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How to stop bitdefender popups/notifications

edited January 8 in General Topics

I get constant popups from bitdefender saying its optimised for "??????" or constantly for usb sticks that have been in and scanned...Its worse than spam when you are trying to work.

I only need to see things that may have the potential to infect or disrupt my work.

The constant adds and popups are what I have protection to remove. This product is very close to Malware/adware with its constant interruptions.


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  • hello @Mic4680 @Blauwvinger

    If you want to disable all Bitdefender notifications, then its simple. Just navigate to Settings screen, then in General tab you can turn it OFF by yourself. See the below short video which demonstrates how to disable notifications.

    I think this one will help you get rid of notifications and forget about the installed security software running in background. If you find this response helpful, please mark it as accepted / agree.

  • @Mic4680 @pako8899 ,

    Please drop a mail to with all the details. It is the fastest way to get the issue/concern directed to bitdefender team. Since more people facing similar issue, it will be resolved in priority.

    If you find this response helpful, please mark it as accepted/agree.

  • @Jayakrishnan

    I have sent a message to three days ago and there has been no response. Most companies at least respond with some form of message received.

    This just gives me another item to add to the long list of complaints that will stop me from recommending this product to any person or company I come across.

  • @Mic4680 ,

    The delay may be due to the covid 19 lock down. Also you can submit ticket over here:

  • I have exactly the same problem. The Work Profile pop up appears every few minutes. I haven't changed anything - Bitdefender is running in stealth mode. I haven't changed any settings. It seems to pop up when I hop between open windows. I don't care if it's got my back. Stop telling me about it.

  • This Work Profile popup is also happening on my computer as of about a week ago. It's EXTREMELY disruptive. Please advise on how to remove this. Changing the notifications did not fix this.

    Thank you!

  • Nothing works for this, stops me from working. Will have to find alternative if this every second interruption can't be turned off, it's like a virus itself.

  • Hello @holistic @Jayne @KF11 ,

    This is a known issue and many users are reporting the same. Please drop a mail to describing the issue. If more people report this, there are chances to quickly release a fix.

    Bitdefender team will surely release a patch for this via a product update.

    If you find my response helpful, please mark it as accepted/ agree.

  • Hello @Andy_BD ,

    Lots of users in this Bitdefender community and outside are complaining about this notification behaviour which is quite annoying. Can you escalate this issue to the concerned team and get an update for us?

    Seems like this is the most common issue users face with Bitdefender now.

  • edited June 2020

    I am also having this every time I open a number of applications. I have disabled notifications, it still happens. It is extremely annoying to the point I am considering switching to a different antivirus solution.

    (yes, I have submitted this complaint via email and the contact form)

  • If you cannot fix a problem with pop ups in your own application that doesn't give me much assurance that you can protect my computer from outside threats.

  • edited July 2020

    I have the same issue. Drives me nuts, to the point where I'll turn off the Profile feature altogether, just to stop the pop-ups. Seems like this would be a simple thing to fix. Please do it.

  • For God's sake, stop these popups! If you can't even figure out how to manage your own system, how can we have any confidence your company is competent to keep our system safe? I can't even type a simple email because the SUSPICIOUS CONNECTION BLOCKED popup leaps onto my screen and interrupts my every (literally) 7 seconds.

    STOP IT!

  • I decided to support BITDEFENDER and buy their product but these pop-ups KILL PRODUCTIVITY - It is too many pop-ups - I abandoned MalwareBytes Antibytes for this? At least MBAB lets me work and does its thing in the background.

    You got my money already but I am considering removing this software from all my computers.

  • Same for me. This is absurd, and now I see it's been going on for a long time for others.

    I only need to know when their is a legitimate threat - if their isn't, don't disturb me. And yet I get this constantly "look what we did for you" BS because I game and work on the same computer. And stop acting like not using one of your features, like safepay or file shredder, is a vile threat when I use my own VPN. THESE THINGS ARE AS OBNOXIOUS AS ALWAYS WRITING IN ALL CAPS AND SAYING ALWAYS TOO MUCH. My subscription renews in September and I will be killing it this isn't resolved soon.

