Is Bitdefender still protecting you when it says "Bitdefender services are loading now, please wait?
Lately on my 2 computers Bitdefender loads an comes up, "Bitdefender services are loading now, please wait." It doesn't come up too, "You Safe" like it usually says on the icon. I did some research and reinstalled the program and did the proper updates. It goes back to "Your Safe" but whenever I reboot my computer or start it up its back too "Bitdefender services are loading, please wait.
Am I still being protected by Bitdefender or is it sitting in limbo and not protecting my PCs?
Best Answer
It may be related to this issue which has been reported in a couple of other threads. Do you have Activate profiles automatically, enabled, Utilities/Profiles/settings? If so, disable it, restart your computer and see if that resolves it. The fix hasn't been released yet, but should be soon.
If it's not an Activate profiles automatically issue, then I would contact Bitdefender support by visiting Support at
Select, How Tos & Troubleshooting→Troubleshooting→I don't know→Contact Support→ and you will get the option of Chat, Call or Email. Chat is the quickest way to get thing started, phone support is not toll-free.
Kind regards,
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@Scott thank you so much for your response as I have found this issue as well on other discussions/forums. I am seeing the comments here as well with the same issue. As I followed your advice and disabled Automatic Profiles and just enabled "Work Profile" the taskbar icon went back to "You Are Safe" without needing to restart my PC. I appreciate your feedback on my question and appreciate everyone here for their help and advice! I will now mark my questions here as "Resolved". Thanks again for everyone's help!