Bitdefender 2010 products

Bitdefender 2010 products

Bad Update Or....? - Solution Here: Http://



  • How can they fix somthing when you cant log in to fix it

  • I'm glad to see a pinned topic that is locked.


    1.Step one doesn't work ...because BD won't load, and is missing files. (Quarantined itself?) ..... "Open Bit Defender in Expert Mode".... Gee, I would if I COULD!

    2. When I do download an update, (to which there are no links posted in the locked thread) it only allows me the "Novice" mode, and the button doesn't work to select the "Expert mode", and starts running real time all by itself, and the hard drive goes crazy again, and here we go, and I start all over again.

    3. System restore won't work (Win 7) because there are files missing. (In quarantine, apparently, which I still can't get to because BD isn't working and won't open)

    4. "Last known good configuration" won't work, and is not an option in the safe mode because files are missing or something. I don't know why, and don't care. I just know it won't work here.

    5. I can't be notified of any updates because neither IE, nor AOL (since it's an IE overlay program) works. (I can remote log in, I suppose, but this is ridiculous.)

    6. This is a disaster, because you are not feeding us valid fixes and links, and if you are, we can't get to them to read them!

    It's time you guys step up and start updating that locked page with more scenarios, links, and fixes, because I have already wasted my day off, and still can't do business expenses, nor taxes, because your Virus Protection has become a Virus in itself. It's a viscous circle of disaster here!

    Obviously, patience is wearing thin here on this forum, with this complete lack of real time support, and real instruction on how we can fix your mistake. Clearly, many are still unaware they have been devastated yet, and this is just the beginning.

    SHOW US! Starting with ... Download THIS PATCH HERE...... > Download THIS UPDATE HERE.....> and tell us how to get this disaster cleaned up. You don't seem to be picking up on the fact that we CAN'T open BD in the Expert mode! BD isn't working, and isn't loading, and won't give us the Expert mode option in the first place! Many can't even boot up!



  • Probably not going to get any help, but I'll try anyways.

    Obviously I have the same problem as everyone. Unfortunately I've already restarted my computer. Computer seemed to be working fine but was still getting the BD problem so I just turned off BD - and now I can't start it again because it quarantined itself. I also can't do a System Restore because BD somehow ###### that up aswell.

    I'm lucky that my comp is still 'working' atm, but I've lost alot of applications and windows functions.

    What should I do? Restart and try 'Last Known Good Configuration'?

    I can't do this - cause I can't open BD.

    Should I just wait for an actual update patch?

  • edited March 2010

    Ok any hope for those who cannot boot in SAFE MODE and cannot restore??..Can i do anything in COMMAND PROMPT (as this is only thing i can get into)

    Or is installing windows again only option?

  • We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this faulty update, we are currently working on providing a patch that will solve this issue. As soon as we have any update, we will post it on this topic:

    and on this KB article:

    There may be cases when the workaround provided in the above articles does not work. Therefore, we would like to gather a few information about these cases, such as:

    what operating system are you using Vista 64

    what version of BitDefender are you using Dont know cant login

    what specifically did not work The Computer

    Thank you

    Details above please tell me how to fix it

  • Do we have to restart anyway to apply the patch "Update" ? or we can just update manually if we have our BD working fine?

  • We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this faulty update, we are currently working on providing a patch that will solve this issue. As soon as we have any update, we will post it on this topic:

    and on this KB article:

    There may be cases when the workaround provided in the above articles does not work. Therefore, we would like to gather a few information about these cases, such as:

    what operating system are you using

    what version of BitDefender are you using

    what specifically did not work

    Thank you

    Can you even tell us if you have an engine that's safe to use? Everything that you've posted is hours old and yet you appear to have put out updates to your software. My engine version is 7.30848 that was updated at 5:37 Eastern time but it is not running due to the fact that BD has not verified that it even has a clean engine to run!

    Who's running the show down there?

  • How can we restore quarantined items in the trial version ???????????

    I assume it's the same as the licensed version:

    - On the Notification Area icon, right-click "Show"

    - On the title bar, click "Settings" (not the confusing "Settings" tab)

    - Select "Expert mode" User Interface and click "OK"

    - Select the "Antivirus" area in the left bar

    - Select the "Quarantine" tab

    - Select all files listed as "Trojan.FakeAlert.5" for virus name

    (Ctrl+A should do the trick, just make sure the last file is also "Trojan.FakeAlert.5", not an actual other virus)

    - Click "Restore"

    Some or many files are probably duplicate, so select "Yes" to overwrite them all ("No" should be the same, just haven't tried it).

