Bitdefender Password Manager to replace Bitdefender Wallet

Bitdefender is committed to delivering innovative, effective security solutions to our customers. As technologies and threats evolve, Bitdefender continues to proactively develop and shape its solution set. The resulting new solutions and feature modifications often lead to a need to discontinue older software revisions and products.
The Wallet has been undoubtedly a trusted privacy utility for many Bitdefender users worldwide, securing passwords, credit card information, and other sensitive data with ease. And we are proud we could provide such a helpful tool with our antivirus protection. But today’s technological landscape is evolving fast and those who don’t move at the same pace, stay behind.
There comes a time when some technologies may become obsolete and due to certain limitations, they can no longer offer room for improvement. Since we’ve made a pledge never to settle for good, but always aim for the best, it’s time to let innovation follow its course again and discontinue one of our long-lasting services, in favor of the better performing version, one that also offers more development possibilities in the future and meets the high standards we are known for.
On April 5, 2023 we will begin the process of decommissioning our legacy Bitdefender Wallet product in favor of our new and more advanced offering.
Its replacement comes in the form of the latest Bitdefender Password Manager, that has proven very efficient in satisfying the latest privacy requirements and will receive new features and improvements throughout the year and beyond. Our product development teams are committed to shape a reliable, user friendly and unrivaled Password Manager for our users and will not stop until the service meets all the above criteria.
The Password Manager comes as a response to our user’s request for a more versatile solution available on the most important platforms. It has a plethora of bonus features that increase your privacy and in the unlikely event that you haven't heard of them yet, you can find out more by clicking here.
What happens next?
Starting with the above date, the Wallet will no longer be available in the Bitdefender product interface. This is valid for new product acquisitions only, as existing users will continue to have access to this feature until October 15, 2023.
Bitdefender will continue to offer support for the Bitdefender Wallet until its complete retirement on December 31, 2023.
Thank you for your understanding and for choosing Bitdefender!
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
Additional details are available in the EOL announcement below:
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Very upset with this.
I've been a long-time user of Bitdefender, and have also worked in IT security for over 20 years. I was very disappointed in the message in the Wallet that it was being discontinued. I will likely have to find a new solution, as:
- I don't like on-line password managers, sooner or later, hackers will get into them
- What is the point of paying for a "Total Security" suite that has features disappearing from it?
- I am already paying a premium for a good, complete security suite, but now you are removing features, and asking us to separately charge for them annually?
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I am of exactly the same mind and oddly have a similar background; removing an inclusive feature that serves my purpose perfectly, to replace it with a subscription only feature smacks of spying an opportunity to increase revenue, not meet customers needs. I will now be looking at alternative product suites.
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Totally agree with the two comments so far. I too have been a long time subscriber to Bitdefender and have a Family Pack that expires in quite sometime, but it is now losing a facility that I have PAID for as part of my subscription. I have a problem that I paid a subscription that included a service that is now being withdrawn and I can only get that function if I now pay extra. While I appreciate that the Wallet is being changed and upgraded and may have more function and is now labelled Password Manager - the basic functionality remains the same as the Wallet. Just because the name has changed, doesn't mean that it doesn't provide the same basic functionality that was advertised and included as part of my subscription. Back in July 2022 when I made inquiries about the change, I was told that "Password Manager is a subscription especially created to store the passwords and doesn't have the feature to create different profiles" - so as a Family Pack Subscription we are not only losing a function that we already paid for but also may have to end up paying separate subscriptions because the new ubeaut Password Manager can not have different profiles as we currently have in Wallet. VERY POOR customer service which does not support the quote from an email I received over this issue in July 2022 - "I would like to inform you that one of our top priorities is customer satisfaction."
Well I am not satisfied.
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I have been a LONG TIME user of Bitdefender and see this as an additional money maker only. To force me to pay and additional $30 for the same functionality, unable to use multiple profiles, and still pay full price for BD Antivirus on top of it all is an insult. This is forcing me to now look into other password managers, as I'm sure others will, and BD will find their users eventually moving to other AV programs as well. Not their best move.
