Password Manager and SecurePass

Password Manager and SecurePass

Password Manager: Why do I now have to keep entering in my password with each browsing session?

I have used Bitdefender Total Security and Bitdefender Wallet for several years, managing hundreds of passwords across various browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.). After turning on my computer, I was able to open a browser and log into my Bitdefender Wallet ONCE to allow access to my passwords for each website. I would not have to re-enter my Bitdefender Wallet master password ever again unless I completely shut down my computer and then turned it back on. 

Now, with Bitdefender Password Manager, every time I close my browser it forgets my Password Manager password, and I have to re-enter it again. Every single time. This is extremely frustrating. 

I would like to know if there is a way for Bitdefender Password Manger to “remember” my master password in the same way that Bitdefender Wallet did, so I don’t have to re-enter it every single time I close and reopen my browser. In my case, I would like this to specifically work with Chrome.

Since my single Password Manger password is now so important, I have a long and complex password that I do not wish to type in every single time. Nor do I want to store this password on my computer and have to copy and paste every five minutes. My browser also takes a lot of RAM that takes power away from my other RAM-intensive programs, so keeping it open all the time is not an option.

Appreciate your advice.


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  • Hello,

    If you lock your device without closing your browser, Password Manager doesn’t lock and you can access your data when you return. As a security measure, every time you open the browser you have to sign in with your Bitdefender Central account and then input your Master password.

    • To stop the Central sign-in prompt, go into ⚙︎ Settings and tick “Disable login tab on startup”.
    • To stop the master password prompt for 72 hours, check the “Remember me” box on the Unlock your vault screen.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi.

    I notice the initial reply to your post can within a day - very good. However there is no reply to your second post for a week - very bad.

    I have also been with Bitdefender for many year and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the Wallet. I've been forced to use the trial version of the Password Manager, and I would not recommend it to anyone. Way to frustrating to use.

    I agree with all your points, but for No 9 you can make that a +1.

    I have never really felt the need to scout a round for Password Managers as the Wallet was good enough for me, so I am wondering if you would share which PM you are leaning towards.

    Thanks - John

  • Hi John, thanks for the support and +1. I have not yet made a decision on my next password manager. Will certainly choose one with local control and/or single sign-in functionality. Unfortunate that Bitdefender seems to have no apparent interest in modifying Password Manager to support these industry-standard options.

  • Hello and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this thread.

    I'll share a bit more context on how the 'Remember me' feature actually works:

    • "Remember me" is displayed at the screen asking for the master password.
    • After checking it, the user will not be required to enter the master password, as they will be logged in automatically.
    • Using remember me does not mean that you will never have to use Master Password again. As it is easy to forget the master password, and due to the security concerns in case the device gets lost or stolen, the user will remain logged in 72 hours, after that the master password will be asked for again. However, if the user is using the browser or the application actively every day, the 72 hours window gets refreshed every 24 hours.
    • If the user has inactivity lock with logout option enabled, then it is normal, since you are completely logged out of the account.
    • On mobile devices, the user is still required to enter PIN/biometrics, to ensure the device is in the correct hands. Note: If you have any security concerns about the "Remember me" option, you can use Inactivity lock with PIN unlock. This way you can still use “Remember me”, but the extension will be locked when inactive as an extra layer of security. Now, whenever the "Remember me" feature doesn’t seem to work as expected, there is a checklist to consider:
    1. First, did you check the “Remember me” box when logging in? - We've established this was checked.
    2. Did you log out manually from Password manager? – if yes, that’s normal.
    3. How long ago did you check “Remember” me? – the feature is time limited to 72 hours.
    4. Did you use the “Secure me” feature targeting the device with the issue? – if yes, that’s normal, as you were logged out.
    5. Did you enable Inactivity lock with logout option? - if yes, as mentioned above, that is normal as you were logged out.
    6. On mobile devices, are you asked for the master password, or PIN/biometrics? If PIN/Biometrics, that’s normal, this is asked for to ensure the device is in the correct hands.

