performance and cause system instability. Even if they are turned off, there are some active processes running in the background. We recommend you to uninstall all the other security solutions in order for BitDefender to work properly. We also recommend you to run a registry cleaner on your computer in order to improve the system performance.
If the issue still persists please be so kind as to follow the steps from this link in order to provide us with the reports we need for further investigation.
The reports will be sent directly to our Technical Support Team and you will receive an automatic reply shortly. Please send me a PM with the ticket ID from the Subject of the e-mail so that I may analyze the reports and send you a solution as soon as possible.
Thank you.0 -
Hello all,
In order to solve this issue please be so kind as to make sure you uninstalled any other security solution you might have on the same computer (any spyware removal, Ad Aware, Spybot or another antivirus).
Having more then one security product installed on the same PC can degrade performance and cause system instability. Even if they are turned off, there are some active processes running in the background. We recommend you to uninstall all the other security solutions in order for BitDefender to work properly. We also recommend you to run a registry cleaner on your computer in order to improve the system performance.
If the issue still persists please be so kind as to follow the steps from this link in order to provide us with the reports we need for further investigation.
The reports will be sent directly to our Technical Support Team and you will receive an automatic reply shortly. Please send me a PM with the ticket ID from the Subject of the e-mail so that I may analyze the reports and send you a solution as soon as possible.
Thank you.
With all due respect, I didn't pay 80 bucks for the privilege of being on your beta testing team. I paid 80 bucks to get a fully functional piece of software. I don't have that. I shouldn't have to play IS administrator with my machine, fixing my registry, debugging software, and restarting my machine 14 times a day to insure I have virus protection. I want my money back, plain and simple. Your product does not work. It needs further testing. If it was a car it would be recalled. I know that the likelihood of that happening is about zero, but I have lost all faith in BitDefender and am contemplating just waving goodbye to my money and finding a replacement. I am just hoping that my hard drive isn't crashed by some virus that your malfunctioning software failed to detect because it is unstable. Thanks for nothing.
Have fun with my 80 bucks, but it is the last dime you will see from me. You have lost a customer.0 -
Just adding my voice to this - Bitdfender started doing exactly this to me off and on for a couple of weeks on both Windows XP and Windows 7 Pro on my laptop. It is now intolerable. I read reviews saying that Bitdefender was rock solid, and when I first started using it a few weeks ago everything seemed to be OK, but now just want to see the back of it.
I don't need any software to give me grief like this, but when it's your anti virus software that keeps screwing up.......
I am now at the point where the longer it stays on my PC, the more worried I get.
Bob0 -
Hello Growling_bear and danmcmartin,
We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our product. Unfortunatelly we are unable to provide you with a general solution on this issue. From what we have experienced so far this situation appears when there is a conflict between BitDefender and another program/application/process or any remains from other security solution.
However, if you already tried to uninstall any other security solutions please be so kind as to take a few minutes to follow the steps from this post message and send us the necessary diagnostic reports.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.0 -
Hello Growling_bear and danmcmartin,
We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our product. Unfortunatelly we are unable to provide you with a general solution on this issue. From what we have experienced so far this situation appears when there is a conflict between BitDefender and another program/application/process or any remains from other security solution.
However, if you already tried to uninstall any other security solutions please be so kind as to take a few minutes to follow the steps from this post message and send us the necessary diagnostic reports.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Thanks for this. I did submit a report yesterday using the Support Tool, but have not had a response - should I have done by now? I can confirm that I have no other security software on my PC, Bitdefender was installed on a clean installation of both XP and Win 7.
That said, over the last 24 hours or so, it seems to have been behaving itself. Yes I am frustrated by this, but to be honest do not want to have to trawl through more AV programs to find a replacement.....I will be watching closely.....
Bob0 -
Hello Growling_bear and danmcmartin,
We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our product. Unfortunatelly we are unable to provide you with a general solution on this issue. From what we have experienced so far this situation appears when there is a conflict between BitDefender and another program/application/process or any remains from other security solution.