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I have ONLY bought Total Security for the wallet. I prepaid for 2 more years subscription. When I loose access to my wallet I will be demanding a refund for the remainder of my subscription for loss of features, or access to my wallet until my subscription is up. I will not double pay for a service (adding password manager) I have already paid for. This is stealing. Losing wallet means BD losses me.
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Quand j'ai acheté Total Security et que je le renouvelle, depuis de nombreuses années, je l'achète et le renouvelle parce qu'il y a un wallet , il me reste a ce jour 411 jours d'abonnement et j'espère garder le wallet pendant ces 411 jours , hors de question vous me supprimé un produit que j'ai payé , Bitdefender vous avez de drôles de façon pour faire rentrer l'argent dans la caisse , envisagez vous dans les mois ou années a venir a supprimer l'anti spam et le facturer vous pourriez aussi supprimer l'analyse du système et le facturer 👎️
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I have absolutely no interest in being held to ransom by Bitdefender to obtain their Password Manager, so I've scoured the internet for an alternative that receives great reviews by top magazines.
It is actually free, although I can pay a mere $10 to upgrade for an extra layer of security for a whole year.
I have spent literally 2 hours in moving all my passwords over, deleted my Bitdefender Wallet and I'm quite happy with my new service.
All I am left with is Bitdefenders constant and annoying advert on my console to 'learn more'!
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For a security company, trust is vital. Trust is based on integrity. Integrity is based on the actions performed and how your customers see it.
1. We paid for the agreed service (incl. wallet);
2. The chance of a hack is only greater (imho)
[ If it is so safe, will bitdefender compensate my damage in the event of a hack or incorrect implementation of administrative organization or abuse of employee authorizations? I don't think so!]
I propose the following:
A. Existing users will continue to have the wallet facility until their subscription is renewed.
for those who have confidence in a European central database where all passwords (crypto!) and credit card details are stored
B. Existing users can use the password manager for free for the next 2 years
I would advise you to give this proposal serious consideration.
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I have payed for a subscription including wallet functionality and will not be forced to pay extra for something I already payd for. If bitdefender does not come with an acceptable offer for existing clients I will be forced to look for an alternative for Bitdefender and I will demand a refund for the membership I payed for in advance.
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I don't really know what to add here, as I am pretty much in agreement with most of the posters already here in reference to the replacement of the Bitdefender Wallet to the Password Manager cloud service. I was going to write you directly to complain about the loss of the Bitdefender Wallet, but then I thought I would look to see if anyone else was bothered by this, and apparently there are. When you took this action, you made a mistake. You continue to think that people want this cloud password style service, but in reality, I think many do not. We all pay for your product. I like others, paid already for a feature that you discontinued, and think that you breached the trust of people when you remove things that people paid for. I also, like others have to now go out and look for a new protection service, and, or a new password management tool. You are losing me as a customer. You are also breaching trust. I watched this type of activity on your end now for maybe the last three years and have seen how you have grown to a profit driven model with your services. To the point now that your product is in jeopardy of losing my whole Family as users, and I don't think that you necessarily will care about that, but the bigger picture here is that the loss of customers might increase over time when you unilaterally and behind the scenes make decisions without the input of your valued customers at heart, and think that's okay.
It's VERY clear to me, and possibly others that you are doing this to reach deeper into your customer's pockets (take advantage of) and make more money on the "bet" that your customers will just carry on; even if grumbling, with your product's costs. Truthfully, I cannot say that it's a good bet or not overall, but speaking for myself and in my own mind- "it's a bad bet".
Your product has gotten more expensive, and with less offerings as before, and so I have to begin to replace your product. (It's a matter of time before your service becomes breached, "not if", but when.) Cloud storage always sounded like a super idea to share data, but in reality it is and always was a bad idea where our data is exposed to those that manage it, and those that control it.
