How to stop bitdefender popups/notifications



  • After reading four pages of identical comments with no resolution - not so much as a peep from the company (blamed conveniently on COVID, I'm sure, though all of their employees could handle this from home), I've decided this is basically ransomware. Sickening how hard it is to find AV that will just take your money the shut the hell up for a year until it's time to renew.

    Honestly, I'm sad I left Malwarebytes. I think that's where I'll keep my business in the future. Maybe in six months when subscriptions don't renew, they'll take a look at this forum and say "huh."

  • I do have the same problem, it is very annoying. it upsets me that I could not find a solution on all 4 pages I read here. I will uninstall it! my work requires me to focus without interruption and these pop-up notifications are popping up literally every few seconds even when I turned it off !!!!. I did not face this problem months ago and I believe it is from their recent update. Anyway since it already turned off and my subscription will end after one month I will uninstall it and find a better AV.

  • We're doing the same and not renewing Bitdefender, we have a company wide subscription for BitDefender. It's a good product on the Mac but on the PC, it's very poor.

    We have 55 days to go and will then move to another commercial product.

    Our contracts with clients oblige us to use a commercial AV system, so we'll find another and recommend that to our clients. Our expeience is that companies only get interested when their bottom line is threatened.


  • I'm fed up with these quarter of a screen size adverts from Bitdefender.

  • @Andy_BD, @Alex D.

    Kindly check user feedback.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I complained about this work profile pop up on their Twitter DM and received this message:

    Apparently, they are known of this and getting rid of it, finally!

  • Moisen
    edited April 2021

    This worked for me, after lots of testing. Go to protection tab, Online Threat Prevention and uncheck Ecrypted web scan. It still scan the web but dont inform you anymore. Hope it helps.

  • I was having the exact same issue as those in the threads above. Since there is no resolution noted here, this is what I did to solve this issue:

    In Bitdefender Privacy, go to Video and Audio Protection Settings.

    Disable microphone access on the applications you choose not to popup, do not delete them.

    This worked for me.

  • And yet thanks to timematrix.bitdefender ( from INSTAGRAM), i have solve my "annoying threat notifications pop up" problem! just try to remove/disable those useless extensions in your google chrome, i hope this help!

  • The bitdefenders notifications are annoying. apparently users have been complaining for a while and this means bitdefender doesnt intend to fix the problem. i will not be renewing my licence. This software didnt use to be like this. i have been using it for 8 years now. But now i have to find another antivirus. any recommendations?

  • I cannot wait for my subscription to end so that I can get rid of this ad/malware. I cannot describe how I hate that Work Profile pop-up. My job requires me to work with MS Office applications all day and I am so tired of seeing that pop-up with a tiny close button every time I open an office application. I am done with BD and it seems they do not give a damn about it.
  • thegodlyimage
    edited April 2021
    Honestly wish I'd seen this thread before I bought the product. Very disappointed. Notifications are driving me mad and it sucks to see there isn't a fix from the company. Then the icing on the cake is how small they made the X button to close the notification. As a paying customer, it's honestly offensive.

    Will not renew.
  • The constant profile change notifications are very disruptive. I want BD to automatically change profiles based on my activity, but I do not want to be notified by a pop-up every time this happens. There is no reason there shouldn't be a setting to turn them off. This problem has been reported by many people for a long time and I don't see it being fixed. I chose Bitdefender for its inobtrusiveness but these notifications have the opposite effect. I'm considering uninstalling it and switching to another security product.
  • Seriously, you don't have an option to customise these notifications??? I just uninstalled Bitdefender due to the notification spamming!
  • DJKinG
    DJKinG ✭✭

    I've got this problem also with the "Work Profile has been activated notification" there is no way to switch this off and it's annoying, sad almost a year later and nothing has been done about it, looking to other AV options now as there has been no official communication that this is going to be fixed or a option to disable the notifications.

  • bit defender employees. add the setting to toggle off notifications OF ALL KINDS or suffer my foot broken in your asshole. Sincerely, some guy super ****** annoyed with your existence
  • im going to switch to another service provider when my subscription ends if this keeps up. It shouldn't be a hard fix and it only decreases the costumer frustration. i offered 2 siblings a free subscription from my family plan but they declined it just because of the popups. i cant beleive this is ignored for this long.
  • Like TazMatt, I often get one or more "Suspicious Notification Blocked" pop-ups on opening Outlook, and then occasional ones while Outlook is open, and have not noticed any when Outlook is closed. They are much reduced, but not eliminated by switching off Encrypted Web Scan in Online Threat Protection though that's not an adequate long term solution. I have written to Bitdefender's Support accordingly.
  • Hi all,

    I complained on June 2020, on page 1 of this forum, about the annoying "Work Profile" popup, which FALSELY CLAIMS that "We always have your back while working...", while in essence, they're doing the exact opposite, they distract someone while working by popping up this message!