    These duplicate files won't be found in the corresponding path either, so select "Cancel".

    That should leave you with the fake duplicate files in the Quarantine list, just ignore them and you should be done if that's all the damage it caused.

    Best of luck, Paul & Rebecca! ^-^

  • How on earth can I do all the fixes in the trial version? the menus aren't the same!!

  • Due to a recent update it is possible that BitDefender detects several Windows and BitDefender files as infected with Trojan.FakeAlert.5 .

    In order to solve this issue you will have to perform these steps:

    - open the BitDefender interface in Expert Mode

    - go to the Antivirus tab and disable the Realtime Protection permanently.

    - go to the Quarantine tab and restore all items that are detected as Trojan.FakeAlert.5.

    - reboot your PC

    - open BitDefender in Expert Mode

    - go to the Update tab and run an update.

    - wait for the update to finish and enable the Realtime Protection that was disabled earlier.

    If, however, your Windows can no longer boot properly you will need to perform one of the 2 actions below:

    1. Use Last Known Good Configuration

    - reboot your PC and press F8 repeatedly until you reach a text menu

    - choose the last option on the bottom of the page named Last Known Good Configuration

    2. Use System Restore - Windows 7/ Vista users check this article"

    - Windows XP users check this article

    We would like to convey our apologies in regards to the situation created.


    I agree, after many hours of frustration your company is hardly earning any respect by trying to hide from your mistake ..... "Due to a recent update it is possible that BitDefender detects several Windows and BitDefender" and worst not coming up with anything that the users themselves have not already provided. Are you getting your help from us?

    Though I don't agree with the US SUE first ask questions later approach to life in general nor do I agree with the it can happen to anyone and so I take no responsibility attitude.

    You really have missed the chance to show your professionalism and dealing with the consumer quickly and upfront. Right now it looks like the company doesn't care and has left the reigns to a few people working the weekend shift to sort out. Guess your managers are too busy golfing.

    Since this is not the first time your company has done something like this I hope everyone disables your automatic update till you prove that you actually have a QA department. Senior managers love cutting back on QA during budget constraints maybe that was the case here either way the real issue is that the release was not properly tested nothing more.

    How a company chooses to respond to its mistakes is what makes all the difference and your company certainly is not up there with the good ones. Personally a law suite will be the least of your problems if you do not correct your attitude for those like myself who recommend software will simply choose not to purchase or recommend your software.

    Good luck and I hope you deal with this soon.

  • When will the bitdefender security service be up again?

    no problem with windows bc I waited for the update b4 i did anything but now its saying that the vsserv.exe is unavailable and the AV and Firewall are not on

    do i need to just wait?

    Seriously when will the gray ball become red again ? :rolleyes:

  • We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this faulty update, we are currently working on providing a patch that will solve this issue. As soon as we have any update, we will post it on this topic:

    and on this KB article:

    There may be cases when the workaround provided in the above articles does not work. Therefore, we would like to gather a few information about these cases, such as:

    what operating system are you using

    what version of BitDefender are you using

    what specifically did not work

    Thank you

    Running Windows 7 Pro (build 7600)

    BitDefender Antivirus 10

    What specifically do not work? Gee... you name it: BitDefender itself, Office (the whole set), several applications. It is really hard to give you a detailed information on that. Besides several *.exe file on my external driver where also labeled as infected and moved to quarantine.

  • I'm glad to see a pinned topic that is locked.


    1.Step one doesn't work ...because BD won't load, and is missing files. (Quarantined itself?) ..... "Open Bit Defender in Expert Mode".... Gee, I would if I COULD!

    2. When I do download an update, (to which there are no links posted in the locked thread) it only allows me the "Novice" mode, and the button doesn't work to select the "Expert mode", and starts running real time all by itself, and the hard drive goes crazy again, and here we go, and I start all over again.

    3. System restore won't work (Win 7) because there are files missing. (In quarantine, apparently, which I still can't get to because BD isn't working and won't open)

    4. "Last known good configuration" won't work, and is not an option in the safe mode because files are missing or something. I don't know why, and don't care. I just know it won't work here.

    5. I can't be notified of any updates because neither IE, nor AOL (since it's an IE overlay program) works. (I can remote log in, I suppose, but this is ridiculous.)

    6. This is a disaster, because you are not feeding us valid fixes and links, and if you are, we can't get to them to read them!