    Concerning the Password Manager security and how the product compares with other password managers out there, I believe it goes without saying that Bitdefender has never sacrificed security over easy fixes. We work in an environment where reputation is key to keeping the front door open. As such, we can’t afford to cut corners and sometimes product enhancements may take some time to be developed and tested properly. Without doubt, the Bitdefender Password Manager provides the best password security out there. It’s not just passwords that are being encrypted, but whole data sets, like urls, domain and usernames, credit card data, notes, identities etc. If someone should get ahold of the users’ encrypted data, it would simply be impossible for them to pick just a particular website password to crack, since there is no information about which information this particular data set contains.

    Encryption keys are not generated from the user’s master password, but through derivations of data including a strong random key. Instead of PBKDF2 we use a much more secure hashing function called ARGON2ID.

    Sensitive user data does not leave the device without being encrypted in a secure way. We encrypt and decrypt everything locally, so the cloud service has no way to decrypt the data without the user’s master password and the keys which are generated locally. Password Manager is a considerable improvement when compared to the previous Wallet in many ways and the service received continuous improvements since its launch and these will continue as we gather more feedback from our users.

    @JohnG regarding this: I notice the initial reply to your post can within a day - very good. However there is no reply to your second post for a week - very bad. - I was out of office for a week with limited internet access and I could not reply here in good time.

    @BD Customer 2384239X I will make sure your feedback reaches the product developers and I thank you once again for sharing your findings and valuable feedback with the community.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hello Alex - thank you for your response. To answer your questions from your previous post:

    Q1. First, did you check the “Remember me” box when logging in? - We've established this was checked.

    A1: Yes. In fact, it is the very first thing I did. But – as I mentioned in my last two posts – it is useless if you close your browser at any time. The "workaround" of keeping my browser indefinitely open is not an option. Keeping my browser open throughout the day (or for days) is an even greater security risk and also takes up valuable RAM that should otherwise be allocated to my professional applications.

    Q2. Did you log out manually from Password manager? – if yes, that’s normal.

    A2: Normally no. I simply closed my browser. But even logging out causes same problems.

    Q3. How long ago did you check “Remember” me? – the feature is time limited to 72 hours.

    A3: I can check “Remember me” and then close my browser seconds, minutes, or hours later and it does not “remember me” when I reopen my browser.

    Q4. Did you use the “Secure me” feature targeting the device with the issue? – if yes, that’s normal, as you were logged out.

    A4: No.

    Q5. Did you enable Inactivity lock with logout option? - if yes, as mentioned above, that is normal as you were logged out.

    A5: Yes and no. It made no difference.

    Q6.  On mobile devices, are you asked for the master password, or PIN/biometrics? If PIN/Biometrics, that’s normal, this is asked for to ensure the device is in the correct hands.

    A6: I do not use this application on my mobile devices.

    I have tried several variations of checking and unchecking various options with Bitdefender Password Manager. The consistent result is that the browser will "forget" your BD Password Manager master password each and every time you close your browser. For me, that means the "Remember me" functionality is useless. That also means for me that Bitdefender Password Manager is no longer a viable option moving forward.

    I am using Bitdefender Total Security and Bitdefender Password Manager with Chrome browser on Windows on a PC. A standard configuration which has over 60% and 70% global market share, respectively.

    I have also researched if selecting the "delete all cookies and passwords, etc." functionality of Chrome is somehow also deleting the Bitdefender Password Manager master password each time I close my browser. But that does not seem to be the case. Moreover, as a best-practice security precaution, I normally and routinely have Chrome automatically delete my cookies and dynamic/temporary password data.

    If this is somehow also deleting my BD Password Manager master password every time I close my browser, then please advise me on how to ensure that ONLY the BD Password Manager master password is NOT deleted every time I close my Chrome browser. Which again, is something that I - and most - users do dozens of times throughout the workday.

    Appreciate your insight and response.   

  • Hello,

    Normally, you should stay logged in for 72 hours if you checked the "Remember me" box, but you'll have to wait at least 7-8 seconds after unlocking the Password Manager before closing the browser. The login process takes a few seconds to complete, so if you close the browser after this period you shouldn't have to re-enter the master password every single time you close and reopen the browser. However, if this doesn't work as designed, there is a chance of an actual issue and this should be furher investigated by the Support engineers.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi Alex, thank you for your response. Unfortunately, waiting for at least 7-8 seconds after unlocking Password Manager before closing my browser makes no difference.