However, if you already tried to uninstall any other security solutions please be so kind as to take a few minutes to follow the steps from this post message and send us the necessary diagnostic reports.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
But mine is a clean install of Win Xp Sp3 with no other security installed. Also windows firewall is off. The only other program that is on there is google chrome and firefox. All progs are upto date as is windows. Sometime BD 2010 works and some does not. It sometimes warns me that it as failed and others it doesn't.
Its also doing this on my Vista laptop. Both are 32 bit. So i think the theory (or excuse) that it is other security software is a no-go. Ive just bought 6 liscences (2 x 3 user) but dare not put them on other peoples machines due to this. What am i suppposed to do?0 -
Yes I saw that and was going to give it a try, but as mentioned in my previous post, I've had no repeat of the problem at all. Weird, as I've done nothing on either of the machines I was having problems on.
Fingers crossed for the future I guess...0 -
I still now and then keep getting this error.
A disappointed Customer
Regards0 -
I still now and then keep getting this error.
A disappointed Customer
Same. Bought this software a few weeks ago and still getting this same error.
Been getting this error since roughly 2 days after install.
This was a brand new build of Windows 7 x64.
Has a fix for this been released?
Not happy that I paid for protection, that well, doesn't even protect me.0 -
I have had the same bogus issues as many others. The dreaded gray icon in the task bar. But mine only happens during BD updates (which is once an hour). It used to happen all the time until I removed other spyware programs, deleted BD and did registry cleaner, then reinstalled it. Now at least it works 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time it is updating and things become horribly slow. After turning off antiphishing, most of the internet lag stopped, which is good.
I have been using BD for the last few years and I loved the 07 and 08 version. Since mid 09 I have been having gray icon issues and the 2010 did nothing to correct it. All I can tell you is to delete BD, all other antispyware software, then do registry cleaner and delete everything on there. Reinstall BD and pray that it works more consistently.0 -
I just purchased BitDefender Internet Security 2010 and loaded it on two home computers both running Windows XP SP3. Both of them are experiencing the grayed out tray icon and the error "BitDefender Services are not responding. Please restart the computer and if the problem persists contact BitDefender support." I didn't seem to get the problem until BD updated itself a day or so after my initial installs. I am attempting another re-install on my secondary computer, but I won't continue testing and experimenting to get BD to work for too much longer before I say good-bye to BD products forever. If I could return the download and get my money back, I would do so in a heartbeat.
I have contacted BD support and I am patiently awaiting a response, since I cannot get a refund on downloaded software.
I have never experienced such a frustrating hard failure of a piece of AV software before in my life. Never.
Please fix this!0 -
After some more research, I un-installed Ad-Adware from one of my machines and BD seems to be working better. I noticed that when Ad-Aware was installed, BD updates were very slow, although they seemed to complete. Shortly after an update that required a reboot, the tray icon would grey out and become unresponsive. Since I removed Ad-Aware, BD updates are much faster.
I will keep a watch out over the next week or so and report back if my problems are resolved (or not).0 -
When I click the Bit Defender icon, it says bit defender services are not responding. And it also says the bit defender security services (vsserv.exe) is unavailable at the moment. How do I fix that without restarting my PC.
And I am kinda new to this forum. I don't know where to post so I post here. Please help me fix that problem. Thanks in advance.0 -
When I click the Bit Defender icon, it says bit defender services are not responding. And it also says the bit defender security services (vsserv.exe) is unavailable at the moment. How do I fix that without restarting my PC. And I am kinda new to this forum. I don't know where to post so I post here. Please help me fix that problem. Thanks in advance.
Hi Myint Thi H,
Maybe you could give more details on your system just to inform BD tech people.
What is your bitdefender? with which OS?
I suppose you installed BD without problems?
Since how long do you have these problems?