    It's time you guys step up and start updating that locked page with more scenarios, links, and fixes, because I have already wasted my day off, and still can't do business expenses, nor taxes, because your Virus Protection has become a Virus in itself. It's a viscous circle of disaster here!

    Obviously, patience is wearing thin here on this forum, with this complete lack of real time support, and real instruction on how we can fix your mistake. Clearly, many are still unaware they have been devastated yet, and this is just the beginning.

    SHOW US! Starting with ... Download THIS PATCH HERE...... > Download THIS UPDATE HERE.....> and tell us how to get this disaster cleaned up. You don't seem to be picking up on the fact that we CAN'T open BD in the Expert mode! BD isn't working, and isn't loading, and won't give us the Expert mode option in the first place! Many can't even boot up!


    bump again. Your fix doesn't work for me because vsserv.exe was quarantined and I can't even load the bd GUI.

  • edited March 2010

    I managed to restore, after spending about 2 hours, and trying twice, from a previous system image. My files were so trashed my PC (W7 x64) would not boot correctly.

    I have to say this error is absolutely inexcusable. Has Bitdefender not heard of quality control and testing? How is it possible to have any faith in the product going forward?

    I have removed my copy and will be going to another AV. I intend to tell as many folk as possible to avoid Bitdefender products like the plague.

  • It still amazes me that you guys are asking the same questions that have already been answered throughout this entire topic. What's the point of asking what OS, program version, issue we all have for the 3rd/4th time if your not reading the already posted answers?

    Are you guys just typing those questions as a type of blind reassurance that someone is in the office on the weekend and reading the forums cause that's not enough.

    You need to change the Knowledge base article warning people to NOT reboot/shutdown their computer without backing up their quarantine folder first as well as anything else on their main OS drive just in case.

    You can't just be looking at fixing your own program's problem if you hope to try and repair, even a little bit, your company's reputation after this.

    Shutting down/REbooting should ONLY, I repeat, ONLY be done once the user has backed up the quarantine folder and anything else they can off their main partition that their OS is installed on.

    More and more people are reformatting their computers, losing data, both personal and work computers alike due to this lack of proper information ahead of time. The longer you guys wait to post this, the more people are gonna be at the point of no return (AKA Complete format and starting their system over from scratch.)

  • The link in their "fix" doesn't work.

    results in a "Bad Request" page.

    BD. What a CF.

  • Seriously when will the gray ball become red again ? :rolleyes:

    LMAO @ Seriously when will the gray ball become red again ? :rolleyes:

    Possibly when they boil it :-s

  • I too got a streaming amount of error messages saying I am infected with Torjan.FakeALert.5. Nearly 10% of the files had it.

    Restarted the Windows 7 machine and I get the following:

    "bdagent.exe - System Error" The program can't start becuase issues.dll is missing from yout computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

    Tried manual scan. The manul scan dies during the disinfection of the scan. It cannot even disinfect my Windows\Temp folder....

    I guess I cannot update since Bitdefender it self is "screwed"...

    May be reinstall...

    Any ideas ..

  • edited March 2010

    I just wanna ask.... Why you don't test a update first to release? You have to protect we , dont destroy! Im really angry because im lost important file... and im sure a fix dont work for all!

  • I couldnt find in previous post the answer to this question: Is there any tool or procedure to restore quarantined files ? Because i have a working operating system (vista 64) but as Bit Defender quarantined itself i cannot un-quarantine all "infected" files and that means that half my programs dont run.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

  • Finaly got my computer up and running again by changing the boot to dvd in the bios, good luck if you dont know what the bios is. Most normal users wouldnt and doing a system repaire from the original dvd.

  • Due to a recent update it is possible that BitDefender detects several Windows and BitDefender files as infected with Trojan.FakeAlert.5 .

    In order to solve this issue you will have to perform these steps:

    - open the BitDefender interface in Expert Mode

    - go to the Antivirus tab and disable the Realtime Protection permanently.

    - go to the Quarantine tab and restore all items that are detected as Trojan.FakeAlert.5.

    -----Hows about a little help when you can't perform step 3? Now what?

  • Listen people - I know there are a lot of newbies on here and they are lost as to how to "fix" this. There are some things you need to realise NOW!

    I have now sorted mine! Im a very experienced user and virtually the same second I seen this "alert", I switched off my anitvirus, Restored 5 files that it quarantined and waited for the update - I WAS LUCKY. Just experience I guess.

