¿También se aplica a través de la suscripción de la Play Store a 10 dispositivos?
Buenas, he estado viendo que en la Play Store la suscripción cuesta 35 euros mientras que a través de la página web oficial vale unos 40 euros. Mi cuestión es si la suscripción a través de la play store es mas barata porque solo se aplica a un dispositivo o si también se aplica a los 10 dispositivos y es por tema de impuestos y demás cargos que se ahorra la play store.
The price difference could be due to a few reasons. The Play Store might take a fee from in-app purchases, causing the website price to be slightly higher to cover that cost. There could also be regional price adjustments on the Play Store, while the website maintains a standard price. Most importantly, the cheaper Play Store option might only protect one device, whereas the website might offer a multi-device subscription at a higher price.
To clarify, check the Play Store subscription description for the number of devices it covers. Then, compare that to the subscription options on the Bitdefender website. They might have different tiers for single-device and multi-device protection.
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