how to delete Wallet database

edited December 2016 in Privacy


I created Wallet database just for testing it. And somehow ;(( I did not write down password for it. A week later I cant remember it. It was like testing password, very weak and short, and I tried and tried to enter it but cant guess it. Wallet database is synced with my online account.

I tried to delete programdata\bitdefender\passwordmanager\random number folders in safe mode. I did that more then once, and the best I got was when I first deleted my device from central. After reinstall and log in there was no wallet but a little later it appears again, I guess is it synced with online database.

I am waiting for my Ticket about that to get response, but if someone knows is there is a way to delete it I will be very thankful. Or if someone managed to get it deleted by Bitdefender team. I am in no hurry, but would like to know if that could be done eventually.

To bad there is no option to remove it from account with just account password and maybe mail confirmation. And wallet password only needed for actually access it.  I really don't know what to do. At least if I could hide it from Bitdefender interface, and let it be online.

ofc, maybe I am wrong and just doing that delete passwordmanager folder wrong way. and that is the right way.





  • Sorin G.



    Please open a case with our support team using

    Please provide them with the following :

    - Name of the Wallet

    - The email housing the Central account

  • ok2016
    edited December 2016

    Thank you, support team solved my problem!