    If YOU weren't as lucky and bitdefender is no longer working for you, no longer accessible or otherwise out of your reach - you need to realise something.......


    The people at Bitdefender ARE NOT capable (or in ANY position) to fix your windows installation! You need to realise this now! There WILL NOT be a fix FROM Bitdefender for your windows installation. THEY CAN ONLY CORRECT THEIR INITIAL MISTAKE on their OWN program. They have admitted this already by posting their "solution"

    You have to either restore your windows by using a restore point.

    Re-install Windows from a back up (if you are lucky enough to have MADE YOUR OWN backup using your own backup software)

    repair windows by running the repair console on boot up (by booting from your windows install disc)

    Get someone who "knows how" to come round and do it for you etc.

    Listen people - these are solutions to ANY messed up windows system. Their solution is the solution to ANY MAJOR problem that windows comes up against. They have seriously messed up here and there will be no FIX, No PATCH or anything else FROM Bitdefender to "fix" your now FUNKED windows installation.

    You need to start looking into re-installing/repairing windows in the usual ways you have to whenever windows is this messed up.

    You might have to get someone to help you with this (this WONT be bitdefender)

    You then need to get back up running, get yourself another AV program and then start to focus your anger on these complete ******!

    Refunds? Compensation? I dunno - I can see that everyone has there own story. My own girlfriend rebooted mid ###### and is currently re-installing windows. No restore point for her either *sigh* - GONE!

    Anyway - LEAVE here!! You are wasting energy and time! Bitdefender CANNOT help your now funked windows installation. Go research if you need to, repair your windows and then come back here and give these ****** ######!

    Im only posting this coz I see so many on here now hopelessly waiting for bitdefender to make everything all right again - It's NOT coming people. Go try sort yourselves out!

    Good Luck to all!

    Bitdefender is finished as a company now! They deserve nothing less.


    ALL THE PPL u get black screen or u cant see your desktop

    Pres ctrl+alt+delete enter -> go on task manager -> up and left you see FILE hit there and write MSCONFIG enter then go to STARTUP PROGRAMS and there uncheck ALL Bitdifender hit ok and restart...

    Before restart put the disk windows on your drive

    PRES F8 and when u see the MENU HIT THE FIRST ΤΑΒ i think is REPAIR SYSTEM or somethink


    TRY TO RESTORE YOUR SYSTEM IT LAST POINT... IT works on me the windows recreate the quarantee files

    lets find out if this work to you...

  • LMAO @ Seriously when will the gray ball become red again ? :rolleyes:

    Possibly when they boil it :-s

    Thanks for acknowledging my post!

  • LMAO @ Seriously when will the gray ball become red again ? :rolleyes:

    Possibly when they boil it :-s

    Also loved that comment. im using a ubuntu live cd which is gathering my files. luckily i have this linux kernal option. its just an iso i boot from. whallah. i have my files again.

    not looking forward to a refreshed windows 7... took me months to get it the way i like it.


    Somebody post what lawsuit options we have? so i dont feel like ive wasted 3 months setting a pc up the way i exactly like it, registry edits to make it more friendly for me and such...

    I want cake... Cake in the form of the red ball logo.

  • Restored windows to a previous setting and am currently downloading the update.

    What do I now do with all the files in quarantine?

    Apologies if this has already been answered in a previous post.

  • 15 minutes ago, on Facebook:

    "A message from our headquarters: We apologize for the issues that you are experiencing on behalf of the BitDefender update released today for Windows 64-bit systems. The faulty update has been removed and we are quickly working on a fix for the issues experienced by the users that downloaded this update. We apologize for this error and we will work to prevent this from occurring again in the future."

    By this time, this is a very late message and it shows this is a company that does not know how to handle real problems.

  • Listen people - I know there are a lot of newbies on here and they are lost as to how to "fix" this. There are some things you need to realise NOW!

    I have now sorted mine! Im a very experienced user and virtually the same second I seen this "alert", I switched off my anitvirus, Restored 5 files that it quarantined and waited for the update - I WAS LUCKY. Just experience I guess.

    If YOU weren't as lucky and bitdefender is no longer working for you, no longer accessible or otherwise out of your reach - you need to realise something.......


    The people at Bitdefender ARE NOT capable (or in ANY position) to fix your windows installation! You need to realise this now! There WILL NOT be a fix FROM Bitdefender for your windows installation. THEY CAN ONLY CORRECT THEIR INITIAL MISTAKE on their OWN program. They have admitted this already by posting their "solution"

    You have to either restore your windows by using a restore point.

