UI: Resizable Window + Make text size bigger and more

This feature request was posted 12 years ago:
It makes sense. Bitdefender's interface accessibility is terrible and poorly designed. I've been using this product since 2013 and there's little to no improvement in UI and UX design.
The texts are too small. There should be an option to make the labels bigger.
Quarantine feature is hard to find. This software is bad for developers. The AI and heuristics are not perfect. Why make it hard to restore my newly developed app executables?
If you want to quit scanning or choose not to quarantine a file, it always asks "Are you sure you want to exit?" It is annoying. There should be a checkbox that allows users to choose not to show the prompt again.
The installation process is really slow. You can't try the product without creating an account.
Bitdefender agent remains in the system like a spyware; a parasite. You would need IObit Uninstaller to remove all of its components.
Hello @chiyaki and welcome to the Community!
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback.
In regards to the installation process, all steps are necessary and the Bitdefender agent is an important part of the whole ecosystem, because it facilitates not only the installation, but also various other activities. The Central login has been made mandatory to enhance security and to include additional layers of protection, such as the 2FA, but also to allow further development of the subscription model.
Concerning the resizing of the interface and other adjustments, currently there are no development plans in this direction, but it is possible that some work will be carried on the interface this year. It's too early to say how it will translate user-facing (if it's just a change of implementation or redesign), at this moment.
Best regards.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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• "In regards to the installation process, all steps are necessary and the Bitdefender agent is an important part of the whole ecosystem, because it facilitates not only the installation, but also various other activities."
But why does it have to stay in the system after uninstalling the product? Good thing that I only tested the recent version of Bitdefender on a system protected with Deep Freeze.
• "Concerning the resizing of the interface and other adjustments, currently there are no development plans in this direction, but it is possible that some work will be carried on the interface this year."
I think I made (and all others who mentioned resizable interface from 13 years ago) a valid suggestion.
From design perspective, mentioning that "there are no development plans in this direction" show the lack of interest to ease of use.
Nothing has improved in UI and detection of harmless files. Decades have passed and I'm still not convinced to install it as main antimalware, even if it's free.
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Text size in build is fine for me. I have 150% Scale on my 27 in 4K monitors, but windows size itself is for whom? I have over half a screen empty and have to scroll through this tiny keyhole. Even browsing extra paid protection features is frustrating. I am using free subscription. Does Bitdefender punish his paid subscribers the same way?
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Hi @Ruba,
I don't get it, I mean, the Bitdefender UI covers half of my desktop and the text has the right size and is easy to read, but that's just my opinion.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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@Alexandru_BD, What I am trying to say is that 1,5 years after OP posted this issue the problem persist. In my case the text size is readable, but Bitdefender UI windows is so small and no way to maximize the windows so the contents of the UI have to be scrolled up and down. Despite all the contents would fit on screen without scrolling if Bitdefender window would be bigger.
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I see. But what screen resolution do you use, exactly?
I mean, if they were to make it bigger than this, I think it would cover the entire screen for the majority of users and I don't know if that would be ideal. Next to this would be having Bitdefender in full screen..
Also, since this thread was posted, there have been some minor changes in the UI, albeit unrelated to resizing. Earlier in January this year, the developers applied the following changes:
- Rounded corners and a more visible delimitation of the interface limits on light mode;
- More visible branding in the title bar;
- Light mode refresh that adheres to the brand's evolving design guidelines;
- For microinteractions: animated status icon, animated menu transitions, subtle animation for the menu icons;
- Autopilot recommendations with a dismissable interface and better transitions between them and also confirmation feedback on the positive cta.
However, this is not to be considered a major overhaul of the UI. I can't say more about resizing options, but I assume their absence has to do with some implications in performance and usability. This interface is designed to be simple and straightforward for all users, including those without technical expertise. Allowing users to resize the UI could result in cluttered or poorly arranged elements that make it harder to access important features, thereby degrading usability. As it is, the fixed size ensures that buttons, alerts, and options are always properly aligned and easy to navigate.