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I have been purchasing Bitdefender for many years, as long as it ranks highly in security ratings, which is does, I have no intention from ever moving away from them.
I actually pay less for Bitdefender now than what I did 2 years ago, I shop around and would never, ever take up their own subscription offers, I detest forced renewal offerings, they are a waste of my money.
For Bitdefender to offer a wallet to securely keep my passwords safe, for me was just always an extra, so I do thank them kindly for such an offering.
As for losing the wallet, it is their choice to do so, as it is my choice to find a cheaper, just as secure password manager elsewhere, which is exactly what I have done.
Bitdefender is still one the very best security products on the market today, I love using it and love how simple it is laid out. Their role is to maintain my personal dealings on the internet effectively and they do just that, every single day.
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For the past 2 to 3 months I feel that as a paying customer of BD I get way too many reminders for your password reminder that your pushing, there should be an option to be able to opt out of future reminders about the same feature. It makes the product feel cheap with all these password manager adds...
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Open your Bitdefender program and go to:
1. Settings -> General and disable "Special offers" and "Recommendation notifications" (for the "Password Manager" notification)
2. Protection -> Antivirus -> Settings -> Scan flash drives and select "Autoscan" or "Disabled", do not select "Ask every time" (for the "USB Immunizer Recommendation" notification)
3. Protection -> Antivirus -> Settings -> Scan CD & DVD and select "Autoscan" or "Disabled", do not select "Ask every time" (for the "CD/DVD Recommendation" notification)
4. Privacy -> Safepay -> Settings and disable "Safepay notifications"
5. Privacy -> Video & Audio Protection -> Settings and disable "Notify when allowed applications connect to the webcam", "Notify when an application tries to access the microphone" and "Notify when browsers access the microphone"
6. Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and disable "Activate profiles automatically" (for the Profile notification)
After doing that, in the future no pop-up notifications will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen.
REMEMBER: When a threat is detected, a pop-up notification will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen and you can't disable those pop-up notifications.
Next, as an option to fully disable the Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups, open your Bitdefender program, go to Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and enable/activate "Work Profile" or "Game Profile".
When "Work Profile" or "Game Profile" is enabled/activated, all Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups are disabled.
Finally, as for the Bitdefender VPN pop-ups, you can simply uninstall Bitdefender VPN from your device by following the steps provided here (just select "Bitdefender VPN"):
open the Bitdefender VPN program, go to Settings -> Notifications and disable "Allow notifications".
It is recommended that you also review the privacy preferences set in your Bitdefender Central account:
1. On any internet-connected device launch a web browser, visit and sign in to your Bitdefender Central account.
2. Click on your username in the top right corner and select "Bitdefender Account" in the menu. This option will launch in a new browser tab.
3. Access the "Data & Privacy" tab, then click on the "Privacy preferences" section.
4. Uncheck both boxes to stop promotional messages:
- Receive in product insights regarding threats, news, and offers.
- Receive insights regarding threats, news, and offers via email.
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Dear Bitdefender team,
I understand the greed. The greed is logical. What I fail to understand is why your shiny "new" Password Manager is not supporting your own ironclad Safepay?
Let me elaborate. I grant the Safepay is top security browser and the Wallet is good enough to be admitted inside. So, it is logical to assume that if Password Manager is not given the same access, than it either does not meet the same security requirements, or it is superior but will be compromised if mating with less secure Safepay. Now, as I said I understand the greed. But I don't understand how do you expect me to rely on your product after I see you don't trust it enough?
Moreover. The main reason I would choose your security password solution is that I suppose to use it TOGETHER with your top security browser. Congratulations, you just killed the feature which was making your product unique.
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I'm totally agree with this person...what's the point in having integrated a excellent tool...then took it away without advice and then charge you for the new one...?
when it should be and upgrade to your already licensed AV... not cool bitdefender
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OK, I've installed Password Manager but I'm still being bugged with warnings that Wallet is about to be withdrawn. I know this so why do Bitdefender keep telling me!!!! How can I completely removed Walled and stop the annoying messages from now until next October???
