File Vault

edited July 2016 in General


I have a problem that recently cropped up. I was using windows 10 and bitdefender with no problem whatsoever with the encryption vault before.

However this couple of days, i cant seem to open my file vault, even when i go to the file location itself , I double clicked it , bitdefender prompts that it has been unlocked.however i cant still access my file.

When I head to the file encryption vault in the UI of bitdefender, It says it is locked, but there is no unlock button! The vault in question do have my personal vacation photo that i only have a single copy of it (didn't make any backup unfortunately) So it is very concerning for me to resolve this problem.

Windows 10 Version 10.0.10586 Build 10586

Total Security 2016

Any more relevant info needed will be provided upon request

Best Regards,


ps: bitdefender did have few automated update, could this be an issue?

edit 1: Only one file vault is affected, the other file vault has no problem whatsoever




  • Sorin G.


    Please let me know what Bitdefender build are you currently running.

    /index.php?showtopic=69719" rel="">

    Were both of the vaults created with the same version of the product ? 2016 ? Or was one of them created with 2015 by any chance?

    When trying to open the vault are you logged in with a Windows Administrator account ?

  • PeinEVO


    Please let me know what Bitdefender build are you currently running.

    /index.php?showtopic=69719" rel="">

    Were both of the vaults created with the same version of the product ? 2016 ? Or was one of them created with 2015 by any chance?

    When trying to open the vault are you logged in with a Windows Administrator account ?


    both of the vault were created roughly around the same time.. which means the same version of the product was used.. Bitdefender 2016

    I only have 1 account on my laptop with admin control on it. so that is a yes for me.