    Then, as advised by @Jayakrishnan I contacted support at

    Well, since then, I've received countless emails from support where they're just repeating excuses of the type "our development team hasn't yet handled this issue, but they'll do it...".

    It's been almost a year and still nothing!!!

    As I am a programmer, I know that this issue can be fixed in a matter of minutes!!! yes MINUTES! not hours, weeks, or months, but MINUTES!!!! and yet a year later and still nothing! This of course points to the direction of the support, and/or whoever else is involved is lying to me/us! Everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves!!!

    I started thinking that maybe I should consider changing to an alternative security software after my subscription expired. Well, I did consider it, but after some research found that BitDefender is still the best. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing... so I renewed.

    The bottom of the line is that this is just RIDICULOUS! It's such a pity that such a great product has let this annoying popup slip past testing and quality control and released to all of us, and after a year of communicating with support, they're still lying to our faces saying that they'll fix it. YEAH RIGHT! You have proved how much you have our back, and how much you care about us, through your ACTIONS in the past 11 months. Thank you so much!
  • @Andy_BD, @Alex D., @BogdanB_BD

    Kindly look into the issue.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I will not renew either. I cannot tolerate that, as a paying customer, BD is still trying to find sideways for pushing sales crap on me even when I unchecked special offers and recommendations.

  • Their popup notifications behave like a virus. Get another antivirus. BD just turned into another computer virus.

  • BD notification pop-ups that it "blocked" something is counter productive to work. So frustrating. I was in a very important meeting and these pop-ups literally deatroyed my day. BD is an antiviris that has become a virus itself.

  • Their popup notifications will never stop. Get another antivirus. BD just turned into another computer virus.


  • I've been able to turn off all notifications with the exception of one, The profile switching recommendation one just will not stop no matter what I do except to turn that feature on which I do not want. So for me this is almost enough for me to not renew my subscription, it seriously sucks that one of the best antivirus' out there will be losing so many customers because they fail to realize that annoying their customers is worse than the potential to get a virus. I personally have an image of my drive so if I ever got infected or ransomed, it wouldn't be hard for me to recover from it.

    Bitdefender, for the sanity of your customers please allow your customers to control what they want to see from your program and not see what they don't want.

  • I am surprised that this product is as highly rated as it is. I can only assume that the overall positive reviews are based on the strength of the detection/real time protection, or that the reviewers were provided a version that lacks the constant popups, promotional offers, repeated advice, and other irritants.

    For security to be effective, users must at least tolerate if not actually embrace it. A solution that forces its users to disable, work-around, or otherwise circumvent it in order to use the device being protected actually makes us all less secure.

    I have no intention of renewing or of continuing to use Bitdefender and in fact wish I'd never made the purchase to begin with.

  • Can't believe this still hasn't been resolved. The inability to turn these notifications off means I won't be renewing. They are popping up while gaming, forcing my games to minimize. Huge issue.

  • I only purchased this a few days ago but I most certainly wouldn't have if I'd known about these annoying pop-ups!!! If this is not fixed I will certainly not renew next year.

  • Does anyone have another security suite recommendation? This is intolerable, waste of hard earned money. What's the chances that a company who can not stop annoying popups in 1 god damn year for it's paying customers is actually protecting your gear? 0%. I could barely type this message since I get a notification every few seconds that BD blocked a threat. Yeah, cool, too bad I can't use my computer


  • I see I'm not the only one annoyed over all the pop-up. I have 4 months left on my subscription and without significant pop-up controls being implemented in that time, I'll not renew my subscription.
    It's a shame Bitdefender doesn't listen to their customers or even thinks the constant pop-ups are OK. The pop-ups are as bad as what should be blocked by Bitdefender.
  • Can't believe this still hasn't been resolved. The inability to turn these notifications off means I won't be renewing. They are popping up while gaming, forcing my games to minimize. Huge issue.

  • This subject of having this annoying pop-up has been going on for over a year! Why isn't there a way to turn off this notification which pops up on sites like ESPN for example when there is NO ISSUE and there is no need to tell me that a "Suspicious Connection was blocked" Like many other people I am considering dropping this program for my previous one.

  • Agreed. I don't want bitdefender telling me its doing what I've paid it to do!!! Norton has this option in the system tray, one click to disable notifictions for however long you want. Why can't bitdefender do something so simple?

  • Well count me as another long time customer who is canceling my sub and moving all my devices to another AV service. These pop ups which you are not able to disable are more than annoying, they are preventing me from getting work done on my PC. They constantly steal the focus from the app I'm typing in, which is ridiculous and simple to fix on BD's part. I've been patiently waiting for a fix but at this point it's apparent that BD does not care. So, you've lost another customer.

  • Bitdefender, LISTEN TO US! This is easy to fix. Get rid of the profile notifications! Stop telling us you have our back. The problem is obvious and you are defeating yourself and causing serious upheaval among your customers. Why would you allow this? Are you not monitoring a year's worth of complaints? Fix this now! PLEASE!