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P.S. I've added the Password Manager extension to Google Chrome but it claims that "This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing" - is this normal?
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Hi @maelor,
Can you post a screenshot displaying the Wallet notification displayed after the Password Manager has been installed?
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Lo siento esperare hasta septiembre que me caduca la subscripcion y si me quitan Wallet para el 15 de Octubre ya estare en otro Antivirus, aunque me cueste buscar uno como BD. Lo siento pero no me apetece pagar por algo que ha sido gratis desde que estoy con BD.
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Like the MANY others here, I feel like this is a dishonest money grab, and amove to a less secure solution. I have been a Bitdefender customer for many years, and a few months ago, I renewed my subscription for an extra couple of years, in large part because I was ASSURED that I would have the Wallet feature for the duration of my subscription. If you proceed with this garbage move, I will be ending my association with you, and seeking a refind for the rest of my subscription, whose contract you will have broken.
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Hello @Clammy,
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way and I understand the Wallet decommissioning may cause an inconvenience to you and to other users that have been enjoying this feature for a long time.
As the announcement points out, the Wallet will be decommissioned in favor of a new and more advanced offering. It was a necessary step because due to certain limitations, the Wallet could no longer offer room for improvement and had to be replaced by a better performing version, one that also offers more development possibilities in the future. The Password Manager comes as a response to our user’s request for a more versatile solution available on the most important platforms.
There comes a time when some products and services reach their end of life and I think this is a natural step in their evolution. You can find more information on Bitdefender's End of Life Policy by clicking on the link below:
Furthermore, kindly be advised that there is absolutely no breach of contract here. As stated in the Subscription and Service Agreement to which you have agreed at the time of installation, Bitdefender reserves the right to stop supporting its products or a version of its products, or discontinue its Products or Product features. End-of-support policies are posted on the Bitdefender website and may be consulted at the link above.
To make the transition seamless, you will also be able to claim an extended free trial of the new Bitdefender Password Manager through the Wallet section of your security solution. When the trial expires, you may purchase Bitdefender Password Manager and switch to this cross-platform service, if the product is suitable for your needs.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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And to get things straight, although it may seem like Bitdefender is charging for a service that was free before, I can assure you that's not the case here.
Password Manager is entirely a different product from the ground up, standalone with upgraded capabilities and top-notch technology with military standard, cryptographic algorithms – AES-256-CCM, SHA512, BCRYPT, HTTPS, and WSS protocols for data transmission and is using an end-to-end encryption system, which means all data is encrypted and decrypted only locally on your device.
The Password Manager took time and resources to develop and it's far from the average Wallet. Going forward, work is also being carried out on the multi-user feature, Safepay integration and autofill improvements, as part of the 2023 product roadmap.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Alexandru_BD, those fancy military standard algorithims you threw out there are also the everyday standard algorithims that everyone uses, nothing fancy, nothing special, not impressed. That is the basic minimum security standards that should be used.Also, I trust me more than I trust you when it comes to storing my information. I don't use cloud based storage for passwords because they aren't safe. Let's face it, if LastPass can be comprimised like that, why do you think I should trust Bitdefender? This is a brand new product according to you, and there is no way I'm going to trust a version 1.0 (if that) with all my information. It seems pretty simple to me, you already have a product suite that seems to handle what quite a few people seem to want, leave it alone. Go ahead and develop your new product, and the people who are looking for that can use it, and the rest of us who don't really trust you yet, we can still use what we need. I know that this won't happen, and that's why I will be finding alternatives prior to October 15th and cancelling all of my subscriptions and no longer recommending your product to any of my clients.
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Its even geting worse. Today i was ready to give the passwaord manager a chance but it doesnt allow me to try it for free for a while. Even bitdefender central page or the wallet only offer me to buy the password manager
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Such a shame. The only place I use Wallet is in Safepay and as the new shiny Password Manager doesn't work in Safepay I will have to rethink the continued use of Bitdefender.