And surely there are more implications to this. Allowing dynamic resizing could increase the complexity of the software, requiring additional resources to redraw the interface at different sizes, especially when running alongside resource-heavy tasks like real-time scanning or threat analysis. Thus, keeping the interface static optimizes performance and ensures the software operates efficiently without unnecessary strain on system resources. Also, the UI should maintain a consistent user experience across different devices and screen sizes.
So, from my point of view, I don't see resizing to be a problem that would impair usage, but I do understand your arguments and perspective. I think a fixed-size UI is designed to strike a balance between functionality, ease of use, and security for the majority of users, across the multitude of different devices and display resolutions.Regards,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Sorry for the bump but this is the most relevant topic.
Bit defender is finally at a point, performance wise, where I am happy with it and am heavily considering re buying it (currently on 30 day internet security trial).
I just do not understand why the interface is STILL completely non resizable. It would completely transform the app for those of us who like control over the firewall - right now I have to scroll between hundreds of apps on a tiny screen on a 4K panel. How could it hurt ANYTHING to have a maximize button there for those of us that want it? You could even have an option "enable resizable interface" if it worries you that much that current users would not like it. That way it would remain identical for everyone that likes it that way, and bigger for those of us that want/need that.
It's not that the text or anything is too small, it's that the interface is too small. Only a very limited amount of data can be seen on a GUI that is only taking up about a quarter of usable screen real estate and I can't find one reason for it to make any sense NOT to offer a resize option.
I think this might be a deal breaker for me sadly. Kaspersky was almost there but the application outbound firewall control is dreadful, which was a dealbreaker, but I could have any screen at any size.
Heck, I can't even get through BD's options in its own protection settings page without scrolling. That's just flat out ridiculous.
So although the firewall is much easier to enable/disable outbound internet access per app, it's so small that it ends up being a headache. On a side note, once again I am astonished that BD is yet another windows firewall app that does not have a default set of rules covering browsers and basic OS functions. So if I enable notifications, I get one for every single function of the OS. So I am going to have to leave it in auto mode for a few days so all the necessary basic OS functions get automatically allowed, then I can enable notifications which should only affect new apps. It's really quite poor and unergonomic to not have a default ruleset, as when I set it to default, it's just blank.
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This thread also has some feedback regarding resizing the UI, as well as a wider scroll bar, which IMO, is still too narrow (has not been changed).
There has also been a request to make the VPN window resizable.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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I''ll quote my comment on the shared thread here as well, for convenience. I think the implications may go even beyond this, but essentially, I suppose these would be the main arguments to consider when resizing the UI, and the reasoning behind the current fixed layout:
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Sorry but I just don't buy it Alexandru, especially when it is heavily hampering the control of the program. My counter argument then is, if you want a fixed size, it could have been redesigned to be a larger, more usable fixed size, 100 times and then some by now over the years. It is the most arbitrary thing to do with coders of your skill set who create a program to protect the entire computer, and the GUI is simple to begin with.. it is not a complicated task, relatively speaking. So keep it one size, sure, just make it nice and big. Or even better, standard size and full screen. That's a simpler solution, two sizes.
What that reply actually means is that you just couldn't be bothered, because every other program on my computer, over 350 of them, all have adjustable interface size and many of them are way more complex than BD, in fact Kaspersky is a perfect example which has legions of info and every window and sub window is infinitely resizable.
So I have to suspend disbelief to the point that for some reason, ONLY BD can't implement it efficiently. LOL.
It's actually torture to scroll, the inertia is wrong with a precision touchpad, the side bar is too small to easily grab, and EVERYTHING requires scrolling. I hope BD take criticism constructively and won't ban me for speaking out, but nevertheless I feel I have to cause it's just terrible. A gorgeous, easy to use interface completely ruined by its mini size. It's nonsensical to me and has been a thorn in my side since I first used the program in 2020.
PS just think about that for a moment. EVERY other program on my machine is infinitely adjustable, including things like pro tools which is a very complex app. Heck, even individual plugins for pro tools are resizable these days and everything just auto scales cause they are coded correctly.
