Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Alert Mode is broken

I've been having this issue for over a week now. For some reason. The alert mode on the firewall it's not working in Windows was working before i did a Bitdefender update I did all the troubleshooting that I could possibly do. I uninstall and reinstall Bitdefender. Uninstalled it with Bitdefender uninstaller tool. I reinstalled my whole Windows 11 setup. None of this worked. I think that A bit defender UPDATE has broken The alert mode feature and this is a really important feature for me. To keep me Protect it From the Internet. This is the reason why I purchased Bitdefender.


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  • Hi @Noname123 ,

    I guess you have you tried enabling it by opening Bitdefender Total Security main interface, then:

    Protection --> Firewall --> Alert Mode (activate)

    If this did no enable it, then kindly asking to contact the tech support team by visiting

    Stay safe,


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • I've been having this problem too since a recent Bitdefender update (in the last week). The alert mode setting is on, but applications are being automatically granted permission to access the internet without the user being alerted. Turning the setting toggle off then back on seems to fix it for that session, but the issue returns once the PC is restarted.

  • @oktup I'm having the same exact problem. For some reason, if you switch it on and off it will work. But as soon as you restart. From fresh boot up from your PC. It will revert back to default. Even if it's checked on. Seems to ignore that.

  • edited December 2021

    Hi, same problem here. Alert Mode doesn't works. Since last updates I have problems with full system scan too. It takes 2 minutes to perform and it doesn't scans all the files but only an half. Anyone with this two problems?? my PC runs with Windows 10 21H1

  • ✭✭✭

    this problem appeared on my Bitdefender antivirus after updating it. The alert mode has stopped working. Any application is automatically allowed to access the Internet without notification. Dear developers, this is just a mess!

  • Hello Members,

    Thank you for sharing this in our Community. Thanks to your input here, we are already working on a fix. @AlexandruL

    Happy holidays,


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • @Mike_BD Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it your help I have already send logs few days ago to the Bitdefender support team hopefully the logs I provided helps.

  • Same problem here alert mode not working , please fix it ASAP

  • Same problem here alert mode not working , please fix it

  • @Mike_BD, what's the status on the fix (if you know)? Pretty bad having to rely on other products firewall protection when I'm paying for yours. Thanks for keeping in touch with the community though. 🙂👍

  • Hi @saesi , I'll make sure to post here when I have a clear deadline from our devs.


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • ✭✭✭

    daily spam was added to this problem, from the support service "thank you for your patience, the center is working on a solution to this problem"

  • Am also facing the same problem, Enrico72 pointed out.

    Expecting solution for the same....

  • Smart22 are you referring to the problem with the scan? Do you have the same problem?

    Bitdefender Support tells me that they send me an e mail when the firewall problem will be fix.

  • Hello everyone,

    There have been several reports on Windows 10 and 11 and the issue was reproduced internally on Windows 11.

    I have consulted the status of the case and we are still waiting for a resolution.

    We appreciate your patience on this. I am confident that it will get resolved soon.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I reinstalled and the same problem on WIN 11 PRO.

  • edited January 2022

    My alert mode is not working correctly on both my Windows 8.1 desktop and Windows 10 laptop. Same as everyone that turning alert mode off and on will only fix it for the session.

  • I hope Bitdefender fixes this problem soon. I also have this problem since the last update in December. The firewall is useless at this moment.

  • Alert Mode on my Win 10 PC has also stopped working. I rely on this feature a lot and would like it back. It is one of the main reasons I chose BD

  • Bitdefender Admins -- Hows it going on the fix? This is quite the security breach for all of us that know about it and are using the fix of manually restarting the alert mode after their computer starts... BUT is an ENORMOUS breach for those that rely on Bitdefender firewall and don't know that there is a problem, as they don't know their alert mode is not working.

    This was me as well up to a few days ago when I figured out the firewall was not working correctly and went searching for a solution.

    The last we have heard anything was 5 days ago Jan 18th, so... how's the fix going? Is it priority 1 cause it seems like it should be.

  • Hallo,Bitdefender Internet Security Build Automatische Benachrichtigungsmodus funktioniert nicht, obwohl eingeschaltet, automatisch funktioniert es auch nicht. Jedes Mal nach dem Neustart muss ich denn Benachrichtigungsmodus ausschalten und wieder anschalten, dass es wieder geht! Vor update, ging das noch!

  • edited January 2022

    I have just noticed the same. On 2 different Windows 11 (1 Home, 1 Pro) machines. Alert Mode is disabled and the firewall adds apps to the rule list with automatic 'allow' access. Alert Mode only works after switching it off and on again.

  • Hello guys,

    We are pushing towards a resolution here. It won't be long now.

    Thank you so much for your patience and valuable feedback!


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • +1

    Continuing to use Glasswire until this is resolved.

  • I have reported this issue 2 month ago but nobody at bitdefender is willing or able to fix it how it looks like.

    Its the same with the Exclusion list, this is also not working but they say its only on my PC. I've tested it on 2 machines now and on all 2 machines its the same....

    For me, for a security solution it is innacceptable that it takes month to get some major issues fixed!
    I am really not sure if I will continue using bitdefender in the future with this support and update politics...

