Does B.D. Work profile effects Express vpn or other system work outs?
i need more explanation about work profile of b.d. as details provided here r not enough: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/2063/#:~:text=The%20Work%20Profile%20has%20been,when%20the%20Work%20Profile%20activated%3A&text=All%20Bitdefender%20alerts%20and%20pop%2Dups%20are%20disabled or here:…
Mentioning a Month
Be sure to include the month of winning in the title. Honorary membership" refers to a special status granted to an individual without requiring formal obligations. To ensure clarity for concerned members, it is important to mention the start date of the honorary membership, indicating when it officially began.
Suspicious Adobe Files
@Alexandru_BD @Flexx @Scott i received an adobe file in my proton mail, downloaded it , but it could not be accessed via adobe/other softwares due to it's corruption, then the sender company sent me another file, this time idm showed that file with a whatsapp icon: After Downloading it's display was like this: The other…
Work Profile
Do i need to add an application here or it ll work auto? Bitdefender's Game Mode automatically activates when a game is launched, so the purpose of the Application List remains unclear. Furthermore, I'm unable to add the Windows 10 Store version of CapCut to this list, as it's not discoverable in the search. What is the…
Secure Pas
Hi! Does secure pass saves the credentials on it's servers to regain their access with required info? i mean as firefox or proton pas's access can be regained even all of the user's devices are lost. plz update. @Alexandru_BD @Flexx @Scott any idea ?
Bitdefender Secure Pass Remains Open Without Password Prompt
Dear Bitdefender Support Team, I am writing to report a concerning issue with Bitdefender Secure Pass. Despite enabling the "Do not remember me" option and setting a master password during installation, the application remains open without prompting for the master password. This behavior exposes my sensitive information to…
Bitdefender's Scamio
Do we need assembled with whatsapp when bitdefender total security is already installed & set to check whatsapp chats ?
brave+chrome's suspicious behaviour
I uninstalled the Brave browser using Revo Uninstaller Pro. After reinstalling it, Chrome started malfunctioning. I then deleted both browsers with Revo and reinstalled them. Initially, I mistakenly clicked on or Brave auto-opened a site flagged as malicious by Bitdefender, which was surprising since Brave Shields are…
B.D. Scans should show Estimated time for the scans
If B.D. scans displayed the estimated scan completion time within the scan options (before initiating any scan), it would significantly assist users in scheduling scans according to their convenience. B.D. should continuously estimate the estimated time considering system files to provide users with an accurate prediction…
Can it be a malware
@Flexx @Scott @Alexandru_BD I downloaded Urban VPN (featured on Chrome), but it secretly tried to open some malicious pages. Although they weren’t displayed, I don’t know if Bitdefender blocked those pages or if Urban VPN managed to open them entirely in the background. My notification menu was flooded with Bitdefender…
Why does the NordPass extension reappear in new browser profiles even after uninstalling it?
@Flexx @Alexandru_BD @Scott Why does the NordPass extension reappear in new browser profiles even after uninstalling it? is their any fix
B.D. should be able to store password protected file's passwords for scans.
@Alexandru_BD answered to this thread here : https://community.bitdefender.com/en/discussion/102777 The thread was closed before I could reply with a very important suggestion. You stated that malware cannot originate from within password-protected archives and that Bitdefender's real-time protection would detect it as…
Vpn connected but there was no location
i was connected via double-hop , then tried to change it to auto , 1st it showed me Denmark stopped showing the location name.
Strange behavior of firefox recovery key
Today i downloaded firefox recovery key but when i accessed the download folder there was a strange icon instead of the recovery key, ve a look: clicking on that file opened the never ending widow below: @Flexx @Scott @Alexandru_BD can u help plz, i suspect a threat to my pc.😱
Scans Should ask to put the same passwords for all of the password protected files
Bitdefender Scans Should ask to put the same passwords for all of the password protected files, if the user need to scan password protected files at the same time of scanning & have the same password for em he should be able to do so, to ve a piece of mind. currently bitdefender is missing on that feature. Why skip…
How to safely exclude steam
Hi there ! 1- i need steam to get updated while b.d. or express vpns are on. Adding only steam.exe in the exemption list is enough for the steam software ? 2- Is the above method sufficient to exempt all Steam games, including their anti-cheat software and launchers?