You could beta a larger interface option for those game enough to try it out, as I said just leave it at the size it is for those who are happy and a simple maximise option, and let us be testers and assume the risk. I'd sign up day one and finally stop constantly looking at different security products.
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Rest assured no one here will ban you or censor your feedback, as long as it's pertinent and offered in a civilized manner. Of course it will be taken into consideration and it is ultimately constructive. 🙂
I think maybe one of the reasons against going full screen with it was to not make an intrusive UI, so that it doesn't take up the whole screen, because I'm not sure if that's a good practice, at least from my point of view.
It might please some users, but annoy others. See where I'm going with it?I remember there were similar debates about notifications at some point. Some users complained there were too many or too intrusive, while others wanted to get a notification for each and every event possible. It's not easy getting the perfect balance here, as you can imagine. And most of the changes the developers apply to the product are based on thorough research, be it security research, or general product feedback, since both product developers and market researchers often ask the userbase what they would like to find in the product and why.
I think more advanced users who want to fiddle more with the available settings and use the UI on a daily basis might welcome a larger interface indeed, maybe even one that covers the screen entirely. But for the less tech-savvy user who just wants a security solution that he can simply set and forget, going full screen may not be the best approach..
To get the best of both worlds we circle back to a resizable UI, but then we must consider its drawbacks which I have explained previously.
This is not about laziness or the lack of means to do it, and although some antiviruses may provide the option to resize the UI, not all of them are built in the same way, meaning that what applies for some AV out there cannot be mirrored for Bitdefender and vice-versa, due to its unique structure and other factors.
Sure, we can look at what others do for the sake of comparison and benchmarking, but this has never been a real catalyst for applying major changes or copying features and functionalities. I don't think resizing the UI is a priority right now, as the developers are focused on other projects they have on the 2025 roadmap, and based on the surveys filled in by the majority of Bitdefender users, most of them are happy with the current UI so far, thus there haven't been any solid reasons to make significant changes in this area, apart from some minor visual and cosmetic changes that were applied last year. Sure, the scroll bar needs some improvement, but that's already on the list.Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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This, from Alex above reply:
This is not about laziness or the lack of means to do it, and although some antiviruses may provide the option to resize the UI, not all of them are built in the same way, meaning that what applies for some AV out there cannot be mirrored for Bitdefender and vice-versa, due to its unique structure and other factors.
If it were to be something that would cause instability due to coding, allowing the app in full screen, then I'm for leaving it alone. I've noticed over the last 6 months? where we as volunteers haven't had to offer a Repair as often as we have had to in the past, to help with some of the issues posted. So if Bitdefender is, and seems to be more stable, let's leave that alone. At least the wider scroll bar seems to be in the works, which I and others will be happy with😊
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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All I can say is this which seems so ridiculous to me.
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Oh, and I get it. Even on this notebook with a display of 1920 x 1080 I was wanting to grab a corner of the Bitdefender UI to help enlarge it when answering a post this weekend. I'm also running ESET on another notebook and am used to enlarging it, as well as my past experience with F-Secure.
But, Bitdefender is a different animal (also see all the running Processes) and I've learned that when we get as thorough of a reply as posted above, it's not going to happen. It's just what we get with Bitdefender. But if it can do its job that I paid for it to do, then it really isn't that much of a deal breaker for me. And if not tweaking it keeps it stable, I'm okay with that, too. In my case, I have two different AV subscriptions going for each of their protection and feature abilities. It adds a little AV comparison and interest in my life :)
Cheers :)
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/
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I suppose it wouldn't bother me THAT much if it didn't make clicking through the firewall apps such a chore. I am going to try the search box from now on. What I am going to do is run every major program on my computer, let BD make a bunch of FW rules so the list is really long, and then see if the search box solves the issue. Even if the display was say 50% bigger it would be a revelation for me though, so everything could just "feel" easier to navigate.
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BTW this is the happiest I have ever been with BD.