    As I mentioned in my previous posts, even if I wait several minutes - or hours - after selecting "Remember me" and unlocking my Password Manager, I still have to enter my Password Manager master password each and every time I close and then reopen my browser.

    So, for me, the "Remember me" functionality is not working as you describe it should work in your previous post. In fact, I have never seen it work in any configuration or variation of time since I started using Bitdefender Password Manager.

    I am using the latest versions of Bitdefender Password Manager and Bitdefender Total Security with latest version of Chrome browser on a very popular (and common) computer running up-to-date Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. Please pass this information on your support engineers.

    As you know, long-time Bitdefender Wallet users (myself included) were forced to move to Bitdefender Password Manager earlier this month. If they are experiencing these same challenges, they are also likely to not have a good first impression of Password Manager and be in the process of looking for another product solution.

    Appreciate your response and insight.

  • Hello,

    Considering this, may I kindly ask you to open a ticket for the Support teams using the link below and provide me with the reference number, so I can ask my colleagues to assist as soon as possible?

    If the 'Remember me' feature is not working as expected, the engineers will have to take a closer look and advise further. I've seen a few isolated cases where 'Remember me' was ticked, but when reopening the browser the master password was asked for again, and this behavior was sometimes noticed on both Chrome and Firefox.

    So, the developers will have to investigate further and the Support teams can update you on their progress as soon as the ticket is raised.

    Thank you

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I have to agree with the Password Manager "Remember Me" feature. It's not working for me either. Same scenario, regardless of which browser I use (Chrome, Edge or FF). It gets really annoying to have to keep entering the password. I guess I'll have to open a ticket myself.

  • Hi @PaulKev67,

    I'm sorry to hear this. In the event the above instructions didn't help and you have checked everything relevant on your side, I guess you will have to contact the Support teams for a more detailed investigation..



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Thanks, yes I tried everything. I also tried to open a ticket with the support team, the issue I have is that the Support Tool to generate logs, generated files too large to attach. The max is 25MB and the zip file created was 110MB :-/

  • Defender of the month mod



    If any of the log file is larger than 25MB, you can upload the log file here:

    After the upload is done, you will get a notification with the file's URL and then you can share the file's URL with the Bitdefender Consumer Support.


  • I will concur with BD Customer 202384239X and others relating to the check box to “remember” my master password not working. I have been a customer for years and found the wallet useful. Since I have been forced to upgrade to the new version its been aggravating to re-enter the master password as I close my browser many times a day.

    I am operating in windows 11. When I walk away I normally just close unneeded applications and put the computer to sleep. I usually close the browser at that time. When I get back I open windows up again. I may not need the browser all the time and prefer to have it closed when not needed. It may be open for a few minutes to a few hours. I may open and close it multiple times before I again put windows temporarily in sleep mode. Each time I have to reenter the master password despite repeatedly checking" remember me" button.

    Can't see me continuing the password manager if this cannot be fixed.

  • Hello @Pedalpaddlepole,

    Did you explore this checklist?

    If yes and you are still required to login everytime, despite the 'Remember me' box being ticked, then please get in touch with the Support teams to sort this out.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • edited January 2024

    Thank you for sending me the link and the opportunity to comment.

    I have followed the suggestions posted in various discussions, but like people are saying, the remember me function does not work, plain and simple.

    I really don't know why you dumped the Wallet. It was more than good enough for most of your Customers, but I suppose it wasn't on a subscription.

    I have in the meantime disabled the password manager extension and am in the process of evaluation another password manager. I will need to type the password with every session, but I won't need to pay a subscription for the privilege of doing so!

  • I am over PW manager. They wont be getting my money at the end of this subscription.

  • I will have to add my "me too!" on this issue and also thanks for reminding me why I quit using the PW Manager a long while back. I WAS considering trying it again, but I see this is still an ongoing issue. I too did all the above check this and try that run around to try and resolve it, but heh...I was never " remembered" either and had to constantly log back in. Even if I wasn't going to use any website needing a password...still, log in again to BD.