    Re-install Windows from a back up (if you are lucky enough to have MADE YOUR OWN backup using your own backup software)

    repair windows by running the repair console on boot up (by booting from your windows install disc)

    Get someone who "knows how" to come round and do it for you etc.

    Listen people - these are solutions to ANY messed up windows system. Their solution is the solution to ANY MAJOR problem that windows comes up against. They have seriously messed up here and there will be no FIX, No PATCH or anything else FROM Bitdefender to "fix" your now FUNKED windows installation.

    You need to start looking into re-installing/repairing windows in the usual ways you have to whenever windows is this messed up.

    You might have to get someone to help you with this (this WONT be bitdefender)

    You then need to get back up running, get yourself another AV program and then start to focus your anger on these complete ******!

    Refunds? Compensation? I dunno - I can see that everyone has there own story. My own girlfriend rebooted mid ###### and is currently re-installing windows. No restore point for her either *sigh* - GONE!

    Anyway - LEAVE here!! You are wasting energy and time! Bitdefender CANNOT help your now funked windows installation. Go research if you need to, repair your windows and then come back here and give these ****** ######!

    Im only posting this coz I see so many on here now hopelessly waiting for bitdefender to make everything all right again - It's NOT coming people. Go try sort yourselves out!

    Good Luck to all!

    Bitdefender is finished as a company now! They deserve nothing less.

  • We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this faulty update, we are currently working on providing a patch that will solve this issue. As soon as we have any update, we will post it on this topic:

    and on this KB article:

    There may be cases when the workaround provided in the above articles does not work. Therefore, we would like to gather a few information about these cases, such as:

    what operating system are you using

    what version of BitDefender are you using

    what specifically did not work

    Thank you

    For example I send you all this informations many hours ago, on the support page.

    As I see you unlearned how to mobilise your team. Are they all in no acces areas? Because you have a major crysis now and you will be more hardely judged for how you (did not) reacted, but for the initial error.

    But to make it known again:

    Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

    Bitdefender Internet Security, the downloaded version (CD came after)

    All starded somewhere around 19:00 local time with PowerPoint being the first signaled as infected with Trojan.FakeAlert.5 (what a proper name)

    It seams that every program is signaled as infected when LEAVING the program or when scanning it.

    A lot of files arrives in the Quarantine.I've send a lot of them to bitdefener, as it seamed more and more as a mistake.

    It's not the first time, lately it happened some times to fave obvious fake recognitions, either in genuine commercial programs, or as in some bat files, which are surely clean. The test team (if it exist one, I heva my doubts now) makes not a good job.

    It's clearly need for a mass quarantine restore program, as the world will need it tommorow!

  • I just wanna ask.... Why you don't test a update first to release? You have to protect we , dont destroy! Im really angry because im lost important file... and im sure a fix dont work for all!

    I just wanna ask what strain of weed they were smoking when they did the update...

  • Listen people - I know there are a lot of newbies on here and they are lost as to how to "fix" this. There are some things you need to realise NOW!

    I have now sorted mine! Im a very experienced user and virtually the same second I seen this "alert", I switched off my anitvirus, Restored 5 files that it quarantined and waited for the update - I WAS LUCKY. Just experience I guess.

    If YOU weren't as lucky and bitdefender is no longer working for you, no longer accessible or otherwise out of your reach - you need to realise something.......


    The people at Bitdefender ARE NOT capable (or in ANY position) to fix your windows installation! You need to realise this now! There WILL NOT be a fix FROM Bitdefender for your windows installation. THEY CAN ONLY CORRECT THEIR INITIAL MISTAKE on their OWN program. They have admitted this already by posting their "solution"

    You have to either restore your windows by using a restore point.

    Re-install Windows from a back up (if you are lucky enough to have MADE YOUR OWN backup using your own backup software)

    repair windows by running the repair console on boot up (by booting from your windows install disc)

    Get someone who "knows how" to come round and do it for you etc.

    Listen people - these are solutions to ANY messed up windows system. Their solution is the solution to ANY MAJOR problem that windows comes up against. They have seriously messed up here and there will be no FIX, No PATCH or anything else FROM Bitdefender to "fix" your now FUNKED windows installation.

    You need to start looking into re-installing/repairing windows in the usual ways you have to whenever windows is this messed up.

    You might have to get someone to help you with this (this WONT be bitdefender)

    You then need to get back up running, get yourself another AV program and then start to focus your anger on these complete ******!