BD really haven't thought this through if their new product doesn't work with their own product.
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a few comments about your reply to Clammy and, indirectly, to all those who deplore Bitdefender's decision to discontinue the Wallet/Password Manager feature and replace it with an improved revision no longer free.
I understand that your loyalty to ( or vested interest in ?) Bitdefender prevents you from questioning Bitdefender’s decision, in spite of most subscribers in this forum deploring it as unfair. Personally, it doesn’t affect me too much, because I am not using this feature, but I do use extensively the Safepay feature. If you were to drop it, I ‘d be really crossed. I hope not.
Other than this, I find your arguments specious, lame and ostensibly untrue for the following reasons:
1. You claim that Bitdefender has the right to charge for the future, more advanced version of your Wallet/Password Manager product, because it is a NEW product. Really?
Well, call it as you want, but this future version is in fact only a new, more advanced version of the old feature, not a new product unto itself, because it has the same function as the old one..
All products inevitably go through a number of revisions in their lifetime, but I have yet to see previously free products that become no longer free in subsequent versions, or whose price increases because of new improved features..
2 You say that paying for the next improved version of the aforesaid feature is no breach of contract because the Subscription and Service Agreement explicitly says that Bitdefender reserves the right to stop supporting its products or a version of its products, or discontinue its Products or Product features.
This is true, but it doesn’t say that if the discontinued features are replaced by NEW improved features, the customer should be charged for.
If the discontinuation has deprived the customer of a feature included in the previous Bitdefender package, I fail to see why he should now pay for the enhanced version replacing the old one.
To justify the decision to charge for it, you now use the specious argument that it is a NEW PRODUCT. You won't fool anybody, certain not me, with this kind of sofistry, because, as stated above, the " NEW" Wallet enhancement is not a new product, but a revision of a previously existing ( and free) feature included in the same Bitdefender package.
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Hello @Darrin,
I believe it goes without saying that Bitdefender has never sacrificed security over easy fixes. We work in an environment where reputation is key to keeping the front door open. As such, we can’t afford to cut corners. It’s not just passwords that are being encrypted, but whole data sets, like urls, domain and usernames, credit card data, notes, identities etc, If someone should get ahold of the users’ encrypted data, it would simply be impossible for them to pick just a particular website password to crack, since there is no information about which information this particular data set contains.
Encryption keys are not generated from the user’s master password, but through derivations of data including a strong random key. Instead of PBKDF2 we use a much more secure hashing function called ARGON2ID.
Sensitive user data does not leave the device without being encrypted in a secure way. We encrypt and decrypt everything locally, so the cloud service has no way to decrypt the data without the user’s master password and the keys which are generated locally.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Alexandru ,
I wish you answered the specific objections I raised in my post instead of driving a red herring by replying, for example, to Darrin with arguments that don't address his, our concern and are pure marketing spin. Obviously , it is because you have no valid arguments., Alexandru!
Of course, every company is the best one.., it values its customers , does the best to enhance the security and the performance of its products.. bla bla bla.., like the hundreds of ..shampoos and household products flooding the market, each one being the BEST, recommended by doctors, dermatologists and what have you.
Pitiful! Like snake-oil sellers..
I don't deny that the Bitdefender package is top quality, but a little more transparency would be appreciated when the company makes a wrong decision just to make a buck. You will lose customers in the end. This is the price for greed.
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What they said.... and also taking on board what many said about cloud vulnerability, maybe time to go back to writing down passwords. I note also that since the Password Manager will generate and store long, complex and encrypted passwords, the means of access to my accounts with websites I interact with, I will be making it very difficult for me to part company with BitDefender in the future, and very easy as a consequence for BD to hike prices for me and others.
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Hi @ittiandro,
I will do my best to provide more clear answers for the points you have addressed above.
