Does purchasing another year of coverage overwrite your currently active coverage?


Hi, I currently have a 1-year subscription active for Bitdefender Total Security 2019 (5 devices). This is valid for another 52 days. Bitdefender currently has a sale offer for the next 15 days to purchase the same coverage for Bitdefender Total Security 2020 on sale. If I purchase this, will it overwrite my existing coverage, or will this be activated when my current coverage runs out? I would prefer the latter. Thanks!


  • I have 35 days left and renewed and the renewal starts immediately. Did not say I would loose 35 days if I renewed. Why and I loosing 35 days by renewing now?

  • So I had the same issue. I "renewed" 44 days before my old subscription was to run out and the new one was going to start immediately, which means I lost 44 days of paid for coverage. I called customer support and here is what I found out: Issue 1: I originally had a subscription to AntiVirus Plus but when I renewed, I chose Internet Security. So they were different products. Issue 2: I had originally purchased BitDefender through a third party (I think maybe it was like a trial or something that came with something else I bought but I can't actually remember), and because of this I did not have the option to extend the activation date of the new product until the end of my current subscription. So in my case, those two issues mean that I lose 44 days of coverage because I purchased the "renewal" before the old ran out.

    Just a note: a month or two ago, I was offered an even sweeter deal (5 devices; the best plan) but I didn't do it because I had so much time on my current subscription left. I really thought that offer would still be there when it came time to renew. But it was not there anymore. They then offered me a less sweet deal, but still good nonetheless. That deal I took and then learned that I would have to forfeit 44 days of coverage as explained before. So, I am wondering what would have happened to that second deal had I waited to renew. My cynical side says that bit defender was going to offer me less and less the closer I got to my end date. But I don't know that for sure.

    I hope this helps!