    I'll stick with the PW manager app I ran to out of frustration with BD's. I can select a period of time up to 24hrs to keep me logged in. Also, I can set an amount of time when it will it asks for my PIN during that time. Better to only have to retype 4 numbers than an entire password. Why can't BD set up something like that?

    I truly appreciate BD commitment to excellent security. However, with so many people complaining that the"remember me" feature just doesn't work, no matter what is checked or tried, one has to wonder why it's continuing.

    I think it would be helpful to hear from someone, anyone, that it actuality DOES work as intended for and what their setup is. If all we hear back is crickets, then I'd say pull that option out of the settings completely and let people know up front that they will have to re log into BD each and every time they open their browser.

    And what about logging into apps? Same issue.

    Thanks for reading :)

  • I have used Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac for several years. I've also used LastPass for several years. I grew tired of security breaches in LastPass and their recent app upgrade doesn't work on my MacBook Pro but it did on my other desktop and iPads and iPhones. So I am currently in the process of trying PW Manager.

    I run Macs and iPhones and iPads. So far PW Manager appears to be working well - including the "Remember Me" login feature. I do NOT have to input my master password when I close/re-open my browser. Sorry but, you asked to hear if it is working for anybody! 🤪

    I have a couple more months on my trial and I intend to use them before paying for the product.

    Good Luck to everyone with the master password issue. I hope you can get it resolved.

  • It works well on my Android phone. The problem is with Windows on the PC.

  • I have to update my comment about the "Remember Me" login feature working on my is working on my Mac mini but NOT my MacBook Pro. Every time I close the browser and reopen I have to check the "Remember Me" box again and enter my password again. It is not remembering me on my MacBook Pro.

    Both computers are on the latest version of macOS Sonoma 14.3.1, and Safari 17.3.1, and Password Manager installed from Bitdefender Central 2 days ago (I can't find the version but I think it's 1.3.0).

  • You will have to add my name to the me too list, remember me does not work for me, now using another unprotected browser for day to day work, using password manager protected browser for critical jobs banks payments etc this is awork around but not ideal. Unfortunately recently paid for the ultimate version mainly because it was bundled with password manager, should have read the posts first. you have me for the next year, but unless fixed i wont be renewing.

  • A year later and Remember Me problem still not fixed

    Six months later and the Remember Me problem is still not fixed. I just signed up for BD PW Manager, and I regret it. Fortunately, not a big loss. I have used the product for 1 day, and will discontinue using it immediately. The fact that Remember Me doesn't work makes the product unusable.

  • Hi @new user 2024-09-01,

    If you've checked all the possible reasons for which the 'Remember me' feature may not work as expected, e.g. the guidelines below, then the only way to troubleshoot this further would be to get in touch with the Support teams.

    Also, do you have any other browsers extensions enabled and if yes, what are they?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • new user got bit defender premium couple days ago. The PW manager also does not remember me and having to sign in every single time i re open a new browser is beyond frustrating when other password managers don't have this issue. usually only have to sign again after rebooting the pc with other services. Can't believe after a year they haven't bothered to fix it, wonder if I made a wrong decision here and if they cut corners in other places regarding security as well. wow.

  • Hello @CooloutAC,

    Whenever the 'Remember Me' feature doesn't seem to work as expected, there's a checklist to consider. This may reveal the reasons behind this and it will help you determine if the feature is working properly or not.

    1. Using 'Remember Me' doesn't mean that you will never have to use Master Password again. As it is easy to forget the master password, and due to the security concerns in case the device gets lost or stolen, the user will remain logged in 72 hours, after that the master password will be asked for again. However, if you are using the browser or the application actively every day, the 72 hours window gets refreshed every 24 hours. 
    2. If you have 'Inactivity Lock with logout option enabled, then it is normal for the password to be asked, since you are completely logged out of the account.
    3. On mobile devices, you are still required to enter PIN/biometrics, to ensure the device is in the correct hands.

      Now, there are a few questions I need to ask if 'Remember Me' doesn’t seem to work in your case:

      Did you check the 'Remember me' box when logging in?
      Did you log out manually from Password Manager? – if yes, then it's normal to re-enter the password
      How long ago did you check 'Remember Me?" – the feature is time limited to 72 hours
      Did you use the 'Secure me' feature targeting the device with the issue? – if yes, then it’s normal for the password to be requested again, since you were logged out
      Did you enable 'Inactivity Lock' with logout option? - if yes, as mentioned above, that is normal as you were logged out.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Cool to see how long this issue has been going on. Same issue, doing the stuff above helps not at all. Issue appears with no browser plugins other than Bitdefender itself.

