Password protected files during scan


Hello! I installed ran my first scan and there were two infected files which have been removed. I’ve been having a lot of problems and I ran another scan and I paid more attention to the password protected folders it was not able to scan. This computer was given to me by a former client in 2022.
The password protected folders are on the c drive. 3 of the folders say created on 12/6/2023. The other 3 say 2019. When I right click on properties on one of the folders under security there is an “account unknown.” I have zero recollection of creating these folders and one is the name of my former client.
Not sure if the shared photos are helpful but I’m wondering what steps I should take for bitdefender to be able to scan these folders or be able to preserve anything. I hope this makes sense. Maybe it’s nothing.

Thank you for any replies.