    On a side note, another really annoying issue: when I add my 5th (2 winX PCs and 3 macs) device to my account it drops one of the other devices, leaving one slot available, but then not showing one device in the online dashboard. That device seems to think it's being protected, it let's me run updates, but is absent from online dashboard - I had to wipe a new mac 3 times too figure this out.

    One of the prior users on this thread said it best:


  • Is there a fix for these pop-ups yet? How do you stop them from triggering?

  • This is killing me. I don't need a popup for everything that gets blocked. please give us the ability to stop these.

  • If I tell my system I do not want notifications that means I DO NOT WANT NOTIFICATIONS! that include yours! every setting in your software is set to not give me notifications yet I keep getting them, and some don't even go away like the example of the work profile above!

    I really do not want notifications to suddenly pop up and disrupt my focus when I am trying to do something and forcing me to click it for it to go away! this is not what I was paying for when I decided to purchase your software!

  • Go to Settings -> Profiles-> And untick option "Activate profiles automatically" and problem resolved.

  • Problem persists. Please just add an option to disable the profile change notifications and leave the ability to automatically change the profiles. It can't be that difficult. I've dropped other AV programs in favour of using Bitdefender but this rubbish will almost certainly contribute to me going to another AV with less invasive 'features'. This is not a feature, it's an annoyance.

  • If this option removes the ability to automatically switch profiles then it isn't a viable solution.

  • Hi community,

    I got the same issue with the notification of insecure Wi-Fi. It recommends me that activate VPN (but I didn´t bought it). I deactivated all notifications in the settings but this pops up every hour. Anyone had this issue with this particular notification?

  • Is there someone from Bitdefender fixing this particular issue?

  • Hello all

    I have decided to uninstall this, as I am going mad with the notifications.


  • Another +1 vote for the Bitdefender team to please URGENTLY work on a fix where we can leave automatic profile switching turned on, but disable the pop-up notification from BD when the profile changes (especially to the Work profile). Considering moving to a different anti-virus program when my licence expires if this issue is not fixed.

  • I'm on the point of uninstalling this program too. As you have all said, for months now, that this is highly disruptive and for non-technical people, really confusing. My partner doesn't know whether she's supposed to click anything to make it go away so I'm constantly being asked what to do. I installed this as an alternative to ESET but so far have been REALLY disappointed.

    How many people need to complain about this before something is done about it?

  • Profiles are not really necessary, you can turn them off completely or just leave 1 on all the time and this will prevent the popups from occurring.

    If you have all other notifications turned off you will never see anything from Bitdefender unless there is malware or something urgent you need to do something about (I'm assuming).

    The "optimization" is OK, but you don't need it for anything.

    I too find them very annoying especially when acrobat reader starts while i'm playing a full screen multiplayer game and suddenly the popup takes me to the desktop, I invariably get destroyed taking a very expensive tank with me.

    Thanks Bitdefender, please stop advertising at us and waving the "look at me doing stuff for you" flag around.

  • I have the constant notifications, even though I have de-activated every possible notification. It never ends.

  • I bought a three year 10 user license and and very annoyed by the constant notifications! Can your team please prioritize this feature to allow disabling of notifications?

  • @Andy_BD, @Alex D., @Yann A.

    Kindly look into the issue.



    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I quite agree with the above statements.

    It's almost insane for BitDefender to subject the user to a virtually continuous bombardment of Firewall notifications. They cease to have any use since our first gesture is to rapidly say yes to everything - it's not compatible with normal work.

    I use a 10 user license and have for years been a staunch BD supporter. Not anymore - I'm on the verge of adopting a different software even before the present license ends.

    Do you have someone ill in your working team? Or a lunatic going through a brain storm? Possibly the same genius that thought of getting rid of the widget.

    Why don't keep it quiet, user friendly and and reliable?.

    Just as it used to be.


  • I have also been distracted by these continual popups and have not received any solution from Bitdefender or reasonable response. in purchasing this product there was no indication that a user would be consistently barraged with popups without any ability to stop it. I will not be renewing and have requested a refund. Since no one at Bitdefender has responded or solved this issue I have also put in a consumer complaint with the Office of the Attorney General here in Texas.