Excluding B.D. from express vpn's secure traffic
@Flexx @Alexandru_BD @Petersl anyone ? HI! What files should be excluded from express vpn to put put bitdefender completed exempted from it's vpn traffic?If bitdefender is exempted , can this process unmask my real ip? as it ll try to secure my connection ( websites etc ) from outside of a vpn tunnel ?🙂
Bitdefender's Link Checker is marking malware pages as safe
@Alexandru_BD @Flexx Bitdefender link checker marked 3 harmful links/websites as Safe with a green tick mark. i ve mentioned the third ones url in the pic above. 3 of the 3 was blocked by bitdefeder when i clicked on those links but as you know clicking on such urls still triggers the risk even bitdefender blocks , that's…
Strange Behavior of Incognito windows
Whenever I open an incognito window on my Windows 10 (with Bitdefender installed) PC using Chrome or Firefox and search something on Google, the browsers initially display the results on a white page. However, after refreshing the page once or twice, it changes to the normal black display. What could be the reason for…
Any Conflicts between Nord Vpn & Bitdefender total security
Are There any suspected conflicts between the Nord Vpn & Bitdefender total security? Specially when the " Threat Protection '' Feature of Nord vpn's extension is enabled along with bitdefender's anti tracker extension & ublock origin ? This answer does matter plz help
Bitdefender vpn's location spoofing
The vpn should contain '' location spoofing '' ability to stop java revealing the real location. Tests were performed on https://www.browserscan.net/ its hiding the ip but revealing the real time & location which is a major draw back in security & privacy.. Double-hop vpn feature was used to perform this test.
B.D. Anti Tracker + Ublock origin + Brave's Default shields
Bitdefender Total Security is installed on my P.C. Do i to need to install bitdefender anti tracker + ublock origin extensions in Brave Browser along with brave's default shields active ? i mean is there any suspected conflict out there ?
Can inactivity of the Tabs kill or interrupt Vpn connection
As the tabs ll become inactive & could loose the vpn cover.
Vpn connected but The virtual ip is not shown
Why ? and whats the fix?
About Bitdefender Forum
There is no place to report a bug or suggest a feature about our beloved bitdefender's forum. There should be a Specific Place among the above about that.
Disguised + P2P Servers in bitdefender vpn
DNS tests show that NordVPN is using its own servers, but it also reveals that the traffic has been secured by the VPN. Relying on Google servers like Bitdefender VPN also poses a security risk as it utilizes Google servers instead of its own. So, what's the solution? Do you know of any VPNs that use their own servers with…
Does bitdefender Vpn contain obfuscated Servers
Nord vpn offers obfuscated Servers , they say: Obfuscated servers are specialized VPN servers that hide the fact that you’re using a VPN to reroute your traffic. They allow users to connect to a VPN even in heavily restrictive environments. When you connect to a regular VPN server, your ISP can’t see where you go online.…
Insane Repeated Notifications on the forum exactly like a Scam
i do not know where to ask about the forum problems as i see no place for dis , i am receiving notifications right on the forum again and again about the viewed & answered posts by me repeatedly. how to fix ?
Govt. Surveillance
If there is a strong Govt. Surveillance in some country with a frustrating countrywide firewall , which will be the better option. 1- using same country's virtual location 2- using another country's virtual location
Vpn should show Latency + Load on vpn servers
If VPN providers could display the load and latency of each virtual location, it would be much easier to select the optimal location for a faster connection, reducing the need for multiple connection attempts to different servers. i think cyber ghost vpn has this option.