About B-HAVE emulator

edited September 2020 in Protection


Does B-HAVE emulator issue its own detectors and if so, what kind of detectors do they have and how are they registered in antivirus logs?


Best Answers


  • Hi Flexx,

    I understand that B-HAVE is not a new technology, but still it is of great interest to me because I am closely involved in testing anti-virus products myself. I also understand that B-HAVE technology must be quite resource-intensive technology to be constantly active in checking available files. However, I think this technology works efficiently so far because I can see very well the detection of ****** files that have never had any Bitdefender engine detect before. My guess is this: B-HAVE detectors start with the prefix "Heur". Can you confirm or disprove this assumption? 


  • Thanks for the answers.