    The FIrewall popup is working with a workaround:
    After starting/restarting your computer turn it off and on again, and its working than!
  • Unfortunately this workaround doesn't work for me :(

  • The issue still exists. This is the sole reason I own BitDefender. With Ransomeware on the rise, I need to ensure that only what I let back actually goes out. Currently it allows EVERYTHING through, and thus is shite.
  • @Alexandru_BD any updates on this? My subscription renewal is coming up, and alert mode firewall is a critical feature for me.

  • Problem has been there since December, 2 months later there is still no solution?????

    This is stated on the bitdefebder site ""Bitdefender is the Global Leader in Cybersecurity"", that will change soon, I'm sure.

    that's a problem that must be solved in no time by your smart programmers, that this has still not been done shows little respect towards the end user!!!

    Too bad my subscription has 332 days left.

  • admin
    edited February 2022

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to shed some light on this ongoing issue and clarify a couple of things.

    First, with this setting enabled, alerts are shown each time an app tries to connect to the internet. As the Alert Mode has a switch by design, if it's disabled, as it happens now, this doesn't mean that the Firewall is not working as intended @jerry.cronin .

    As it can be seen in the screenshot below, the Firewall module itself has a switch button and can indeed be disabled (however I do not recommend this):

    Thus, even if the Alert Mode setting is currently not performing as expected, Firewall functionality is not affected.

    This means that, malicious or untrusted apps will still be blocked.

    @Taggg I agree this is a very useful feature and it's dissapointing to see that it's not working as it should right now, but in terms of security, it is not critical for the Firewall's performance.

    @Hoss1310 the developers are doing their best to resolve this and we are expecting the fix to be deployed with the following updates. You will soon enjoy complete functionality for the remaining time of your subscription and hopefuly onwards.

    Best regards and stay safe.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • @Alexandru_BD You say that whether or not Alert mode works is not critical for the performance of your firewall. I don't believe it. Why do many of the other firewalls enable such a similar feature by default? In the meanwhile, are you saying that we should trust totally the filtering function of your firewall? For such a long time I haven't seen any interception of any malicious activity initiated by your firewall feature. Instead I have only seen Online Threat Prevention get the job done. What good is it to spend extra money on an additional and useless firewall? On the other hand, what I have experienced recently is that your firewall slowed down the downloading and installation of the hardware drivers through ASUS Armoury, so the whole process was lasting for more than five hours and hadn't been finished. Once I turned off the Bitdefender Firewall, downloading and installation were finished within five or six minutes. More than two years ago, I filed a ticket to demand that the issue of allowing everything through the network by default be fixed. It seems that your dev team are always stalling it. So, why don't you convince everyone that it's no big deal to allow everything through the network and that no exploit will occur while every programme is free to access the network, especilly those programmes relying on the open source Java code? As long as you offer a chance for a zero-day attack, it will be too late for the firewall to monitor and to filter it.
  • edited February 2022
    > @Alexandru_BD said:
    > @Taggg I agree this is a very useful feature and it's dissapointing to see that it's not working as it should right now, but in terms of security, it is not critical for the Firewall's performance.

    I want more control over my firewall, so it is critical to me.
  • admin
    edited February 2022

    @Adikrishvara the Firewall and Online Threat Prevention perform different functions and have different roles. OTP ensures a safe browsing experience by alerting you about potential malicious webpages.

    In regards to ASUS Armoury and slowdowns, if the Internet connection improves after disabling the Bitdefender Firewall, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Bitdefender window.

    2. Click Protection on the left-hand side.

    3. In the Firewall panel, click the switch to turn on Firewall (if disabled).

    4. Click the Settings button on the Firewall panel.

    5. Go to Port scan protection and click the switch to turn it OFF.

    6. Click Edit stealth settings next to Stealth Mode.

    7. Set the switch corresponding to your network adapter to OFF, then press OK.

    8. Now access the Network Adapters tab.

    9. Click the box corresponding to your network adapter and select Home/Office.

    10. Close Bitdefender, restart the PC, and check if the Internet connection speed has improved.

    I would advise you to contact the Support Teams, if the situation persists afterwards.

    I am unsure what you are refering to in the last paragraph. As previously explained, the Firewall will still do the job with or without the Alert Mode enabled.

    @Taggg I understand this and I want you to know that the importance of this feature is acknowledged by the developers, who are working to get it fixed as soon as possible.

    Thank you and best wishes.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • @Alexandru_BD Thanks for your instruction. I already knew all the changes of settings you showed me would have saved the day. It was too much of a hassle changing this and switching that off. Therefore, I turned off the Bitdefender Firewall and let the Windows built-in Firewall take over. Downloading and installation went smoothly right away without restaring my PC. What I mean by this recent personal experience is that you should scrutinize the filtering function of the current version of your firewall.

    I'm surprised that you don't have a gist of an idea of what I referred to in the final paragraph. I took the zero-day attack of Log4j for example. We should resort to a Web Application Firewall first in which a rule must be set to blacklist an exploited string of words before a proper fix of this issue is released. Of course, a hacker still can get around such a setting. What I'm saying is that a sophisticated firewall should perform not only the function of filtering but also provide other necessary security settings. In the meanwhile, a proper control over the Internet traffic of each application in a firewall reduces the risk of being exploited.