- The issue I had last time I tested a demo a year or so back when it slowed any gen 4 ssd to gen 4 ssd (both internal pcie) file transfers to 200 mb/s, even large contiguous files, and disabling BD instantly meant the speed went to 5000+, has been resolved. Disk speeds being tested on the same computer are back to normal with BD enabled.
- BD did hose my computer in 2021, it was a travesty and what scared me the most and made me leave it, as up to that point I had been happy with it. I actually want to talk to some others about what happened and see if anyone has experienced it in the last few years, and I know this is the wrong forum area to post about it. Any ideas which would be the best forum section to ask such a thing? Basically BD got stuck in a false detection loop, the screen went grey and every time I clicked OK, no matter what the next file was, everything was infected according to BD. After about 100 files and clicking OK, I couldn't take it anymore and forced shutdown with the power button. On reboot, Kaspersky offline, Malwarebytes and Emsisoft all said the computer was 100% clean. And I know it was, as it was a fairly new install that had nothing dodgy on it and BD had been enabled since day one, and all I was doing was changing folder view options in windows 10 explorer when this happened, BD suddenly went berserk. The amount of damage it caused to drivers and the operation of the OS was too much to easilyu fix so I had to format and reinstall from scratch. That scared me senseless as I had never seen such a thing since first using an AV in the 90's (VET AV back then). It was definitely a false detection loop it got completely stuck in where it thought every single file on the machine was infected. So I'd really like an opportunity to talk about this and have my mind eased before I purchase, so would appreciate knowing which sub forum would be the best to talk about this.
Ultimately, I am not thrilled with the small display, but BD has been great since I installed it yesterday and it does WHAT I want out of a security suite. No forced VPN install. Check. Proper 2 way firewall, check. Webcam and mic control, check. Ransomware repair, check. It ticks all the boxes for me besides the screen size. Performance has been great so far also.
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@BAV you do have a big screen there. On my laptop BD covers almost half of the display. 😅
I appreciate you took the time to share your insights here. Yes, this may not be the ideal thread to discuss what you've posted above, but perhaps you can open a new thread in the General Topics category, and let's see if anyone encountered the issues you mentioned above.
Glad to know you are making good use of it now and that it covers your security needs. 🙂Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Hi, it's actually just a laptop panel, but it's 4K. So it's a 17" panel with 3840x2160 resolution, 16:9 ratio, but as you can see the graphics are scaling correctly and readable, so it's clear Bit Defender is high DPI aware. That said, what I might do is play with the DPI scaling in BD application properties and set it to system enhanced and see if that makes it any bigger. Thanks for the info re general forum, will try that tomorrow as I am going to sleep now, it's 10pm here and I am old LOL.
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Hi, a quick reply before I nod off, that helped quite a bit. The scaling is the same as in what I view on screen, but setting the seccenter.exe properties (right click, compatibility, DPI scaling) to system enhanced has made it about 15% bigger which actually makes a marked difference, and it's not blurry in any way which is great. Well that will have to do for now. I think if the firewall didn't have the search box, it would in fact be a complete deal breaker, but I can work around it so I am going to buy it tomorrow for a 3 seat 2 year license. Right now it's the only security package that does what I need in one and is super easy to use. Avira came a close second, and the GUI is superior and resizable and the firewall even easier to use, however it has no webcam or mic blocking so that was what gave BD the edge for me.
There are some standalone apps that do this, and they want $49 PER YEAR just for this function of monitoring webcam and mic and which apps access it in real time and blocking them or allowing them, so that would be make it ridiculously expensive to add to Avira and mean yet another app running in the background. So BD it is. Now I just need to know if there's anything special I need to disable in BD if I need to run Windows system restore if I have to roll back, but I guess that's a different forum topic again.
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Thank you for taking the time to write this comprehensive feedback, it is greatly appreciated!
15% must be an improvement, I must say, good job. That's a nice workaround. 😃
And last but not least, thank you for choosing Bitdefender, and you are more than welcome in our community anytime! 🤝
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Hello, BAV :)
This article may be helpful regarding your question about Bitdefender and System Restore.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/