1. You claim that Bitdefender has the right to charge for the future, more advanced version of your Wallet/Password Manager product, because it is a NEW product. Really? - I have never claimed this, I was just pointing out that the Wallet is an included feature of the antivirus and not a product per se, to eliminate any possible confusion in this regard. This is not a Wallet update, Password Manager has been build from scratch to enhance privacy and offer more versatility. Please read my above comment stating that Bitdefender reserves the right to stop supporting its products or a version of its products, or discontinue its Products or Product features. If you wish to give Password Manager a try, you can test it beforehand and decide if it's worth subscribing to it or not. There is absolutely no obligation for purchase, hence no entitlement to charge.
2 You say that paying for the next improved version of the aforesaid feature is no breach of contract because the Subscription and Service Agreement explicitly says that Bitdefender reserves the right to stop supporting its products or a version of its products, or discontinue its Products or Product features.
This is true, but it doesn’t say that if the discontinued features are replaced by NEW improved features, the customer should be charged for. - A feature is being replaced with a service that, incidentally, also exists in the form of a stand-alone software. There is no breach of contract because the user is informed when subscribing to Bitdefender that some features might be discontinued over time. This means that, over the course of a subscription, it can happen that some of the features that were initially available at purchase may be removed at some point in the product lifetime and the user agrees to these terms when installing Bitdefender.
It doesn't say that the customer will be charged for updates or product revisions, because as previously explained, this is not the rule of thumb. It is not mandatory for the customer to purchase the new product or to continue to use the services altogether.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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I was already becoming disenchanted with the user interfaces and functionality of Bitdefender, but this awkward and unnecessary change has convinced me to find a better solution somewhere else for my security needs
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. And we are proud we could provide such a helpful tool with our antivirus protection. But today’s technological landscape is evolving fast and those who don’t move at the same pace, stay behind.
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McAffe here I come...
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Hi Alexandru
before laying this issue to rest, I will saay a few things about the specious reasons you are using to convinve us..
1.You claim to have never said that the new Wallet/Password Manager is a new product ( with the implication, therefore, that as a standalone product, it should now be charged)
Well, you did say it and you are saying it again now’ Here are your words:
Quote: Password Manager has been build from scratch to enhance privacy and offer more versatility………… If you wish to give Password Manager a try, you can test it beforehand and decide if it's worth subscribing to it or not. There is absolutely no obligation for purchase, hence no entitlement to charge. UNQUOTE
2.You claim that charging for this improved feature ( call it feature or “ new’ product) is no breach of contract because
A feature is being replaced with a service that, incidentally, also exists in the form of a stand-alone software. There is no breach of contract because the user is informed when subscribing to Bitdefender that some features might be discontinued over time.
A specious arguments. The point is why making a standalone feature ( and charge for it?) rather than improving the existing feature at no cost, as all product revisions- versions do?
Well, in the absence of more convincing arguments, I must obviously conclude that the only true reason is that Bitdefender wants to make more money. Nothing wrong with it, all companies do it, but please don’t come up with excuses that make no sense and are even factually untrue!
It is as though a car manufacturer were now to charge now for the steering wheel under pretext that the steering wheel has been so vastly improved that it is now a stand-alone product to be charged for..
Paradox? Probably yes. But there is always some measure of truth in paradoxes….
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Hi @ittiandro
Well, some car manufacturers now ask the customers to subscribe for using the electric seats, even though they are already installed on the car. But that's a different story.
I think decommissioning the Wallet was necessary, because the feature could no longer satisfy certain needs and a more versatile offering became available with the launch of Password Manager, thus it didn't make sense to keep the Wallet for two reasons: 1. it became outdated and there were plenty of other advanced options on the market to choose from and 2. the reality is that the Wallet was never a successful feature, few people actually use it and their number continues to decrease, and here we go back to reason 1. So, it became less used and couldn't be revised and upgraded as a built-in feature and in parallel, Password Manager was being developed and it's still being improved as we speak, to become what the Wallet couldn't.