    Refunds? Compensation? I dunno - I can see that everyone has there own story. My own girlfriend rebooted mid ###### and is currently re-installing windows. No restore point for her either *sigh* - GONE!

    Anyway - LEAVE here!! You are wasting energy and time! Bitdefender CANNOT help your now funked windows installation. Go research if you need to, repair your windows and then come back here and give these ****** ######!

    Im only posting this coz I see so many on here now hopelessly waiting for bitdefender to make everything all right again - It's NOT coming people. Go try sort yourselves out!

    Good Luck to all!

    Bitdefender is finished as a company now! They deserve nothing less.

    Okay, but what about your windows 'seems' to be still working, but you can't launch BitDefender, and therefore grab the fix ?

  • The link in their "fix" doesn't work.

    results in a "Bad Request" page.

    BD. What a CF.

    This is the correct link: click

  • According to the BitDefender news page a patch will be released for those that can boot the OS which will restore quarantined files.

    The twitter page is also stating a patch will be released soon.


    VISTA 64







  • A patch to restore the files sounds wonderful.That would be great.

  • Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    @ noisymunk: Please try a restore in Safe Mode

    @ daktari: Please go straight to step 4 and try to update BitDefender

  • I was able to get my pc back to normal. I'm running windows7 pro 64bit. I was one of those that hadn't restarted yet and was able to stop the virus scanner relatively soon. I went to accessories > system tools > system restore to find out when my last checkpoint was and luckily there was one from last night. So, I did as Christi's post said to restore as much as possible, then rebooted. Windows seemed to have detected a change on it's own and went to a repair mode and did a system restore by it's own. Every thing appears be ok now. I'm still seeing all those systems files in the bitdefender quarantine. I had turned off the auto-delete of the quarantine files, and just re-enabled it. I'm guessing in 30 days they'll clear out.

  • According to the BitDefender news page a patch will be released for those that can boot the OS which will restore quarantined files.

    The twitter page is also stating a patch will be released soon.

    They already announced this a long time ago... we are still waiting... :(

  • I guess it's time to bite the bullet and just restart my computer and see if it will even start. I have 0 confidence that it will. I don't have the technological saavy to back up anything. Even if I did, it doesn't seem possible since I can't open control panel nor My Computer nor any program.

    Thanks for screwing me over, BitDefender.

  • edited March 2010
    They already announced this a long time ago... we are still waiting... :(

    It was only posted 18 minutes ago...


    There are many ways BD can fix "our" Windows, the first that comes to mind is to create a bootable USB stick image that will restore all the quarantined files. Then you don't need to use restore points or last known good configurations (assuming you have any and proper instructions for x64 XP/Vista/Win7) and even the most corrupted system will then boot like a peach, with all your programs and data.

    This should be part of the standard BD resource kit, or rather, they should start building one containing all small tools and utilities to face all problems.

    Even Microsoft is starting to look like a cool company now... ^-^

  • This is the correct link: click

    Can you tell us if you have a clean engine yet and give us the version #.

  • They already announced this a long time ago... we are still waiting... :(

    Patches don't pop out of thin air. It takes time to write them to do what they need to do and do it right, test them, fix any issues with the patch beforehand, test again & then send it out to us, the consumers, once the patch has been completed. Such a thing takes time.

    They say, if you wait for time, time waits on you. Do yourself a favor and stop waiting for time and go do something to occupy your mind away from the computer. Time will go by faster and, maybe, when you return, the patch will be out...but don't hold your breath.

  • So, the BAD THINGS THAT USERS COULD DO would be:

    To scan their systems. Bad idea, quarantine goes mad.

    To close Bitdefender. It quarantines too. Instead, should stop the antivirus function

    To restart Windows. It does not restart.

    And as comment to thus saying that Bitdefender could repair only their product:

    Quarantine IS theri stuff. Emptying it back to proper places should be also!

  • I guess it's time to bite the bullet and just restart my computer and see if it will even start. I have 0 confidence that it will. I don't have the technological saavy to back up anything. Even if I did, it doesn't seem possible since I can't open control panel nor My Computer nor any program.

    Thanks for screwing me over, BitDefender.

    I will look at your earlier post but if you need help reinstalling your OS

    I will help you if you need it

  • Okay, but what about your windows 'seems' to be still working, but you can't launch BitDefender, and therefore grab the fix ?

    Uninstall BitDefender and find another AV app ASAP!

  • Even Microsoft is starting to look like a cool company now... ^-^

    You bet it does ;)




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