  • Same here. I'm coding away, in the zone, then suddenly, wham! WTF? And now it takes the focus away from the editor, so I get a partially written line, then complier errors if I didn't notice that.

    The first times it happened I thought this is one of the in-your-face ads shouting "YOUR COMPUTER MAY BE AT RISK!!!"...but isn't, it's the damned warning about one of the dozens of spam-mail I get each day. Not sure how this *&*&# got thru usability testing.

    So I may just turn it off altogether if this isn't fixed. And to see the complaints go back to JUNE? and it still is not fixed??

  • Bloody annoying harassment - looks like they have some one eyed BitDefended proud marketing idiot that puts flagrant self promotion before Voice of customer needs and Usability .

    They must be worried about losing existing customers and feel the need to self promote - paradoxily they are driving more away by their annoying and useless notifications,

    If you are worried about losing customers - invest in giving them a competitive user friendly product first- not annoying forced unsolicited flagrant self promotion that I cannot escape from - what a turnoff.

  • which launch daemons should I use to turn off auto screen at startup

  • Yes all these pop up notifications are ridiculous- are you trying to show me how valuable I should consider your service? Are these real or canned pop ups to make me think you are protecting my computer and so I push the Renew button? I dont know, but I am with others on this forum and will look elsewhere for virus protection before I lose my mind and throw my laptop out the window🤯

  • edited October 2020

    I guess I'm not the only one pissed about this. No need to comment further. Bitdefender must have retained their marketing staff but are concealing the fact that they'd have to rehire a programmer to deal with this basic issue. It must not be in their budget to do so.

    On day three of having paid for a year subscription, I informed them of three separate issues that needed urgent changing. One was a security issue with their vpn not handling reboots properly exposing p2p programs to an unprotected network if they were set to start with Windows. Their response was one of a marketing mentality, explaining that these things I complained about work that way on purpose, and require no further consideration on their part. Amazing tech support..... They won't see me again next year, except in the funny papers. It's not my job to enlighten self-assured drones. As long as Bitdefender works the way that Bitdefender wants, and continues to produce them an income on autopilot, they will consider all suggestions and complaints as something interesting to read when the money stops rolling in, and they need to figure out where it all went wrong. I get the feeling that they bought the business with a limited support contract and have little idea of how the code actually works. Developing self-control is the only way to deal with non-intellectuals having a specific single point of responsibility and authority trying to pass themselves off as smarter than you in regards to any matter they are expected to remain on ****** in dealing with, while appearing to be a live and interactive response.

  • edited October 2020

    I guess I'm not the only one pissed about this. No need to comment further. Bitdefender must have retained their marketing staff but are concealing the fact that they'd have to rehire a programmer to deal with this basic issue. It must not be in their budget to do so.

    On day three of having paid for a year subscription, I informed them of three separate issues that needed urgent changing. Their response was one of a marketing mentality, explaining that these things I complained about work that way on purpose, and require no further consideration on their part. Amazing tech support..... They won't see me again next year, except in the funny papers.

    I don't know what happened to the rest of this comment. I was interrupted while editing it, and when I logged back in, only the first part remained waiting to be posted as though for the first time. I must have offended someone with the specific complaints about the vpn exposing p2p programs to an unprotected network following a power interruption and reboot if they are set to start with windows.... Or it might have been the part about it not being my job to enlighten drones. Maybe it was the part about the Bitdefender marketing machine probably having been purchased as an automated income and only a limited service contract had been included.... I don't know. All I know for sure is they don't like long comments. Oh, and they don't clear the variables when loading this comment section. I'm still looking at my first version of this comment in the "leave a comment" field below the one I'm editing now. Great attention to detail, site programmers. At least I didn't have to start my comment from scratch when it timed out due to "inactivity" that failed to notice I was still typing in the field. Usability testing doesn't seem to be included as a feature of their system development protocol. They must consider this a finished product, and have no intention of changing anything outside of updates created independently without any actual consideration of negative user experiences. Programmers like to write code. They don't like to read complaints. They have people for that. And those people lack communication skills whenever they're forced to go off ******.

