Bank not recognizing my laptop when I'm in Safepay
For at least a couple of years I've had to receive a text from my bank with a code so that I could access my account. Because other financial institutions were allowing me in without a code, I figured it was just this one bank that had the problem.
Recently, however, I had to wipe my laptop hard drive and reload everything, and ever since then this particular bank makes me call into their customer service center in order to confirm my identity. I'm just realizing that it's most likely the fact that I'm always using Safepay to access this bank that's been causing the inability to recognize me the whole time.
How do I proceed so that I can access this bank using Safepay?
Hello @Danaphile
Are you also using the Bitdefender VPN in the Safepay app? If so, that could be the main problem as it's being flagged on the banks side for an "unfamiliar" IP address.
If the VPN is off, and you just went with your browser and didn't use Safepay, are you able to log in without any problem? On your home network, open one tab in your browser, and type your bank in the address bar. Confirm that the site is trusted (and even view the certificate if desired) and see if your able to log in without being prompted to contact the service center to verify your identity.
Otherwise, @camarie who was the main developer and maintainer of Safepay, may have an idea for you on Monday, Romanian time.
Kind regards.
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Thanks @Scott for your response. When I go into Bitdefender > Privacy > Safepay > Settings, the Use VPN with Safepay switch is in the grey position.
When I pull up my bank in my browser, there's a blue shield and a padlock but not the additional permissions icon that the arrow points to in your image. Is the missing one necessary in order to try logging in safely? The address starts with https and has the word secure before the dotcom. Is it OK to log in?
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What browser are you using? What bank, website is it? (of course not your login, just the name of the bank). My example above is when using Chrome.
And if you're uncertain, just use Safepay and do what you've been doing until camarie stops by with some insights or thoughts on the issue.
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Thanks again @Scott. I have a Lenovo IdeaPad 3, and I'm using Firefox. I also have Edge. Should I download Chrome and see what the bank's login page looks like from there? Is it that additional permissions icon that I should be looking for?
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I really wouldn't want you to download another browser, so here is what this site look like on my end (bank site). It's just the way Edge and Firefox display things compared to Chrome and Brave. With the closed Padlock and HTTPS, which is secure.
With Firefox, it looks like this, and in this case for this site, if I tick the Connection secure arrow, will get a Verified by: Bitdefender window. So as long as you're seeing the closed Padlock and HTTPS you're secure and you can try your bank and see if you can log in without having to contact their service center apart from Safepay.
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Thanks again @Scott. Since I have the closed padlock and https, I tried logging in through Firefox, but I'm still getting the screen that says I'm required to call in. The customer service agent did something on her end just now so that they recognize my laptop. It worked in just Firefox, but when I went back into Safepay to try it, I still got a message saying I had to call. I thought I could at least get back to just needing to request that they text me a code, but I still have to call in.
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Wonderful job on your end, Danaphile, as this will help @camarie as far as what has now been resolved, and what he may need to consider as far as getting Safepay to work again for you with that site.
He probably will reply in the next day or two, so I'll leave you in his very competent hands. Thanks again for all that you did on your end.
Kind regards, Scott.
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I'm not sure this is certificate related. Maybe it is something more particular related to Safepay itself, since this is, after all, a custom, non-mainstream browser, and web servers (particularily banks) have all sorts of mechanisms to reject things they don't recognize verbatim.
Can you post if some specific error message, error code or something like that was obtained after an unsuccesful access attempt?
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Hi @Danaphile
Since you won't be able to take a screenshot while in Safepay, you could take a phone picture of the (any) error message and post that if needed.
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I've never received any sort of error message around this issue. Before I had to wipe my hard drive, I would try to login to my bank, and I would get a screen saying that they needed to text me a code to confirm who I was. Since I wiped the hard drive, I get a screen saying I need to call in to their customer service number to go through a more involved process of identifying who I am.
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Understood. Can you share (or send me a private message) the URL of the bank in question? Was a some form of CAPTCHA involved during authentication process?