Instant Wi-Fi intruder alerts for Mac

Hi everyone! I wanted to request the Bitdefender developers to add Wi-Fi intruder alerts as a feature. I've been using Avast Premium Security as my security solution on Mac for some time now, but I've been wanting to switch over to Bitdefender for Mac, it has all the features Avast has except for this one, which I think is very useful.
What makes this different, is that instead of some Wi-Fi scanner software, you don't have to manually make scans periodically, Avast alerts you in real-time when a device connects to your Wi-Fi, which is desirable especially on your home's Wi-Fi.
Can this be done?
Thank you.
Hello @Mikage,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
Following your post here, kindly be advised your suggestion has been sent to the development teams automatically. Your contributions and ideas are always welcome and please feel free to share with us any other suggestions that come to mind in the future.
Best regards,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Thanks! Is there any way I can be notified if a decision is reached regarding this?
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Hello @Mikage,
We do our best to follow up on the status of ideas submitted by our members, whenever feedback from the development teams is available to us. To set clear expectations, we do not guarantee that an answer to an idea will be provided straight away. If there is demand for a feature and if there are ways to do it, there are chances for development in the future. Although some ideas may not gain traction at first, suggestions can be reviewed later and included on the roadmap along with other developments, when the time is right.
For more information about the way the ideation process is carried out you can check our guidelines below:
Advanced network protection for the connected home was previously available with the BOX product, but this has been discontinued.
Bitdefender BOX scans all the traffic in the network for malicious activity and it uses multiple layers of security such as Exploit prevention, Brute force protection and Anomaly detection. By moving the protection at a network level, BOX is able to protect all devices that are connected to your home network. Local protection is also installed on Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices to cover security at home or on the go. BOX services are still available for existing customers, however the product can no longer be purchased from the Bitdefender website.
Thank you once again for sharing your suggestions here.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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+1, this would be very useful.