Is There A Way To Set The Scam Alert That When It Detects A Dangerous Link To Block And Delete It?

edited March 2023 in Mobile Security

Is there a way to set the Scam Alert that when it Detects a dangerous link it could either just Block and delete it automatically or ask if I wanted to save or delete the dangerous link? Instead of just the notification that tells me there a dangerous link!

Best Answer

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    Answer ✓


    If you run Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android, the Web Protection module will block phishing links as soon as they are accessed, while the Scam Alert module will warn you that the link in your text message or notification is dangerous before you open it.

    More information on Scam Alert can be found at the link below:

    Note: Due to Android operating system limitations, Bitdefender cannot delete text messages, take any direct measures related to the SMS messages, or any other source of malicious notifications. If you ignore the Scam Alert warning and try to open the dangerous link, Bitdefender’s Web Protection feature will automatically catch it, preventing your device from becoming infected.

    Kindly be advised that Scam Alert is only available for Android OS and not iOS.



  • Is it possible to direct the infected link to a separate trash folder???

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited December 2023

    That won't be possible @Gbro11

    Whenever Scam Alert finds a dangerous link, the section will display additional information:

    • Name of the app that originated the notification
    • Timestamp (hour, day)
    • URL of the detected link (non-clickable)
    • Threat type
    • App category (text or notification)@Gbro11


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Would it be possible to indicate which message contains this scam link so I don't have to open the infected message?

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited August 2024

    Well, like the above comment says, due to Android operating system limitations, Bitdefender cannot delete text messages, take any direct measures related to the SMS messages, or any other source of malicious notifications. Now, the actual message may not be infected, but the scam links surely are, so Bitdefender will alert you and block access to malicious content. Then you can simply delete the message.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user