  • edited October 2020

    I guess I'm not the only one pissed about this. No need to comment further. Bitdefender must have retained their marketing staff but are concealing the fact that they'd have to rehire a programmer to deal with this basic issue. It must not be in their budget to do so.

    On day three of having paid for a year subscription, I informed them of three separate issues that needed urgent changing. Their response was one of a marketing mentality, explaining that these things I complained about work that way on purpose, and require no further consideration on their part. Amazing tech support..... They won't see me again next year, except in the funny papers.

    I don't know what happened to the rest of this comment. I was interrupted while editing it, and when I logged back in, only the first part remained waiting to be posted as though for the first time. I must have offended someone with the specific complaints about the vpn exposing p2p programs to an unprotected network following a power interruption and reboot if they are set to start with windows.... Or it might have been the part about it not being my job to enlighten drones. Maybe it was the part about the Bitdefender marketing machine probably having been purchased as an automated income and only a limited service contract had been included.... I don't know. All I know for sure is they don't like long comments. Oh, and they don't clear the variables when loading this comment section. I'm still looking at my first version of this comment in the "leave a comment" field below the one I'm editing now. Great attention to detail, site programmers. At least I didn't have to start my comment from scratch when it timed out due to "inactivity" that failed to notice I was still typing in the field. Usability testing doesn't seem to be included as a feature of their system development protocol. They must consider this a finished product, and have no intention of changing anything outside of updates created independently without any actual consideration of negative user experiences. Programmers like to write code. They don't like to read complaints. They have people for that. And those people lack communication skills whenever they're forced to go off ******.

  • I am also VERY UPSET about the function of this program, and unless I can find a fix to the popups, I will be requesting a refund. One day in to my subscription, and I already cannot stand this program. If I cannot get a refund, I will certainly be leaving reviews everywhere I possibly can, warning people about the garbage that bitdefender has turned into.

    I am constantly getting popups about a less-than-secure link on a webpage. It is a page I visit daily, so the popup just keeps happening. It's great that you blocked the link, but please stop telling me about it! It also is very upset that I autorun media, and that I have windows set to automatically log in the most recent user when it starts up. I am the only human who ever touches my computer. These settings are not security risks! Stop telling me they are! If someone BREAKS INTO MY HOUSE to hack my computer, I have bigger issues.

    There is no way to turn off these notifications, (or ANY notifications, as far as I can see) in spite of what earlier posters have been saying. The settings that they refer to do not exist on my version of bitdefender, and it sounds like others are in the same boat. This program really needs a way to: disable notifications ('don't show this notification again' would be good enough for me) AND a way to tag concerns the program has as 'i'm aware of that, and i'm fine with how it is. Stop bringing it up.'

    Has anyone gotten any helpful response from customer service?

  • Hi Member,

    Kindly drop an email to bitdefender support at related to your issue since forum can only provide basic troubleshooting regarding a bitdefender product. The situation where the occurrence of a certain thing is continuous, that can only be resolved by the support team, since it may require intervention from development team also.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • edited November 2020

    I also bought a one year license for the software but the popus are insanely annoying. I dont care about ANYTHING what your program does. Do it silently. Only notify me if my computer is on fire. Thank you.

    EDIT: The most annoying notifications are the about the microphone usage and profile switches. Probably wont renew license.

  • Same here, except the notifications I'm getting are Bitdefender blocking random websites or "Threats" every like 10 seconds and giving me notifications about it... but yeah, it's really hard to do school work when every few seconds there's a Bitdefender notification popping up on my screen, and nothing I did works to stop it

  • Welp...I saw the virus reports and Bitdefender was tops, this was going to be my new AV solution coming from Kaspersky. But after noticing the same issues mentioned here, finding no solutions on the menus, google searching for a problem and now finding this thread with ZERO response from BD...yah this is a major red flag and I am going back to Kaspersky. It might be lower-ranked overall in AV detection conpared with BD, but this ****** is NOT worth the trouble. So utterly stupid. How and why this obsessive-notification issue never got mentioned in any of the articles is strange to me though. The labs must've been given an earlier version before marketers decided to force the coders to complete;y ruin it. This ****** is sadder than these 8-bit emojis. 😧 Byebye BD. Maybe see ya next year.

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