Therefore, I think that from all angles we look, it makes sense to pull the plug on the Wallet.
The product teams made considerable efforts to make this transition as seamless as possible, giving all users a heads up in advance, sending the relevant communication in due time and choosing to retire the feature in a couple of months, not straight away, so everyone can test the new offering and have sufficient time to find another password manager, if this one doesn't live up to their expectations. Furthermore, they are offering a 6-month trial for Password Manager to Wallet users in this transition. I'm not sure if they could have done a better job than this..
And it's not really necessary to pay extra for the Password Manager. It's included by default in the Premium Security and Ultimate Security suites.
Twisting my words will not get us anywhere. I pointed out that the Password Manager and Wallet are not the same thing and Password Manager is in fact a new product altogether. It's like when the Windows XP and Vista product was discontinued and was replaced by Total Security. Or when Antivirus Free was retired and a new one was still offered for Windows at no additional cost. This was possible because the free version is actually a detuned version of the paid one. It's not always about the money. They could have retired the free product for good and never offer a replacement because it didn't bring any profit. But they didn't and the Bitdefender Free version became one of the most appreciated free solutions on the market.
At the end of the day, this is about perspectives and the unknown side of the story that makes itself known only through transparency. Accepting the facts is a matter of choice, after all.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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I'm a bigfan of the new Password Manager. And with the free 6 month offer, I'll be setting up my parents with it too. I'm looking forward to when there a multiple Password Managers in the one package, but for now...6 months free? You can't go wrong. Once you try the product you'll be satisfied it's much better than wallet.
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To BitDefender Management:
You are putting your customers on the spot with suddenly decommissioning Wallet.
I call this a mild form of blackmail and bad business practice.
You will lose customers. You sure lose me.
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I have a 10 licence package across my family who use BD Wallet individually, but the Password Manager only offers a single-user capability. Therefore, the other users of this package will be able to access my bank account and vice-versa or any other personal website that I may have password protection on. I need to know that there will be a multi-user capability asap before moving to an alternative provider such as McAfee which does have the capability.
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Hi @JustinR,
For now, the ability to have multiple users on the same Password Manager subscription is not available, but the development teams are working on enabling this feature in the near future. The plan is to implement this feature before the Wallet EOL date, along with Safepay compatibility.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Under the "Data & Privacy" tab in Bitdefender Central under Bitdefender Account there is no "Privacy preferences" section. I have Total Security. I have done all the other steps and I am still seeing the recommendations.
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The offer I have is only for 3 months
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Hello @itbMe,
The Privacy preferences are not available for you in Central? This is where they should be displayed:
To disable in-product recommendations, bring up Bitdefender and go to Settings -> General -> toggle off 'Special Offers' and 'Recommendation notifications'. This will ensure pop up notifications are no longer displayed for those categories, however, you will still receive autopilot security recommendations in the dashboard and these will require further actions from you.
The 6-month Password Manager trial is available for active Wallet users in the context of its decommissioning. If you haven't previously used the Wallet feature from your Bitdefender license, you will benefit from a 3-month trial to try the new Password Manager. Should you be interested in this product and wish to test it for a longer period of time, you may request an extension of the standard trial offering to our Support team.
You can get in touch with the Support team by choosing one of the contact channels available here:
Here you may also submit an inquiry regarding the Central privacy preferences, in the event the options are still unavailable to you.
Let us know how it goes.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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I can't see "Privacy preferences" setting in the "Data & Privacy" tab on my end, too. Only "Delete account" is presented.
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In the past when it's been proposed to disable misc BD notifications/ads from that panel, I've only seen the option to delete account for about the last 3 months or so.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.
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Thank you for the screenshot @maelor.
Regarding the trial, I would recommend contacting the Support Teams to request an extension, in the event the extended trial is unavailable to you.
You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact channels available here:
Let us know how it goes.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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What trial? I've bought Password Manager!
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