I suppose you do not have another Firewall + antivirus - only one FW AV per computer, you can add antispyware without too much trouble but no other firewall antivirus.
Is your system freshly installed or not?
I suppose you deactivated the windows firewall before installing BD? (It should be)
An example: My system: windows XP Home or Pro, SP3, 2.2 or 3 Ghz proc, 2Go memory.
I often have your problems on my oldest computer that I have not formatted for several years, and very rarely on my most recent computer with fewer software as well.
My solution is to reboot the computer if I can't see the activation icone (due to Windows Live messenger as far as I'm concerned) or, worse, to repair Bitdefender through the action:
Start program BD... and "repair or remove" repair... and so on...
Not very clean, true.
Maybe a technician from BD will answer you soon, but you could check maybe too in the forum the similar problems. BD 2010 (but do you have 2010?) seems to have trouble with some other software.
Good luck!
L.0 -
So I see there is still no solution to these issues. Have been trying to get it sorted for months and have done as others have, followed all BD suggestions, to no avail.
I'm still greying out during updates and the computer comes to a halt. Can't put up with this any longer - have written to them asking for my money back. How they can still get good reviews is a mystery.0 -
So far so good. Both my XP SP3 machines have been running perfectly with BitDefender IS 2010 after the removal of Ad-Adware. No grayed out icon or problems updating...
0 -
I just upgraded to Windows 7 a few days ago, and since then BDIS has stopped working several times a day. Restarting the computer gets it going again for a while, but then it dies again. Sometimes I get an error message that asks me to send BD a report (I always include my email address, but never get any email explaining what went wrong or how to fix it); other times the icon just turns grey.
I have never seen such fragile software! Every month or two there's a new problem.
I've also been having a lot of trouble getting updates, which I assume has to do with overloaded servers at BD, since I'm having no other internet/download problems.
BitDefender is charging us for a continuing service, not just a product. That means the company needs to take care of its present customers and not oversell its capacity. It's charging us for a security service, which is supposed to provide peace of mind, not cause constant frustration and worry because the program keeps failing. How much confidence can we have in BD's ability to protect us from viruses and malware if it can't produce an application that will go for two months without a major problem?
I've been very patient, and even renewed my subscription after a year of crashes, patches, and hotfixes; but there comes a point. I've lost confidence in BD to the extent that I've installed another software as a back-up. (And no, this software is not causing BD to crash--they've co-existed peaceably on my computer for several months.) If BD doesn't clean up its act, I won't be renewing my subscription again.
Anyway, this wasn't supposed to be a rant. Can anybody help with the "services are not responding" problem?0 -
I just upgraded to Windows 7 a few days ago, and since then BDIS has stopped working several times a day. Restarting the computer gets it going again for a while, but then it dies again. Sometimes I get an error message that asks me to send BD a report (I always include my email address, but never get any email explaining what went wrong or how to fix it); other times the icon just turns grey.
I have never seen such fragile software! Every month or two there's a new problem.
I've also been having a lot of trouble getting updates, which I assume has to do with overloaded servers at BD, since I'm having no other internet/download problems.
BitDefender is charging us for a continuing service, not just a product. That means the company needs to take care of its present customers and not oversell its capacity. It's charging us for a security service, which is supposed to provide peace of mind, not cause constant frustration and worry because the program keeps failing. How much confidence can we have in BD's ability to protect us from viruses and malware if it can't produce an application that will go for two months without a major problem?
I've been very patient, and even renewed my subscription after a year of crashes, patches, and hotfixes; but there comes a point. I've lost confidence in BD to the extent that I've installed Prevx as a back-up. (And no, Prevx is not causing BD to crash--they've co-existed peaceably on my computer for several months.) If BD doesn't clean up its act, I won't be renewing my subscription again.
Anyway, this wasn't supposed to be a rant. Can anybody help with the "services are not responding" problem?
I feel your "pain ", know exactly how you feel.