  • The Work profile pop up message is so annoying that I am considering uninstalling Bitdefender and opting for a different solution.

  • Bitdefender, LISTEN TO US! This is easy to fix. Get rid of the profile notifications! Stop telling us you have our back. The problem is obvious and you are defeating yourself and causing serious upheaval among your customers. Why would you allow this? Are you not monitoring a year's worth of complaints? Fix this now! PLEASE!

  • Yes, certainly agree. Last month, I canceled Kaspersky because I found their messaging annoying and a waste of my time.

    I selected Bitdefender because of the very good due diligence failed because I am just now seeing that so many of you have experienced what I am now experiencing with Bitdefender.

    I notified Bitdefender that its pop-up messaging is more than annoying; my attitude toward Bitdefender is becoming negative after only 30 days experience with it.

    I have just now disabled the notification settings, per the excellent video linked by one of you above...thank you!

    Will give this another week, after which I will seek a refund and cancel Bitdefender. If they're not cooperative on the refund, I will get some help from our state's Attorney General's office that has an excellent consumer intermediary service.

    Lastly, it's obvious that the great Bitdefender reviews, that I read before my Bitdefender commitment, must be "on the take" and paid by Bitdefender.

    Let's see if Bitdefender steps up and responds to the many complaints...or whether it does not - which suggests it's more of a scam than a serious product.

  • Yes, certainly agree. Last month, I canceled Kaspersky because I found their messaging annoying and a waste of my time.

    I selected Bitdefender because of the very good due diligence failed because I am just now seeing that so many of you have experienced what I am now experiencing with Bitdefender.

    I notified Bitdefender that its pop-up messaging is more than annoying; my attitude toward Bitdefender is becoming negative after only 30 days experience with it.

    I have just now disabled the notification settings, per the excellent video linked by one of you above...thank you!

    Will give this another week, after which I will seek a refund and cancel Bitdefender. If they're not cooperative on the refund, I will get some help from our state's Attorney General's office that has an excellent consumer intermediary service.

    Lastly, it's obvious that the great Bitdefender reviews, that I read before my Bitdefender commitment, must be "on the take" and paid by Bitdefender.

    Let's see if Bitdefender steps up and responds to the many complaints...or whether it does not - which suggests it's more of a scam than a serious product.

  • I have tried every proposed solution on this thread and others discussing the same issue.


    And this:

    "This is the solution

    Click Utilities

    Click Profiles Settings

    Uncheck "activate profiles automatically"

    Job done ."

    No, nope, nada... job is NOT done. This is NOT the solution as the problem persists.

    These pop up informing me of a "suspicious connection blocked " disrupts my typing, forcing me to remove my hands from the typing position and use my mouse to put the curser back in the typing area (curser disappears and disallows typing after each pop up). This happens in strings of perhaps 20 or 30 over the course of 20 minutes roughly every hour. Obviously this makes typing next to impossible.

    And to think I paid money for this?

    Again, I have been over each and every post on every page of this and other threads concerning this and have tried every solution. Nothing works. Absolutely nothing. It very well appears to be a flaw in the programming that may very well be the undoing of BitDefender as people such as myself will dispose of this program and dissuade friends, family and colleagues from choosing BitDefender over the plethora of other viable options. Knowing this issue has persisted for well over a year and BitDefender has yet to roll out a functioning solution is seriously disappointing... bordering on incompetence or perhaps indifference.

    I'm seriously considering the switch back to Norton 360 that I had before (that did not have this infuriating defect).

    As someone else has already stated, these pop ups are about disruptive as a virus itself.

  • We need it in Silent Mode, It's easy !!!!!!,

    I will not renew either.

  • Bit Defender, you ****** ! If you don't provide a switch to turnoff or remove these annoying popups before my subscription runs out, I'm gone too, all these totally unnecessary (ridiculous) distractions have finally worn me down !

  • Have 6 licenses... This the most annoying 'feature' ever created. Switched from ESET, regret the decison. If it is not fixed in the closest future I will jump back to ESET.

    It is an easy fix, unfortuantely forum's community rep didn't bother to show up here and tell us something that company listens to those who pays their salaries. Inability or/and unwillingness of BiDefender Team to do anything or even to ascknowledge what we say says a lot.

  • After a year of silence, I think we are free to conclude that BitDefender is happy with this and is doing it deliberately.

    By definition then, BitDefender *is* Malware.

    It is certainly more productivity-killing than any Malware I've ever encountered.

    Atrociously miserable user experience. Am cancelling my sub.

  • Yeah I have 15 device licenses and I've now given up, the notifications are too irritating.

    Especially for little things like plugging a phone into a machine etc.

    They don't care about tweaking their product to make it better as long as they get sales it seems.

  • This has been a problem for way too long. I've already emailed your techs about this issue before and they were unhelpful. I'm definitely looking at other options when it's time to renew.

This discussion has been closed.