    I don't think that anybody participating in this string of discussion has any doubt about the ongoing working of the firewall even though the function of Alert Mode turned faulty. All we want is the normal function of all the security settings of the Bitdefender Firewall. If the glitch of Alert Mode fails to get fixed as soon as possible, it won't help anyone simply to emphasize that the Bitdefender Firewall never ceases working.

    In my personal opinion, the broken Alert Mode is a minor glitch. Why doest it take you such a long time to tackle it? What if there's a major issue with the core of your antivirus engine in the future? Will it take you forever or endless Yugas to deal with it?
  • Well, I first commented on this about 2 months ago, and it's still not fixed. I'm not a software engineer, but I don't understand why it is so difficult to correct something that was working before, but is now broken. The Alert Mode was really important to me, and I'm fed up that each time I start my machine of having to revert all the firewall permissions that Bitdefender has let through while I wasn't looking. Anyway, my subscription for Bitdefender is up for renewal, and I'm off to alternative product.

  • admin
    edited February 2022

    Hello everyone,

    Good news have just arrived, the fix is ready to be deployed with the next update, planned for the end of this month.

    @oktup we appreciate your patience and I am very sorry for this inconvenience.

    @Adikrishvara you are right, this was indeed a minor glitch, but the developers needed more time to get the fix right. No shortcuts were taken, as everyone wanted to make sure there won't be any chances for this to return in one form or another. So, it takes time for the fix to be developed. And then, the fix goes through testing. And not once. And this comes at a time when the teams are involved in several developments and each one comes with a degree of importance. I am not saying this was not important, but it had to wait its turn.

    Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • > @Alexandru_BD said:
    > Hello everyone,
    > Good news have just arrived, the fix is ready to be deployed with the next update, planned for the end of this month.
    > @oktup we appreciate your patience and I am very sorry for this inconvenience.
    > @Adikrishvara you are right, this was indeed a minor glitch, but the developers needed more time to get the fix right. No shortcuts were taken, as everyone wanted to make sure there won't be any chances for this to return in one form or another. So, it takes time for the fix to be developed. And then, the fix goes through testing. And not once. And this comes at a time when the teams are involved in several developments and each one comes with a degree of importance. I am not saying this was not important, but it had to wait its turn.
    > Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

    Alexandru, sorry but it took 3 month now (if it will be deployed end of feb. 2022) to fix this issue, thats not acceptable for a security solution software for my taste...
  • @fresh229 I agree it's been a while now. But I assure you this has been treated seriously.

    I appreciate your feedback on this and I'll make sure it reaches our teams.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Has the fix been deployed yet?'

    I'm not the one to be overly pushy (an ex-dev myself so I understand the headache of prioritization). I just finished a trial though for another software and seriously need to know before deciding on next steps.

    I pay annually for 10+ devices (large household + my it workshop & repairs). It may not seem alot to some but your solution has been the one I recommend to all of my everyday clients. Something I can not in good conscious continue if I don't use it myself. So ..again, please tell me this has been fixed and deployed?


  • Hello,

    An update was released with the fix,, but it is ongoing and did not reach all users yet.

    Alert Mode will resume its normal function for everyone soon.

    Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • That's great, @Alexandru_BD! Do you know why the published current version is still
    That's also the version I have even after checking for updates. Any idea how long before version makes it to all computers?
  • edited February 2022

    Das würde mich auch interessieren!!!!

  • Hi @Taggg,

    Yes, that's the current version and it will change as soon as the update reaches the complete userbase.

    I don't have an ETA on this at the moment.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Problem seems to be solved after update, although I maintain that 3 months is way too long for a solution that should bring us the security that we pay for.

    Bitdefender really doesn't come out well here when it comes to trusting our security by using your product.

    Thank you very much anyway

  • Hello,

    I hereby confirm the issue has been resolved by the developers. The fix is live for all users.

    @Hoss1310 I agree there has been a delay.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hi, this issue seems to have returned. After the latest update Alert Mode is turning itself off frequently. Very annoying!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jurassicparkin

    I'll test it out on my end too, just in case the new build triggered the issue. So far after a couple of hours, it's still staying On.

    You could always try running a Repair (reinstall) and see if that fixes it.


    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Hello, again @jurassicparkin :)

    So far from two Windows updates and restarts and being online for the last couple of hours, Alert mode is still On and I've had about 5-6 pop-up alerts, including this one as I opened up this thread.

    I would still consider running a repair. Otherwise, I would get a hold of Support in case there is more going on.


    EDIT: And I mean edit...I had enough of the alerts I was getting including this last one, and went to shut Alert mode off, and it was off. Then I had this notification that the Firewall had been enabled? Maybe I need to take my own advice and run a repair.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • i have few day to renew but I'm having second thoughts of renewing this software this issue has came back and i have been dealing with this issue for over a month now I don't know why bitdefender haven't fixed this issue I don't understand if it's so hard for you to fix this simple issue imagine any other major issue


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