  • Same as everyone else. I click remember me and it only works as long as I keep my browser (Chrome) open. And before you spam the same (did you do this) list again yes to everything. I tried it all. I just got Bitdefender since the Kaspersky block in the US and this is a real irritation. and the fact that it appears to have been going on for this long does not raise confidence I made the right choice. Making your product work as intended should be a priority. Like someone else here said until this is fixed at least let us enter a pin instead of the master password.

  • So, I was having the same issue, every time I closed my Browser (Firefox) when I reopened it, even if it was a minute later, I would need to enter my Master Password. But I was doing this in the little extension drop down window from clicking on the Password Manager icon. I would make sure to click on the "Remember Me" checkbox and it would still happen.

    But then I decided to try something different. I previously disabled the "Login Tab at Startup", I re-enabled that, and used the "Remember Me" option on the Login Tab that pops up when starting the browser and it seems to have fixed my issue. I can now close my browser completely, reopen it, and it works. I've even restarted my computer and it has kept me logged in.

  • Thank you @Fizzie! 👍️

    To everyone encountering this issue, try the above workaround and come back with your findings here, please.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • edited November 2024
    1. First, did you check the “Remember me” box when logging in? - Yes
    2. Did you log out manually from Password manager? – No
    3. How long ago did you check “Remember” me? – Within the past 72 hours.
    4. Did you use the “Secure me” feature targeting the device with the issue? – No.
    5. Did you enable Inactivity lock with logout option? - I did not enable this.
    6. On mobile devices, are you asked for the master password, or PIN/biometrics? N/A - Desktop PC.

    @Fizzie's work around does not apply to me. I use both Edge and Firefox, and have never disabled the Login Tab at Startup.

  • I tried his fix but it didn't work for me. I unchecked the box that said disable login and startup. Restarted browser and got the pop-up tologin and i checked the box for remember me. And I close browser n restarted it and I was still not logged in. Are you saying it works for you? because I'm starting to wonder if you even use this product on windows. Lol

  • The issue seems to have happened again after a few days, but I was able to get the "Remember Me" function to work again, but in order to do so I had to log out completely from BitDefender Password Manager and re-login.

  • edited November 2024

    I'm not sure what you mean log out completely from the password manager? I have to log in every time I start the browser which is the issue. I'm starting to wonder if I'm being trolled and probably won't be renewing my subscription.

    There are free options which are better. I came from lastpass after they sold the company and got hacked a bunch of times. But bitwarden is probably a better option right now lol. the autofill feature in Bitdefender is pretty flaky as well.

    You know if they actually get the login feature to work correctly. Then they can do things like block logins from vpns etc. but such an option would not be possible now because I'd have to keep shutting off my vpn to log everytime i open the browser. There is a lot of improvement that can be made but making me type my master password everytime I open my browser is against basic security.

  • edited November 2024

    Just clarifying what I'm talking about. I noticed while troubleshooting this issue that after uninstalling, restarting my browser (Firefox), and then reinstalling the Password Manager app, the Remember Me function would work.

    So I then tried logging out completely. On the pop-up page that asks to enter the Master Password is an option to logout. Once I do that, it then asks me to re-login using my Bitdefender account, I have to then use my 2-Factor Authentication, and finally the "normal" pop-up window that asks for the Master Password comes up again, checking the "Remember Me" box seems to work after that.

    I can only guess that after a few days the Remember Me function will stop like normal (as its supposed to) and I will be back to the same issue (again). If so, this isn't really a fix, just a work around.

  • reinstalling my browser and the password manager didn't work for me. Neither did disabling automatic login, and logging out of bitdefender on that pop up page.

    It seems this has been a known issue for a while, they don't care, and not only will I not be renewing my premium subscription. I'm having second thoughts about using bitdefender at all.

  • all of a sudden its working for me now in edge. no idea why…lol ty.


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