I have a 3 User "Subscription" but use only 1 ?,As its not woth the frustation to work on my daily Pc with so many Errors/Bugs.
I do Nothing with the other 2 Licenses, I dont want to give them away and give other people the frustration
Would advise you to do the same and take your loss as its not worth the frustration.0 -
It is quite unbelievable: asked for my money back and got the sort of email I have had before asking me to do all sorts of things, run tests, very time consuming, which produced no results at all the last time I did them. Included was the request: 6. Open BitDefender and reproduce the issue a couple of times.
Am I supposed to sit around and wait for the automatic update to grey out the icon and freeze my computer? Do they even understand what the problem is?
Applications such as this are supposed to be finished, capable of doing what they promise and working away in the background with no interference from me.
I too have 3 licenses - what a waste!0 -
It is quite unbelievable: asked for my money back and got the sort of email I have had before asking me to do all sorts of things, run tests, very time consuming, which produced no results at all the last time I did them. Included was the request: 6. Open BitDefender and reproduce the issue a couple of times.
Am I supposed to sit around and wait for the automatic update to grey out the icon and freeze my computer? Do they even understand what the problem is?
Applications such as this are supposed to be finished, capable of doing what they promise and working away in the background with no interference from me.
I too have 3 licenses - what a waste!
I like having three licenses--I have three computers! And three licenses don't cost any more than one for most other antivirus programs (those that aren't free). But licenses for a program that doesn't work all the time aren't much of a bargain. :0/
On the (slightly) bright side, I may have some new insight into the trouble we're all having (or at least my version of it): it appears that the "services are not responding" problem may have to do with Windows Update. The last time my icon went grey, I went to restart and noticed that I had a whole bunch of updates pending a reboot. I rebooted, the updates installed themselves, and the BD icon has stayed red for a couple of hours now. Since I've been reinstalling all my software after upgrading the OS to Win7, it's to be expected that there will be a lot of updates to install in the first few days, so I'm hoping that as soon as all my apps finish updating themselves the latest problem with BD will be taken care of, too. Fingers crossed.
Of course, if that turns out to be the source of the problem, (a) it shouldn't happen, and (BD should tell me that's what the problem is. We'll see.
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No such luck. Services quit responding again, with no updates pending. I wish we could get some response from the company here.
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I have just installed Windows 7 Pro 32bit and I have the same problem...except on mine neither the BD threat scanner or the desktop update service start. I can start the services manually and everything works fine but if I reboot the services will start 1 out of 5 times by themselves... On top of that when I try to use the support tool to report the problem through the BD hangs at stage two "Running the gathering tool, this process may take a few minutes. Please wait...." Well it's been an hour... Help!
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Not to say the BD is working great right now, but I have noticed far less gray ball "not responding" errors since I deleted BD and did a registry clean and wiped out all old BD registry keys. I reinstalled and now the only problem I have been having is massive slowdown when BD updates. I changed update cycle to every 4 hours and turned off antiphishing, and this seems to have limited the problem. I do still get gray ball errors from time to time, but it seems to be far better than before, the product is actually usable at this time!
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I re-started the computer and this time the scanner service started but the update service did not...and the reporting tool still hangs at stage two. I have uninstalled using the uninstall tool 2 times no avail... Fortunately I am running XP on a separate drive where BD works fine...since I have learned over many years that when MS releases a new OS, always wait until SP2 before you consider making a permanent switch...
This seems like it would be considered a pretty major issue by BD... It's surprising it's been re-occurring for so long without a definitive fix.0 -
Hello ScottS and longestnamever,
If you had a BitDefender crash, please follow the next steps :
1. Open My Computer.
2. Browse to
C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010
- considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition
3. Doubleclick on the supporttool.exe file .(in case you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, right click on the the supporttool.exe file and choose "Run as administrator" )
4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish .
5. Go to the desktop, upload the report on then send me a PM with the download link or reply to our email with the report attached .
Thank you.0