Does my bitdefender detects hackers?
Does my bitdefender detects hackers? I think im hacked because it says "ESTABLISHED"
How do I get precent of my scan when I am running a virus scan
In the 2021 Version it changed the look of the scan so I don’t know the percent done how do I get the precent back
Is this site really belonging to Bitdefender?
I found this site after a scan on the site Urlvoid. I saw that Bitdefender engine scanned as well and I was curious where that site will bring me. This is the URL: http://trafficlight.bitdefender.com/info?url=http://utorrent-rus.info . It has a http and it doesn't seem legit, any thoughts?
Blocks IDrive
I have used BD Total Security for some years, together with IDrive following a BD update early Feb, about 7th my backup failed, tried various things with IDrive but constantly failed, and failures required a hard boot to rectify subsequent win problems. After a few days testing found that with BD v25.0.14.58 turned off the…
bluescreens, firewall, and other weird things
recently i have been receiving a lot of bluescreens, my firewall alert mode goes off 1-30 times per day with no pattern whatsoever, my windows updates seem to fail randomly, i come back from the shower or store to my mouse moved (keep in mind i always keep it on my main monitor and in a specific corner because im ocd for…
Dashboard says "Device at risk" offers no info for a solution
Selecting Dashboard says "I have 2 out of 5 devices installed". 1 Protected and 2 "At Risk" Clicking on "View" takes me to "Dashboard". In "Dashboard" it say my desktop says "Protected". My laptop says "Device At Risk". My cell phone likewise says "Device At Risk". Both of the devices that say "Device At Risk" have a box…
https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/25936/ Syntax errors
The support solution has errors in the commands listed in the solution: Step 3: (space before FileProtect.keytext) sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/ FileProtect.kext/ Step 4: (syntax error I cannot discern) sudo sqlite3 /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy “select * from kext_policy” Password: Error: near…
How can I fix my bitdefender Total security 2020?
My Bitdefender 2020 canot connect with the security services and never stops loading data... Canot open Bitdefender Central and makes my PC very slow...... what can I do? I've already rebooted the PC and nothing changes...
Adding another e-mail
Hi, How could I add another e-mail to my profile?
Why does my antivirus say i have two devices being protected when i'm only using 1 laptop?
When I click into my devices it says I have two of them in use and one of them is at risk. Currently I an only using one Laptop. I do have the option to remove the later but i'm not sure if its a good idea. Any help would be awesome. Thank you. P.S.n I am running windows 10 on a Toshiba Satellite Laptop
bdparentalservice.exe / Parental Service Not Enabled; Running; Hogging Resources
bdparentalservice.exe is running on my machine. I didn't ask for it. I have no child profiles (all children are adults). And yet, there it is. What is it doing? Why is it there? Is this BD proprietary malware/spyware? If any one machine in our license group uses it, do all get it? My battery is very unhappy, as am I. How…
Bitdefender Threat Scanner directory is 259GB
There are over 400 of these folders going back to 9/1. What steps should I take to clean this up and make sure it doesn't happen again? Thanks!
Help! Every https page I open gives False Positive, even bitdefender.com
Every https page I open gives me a warning, even https://community.bitdefender.com/. I already reported the false positive, but how will I know if there is an actual threat on my computer?? It seems to be the same issue from 2018 that I read about which was resolved by reverting how https pages were being scanned. By the…
Bitdefender Total Security 2020 causing constant read-access to my external HDD and USB ports
Hello, Ever since the last update to BDTS 2020 anything connected to my USB ports suffers from constant read-access. I know that it is being caused by BD because after many days of research and testing I found that after uninstalling BD this behavior stopped. Upon installing BD again right at the final point of its install…
Free version - Can't uninstall completely
I have Windows 10 running Bitdefender AV Free version. Recently it wouldn't start protection. In the past I've had to uninstall and reinstall to fix this issue, however this time I can't get the app completely uninstalled. After uninstalling from System Settings\Apps, I had to run the Bitdefender Antivirus Free Uninstall…
Latest version offline installer needed for free version!
My internet seed is very slow. Could you send me a offline installer link of free version? I have got some third party link. But I need official link for security reason.
Code Expiration
If I buy a subscription, can I activated it any time I want? The activate code has an expiration period?
Catalina install conflict .
Bitdefender not compatible wit current MacOS. Proceed with FULL disk access or no????
Improving an outstanding product
As per /index.php?/topic/73953-please-refer-me-to-someone-who-can-remove-this-unwanted-subscription-as-it-is-locking-me-out-of-using-my-own-account-and-we-are-11-phone-calls-in/" rel="">this ongoing issue , I would like to give you a few suggestions on how my issue can be best addressed (or outright avoided) in the future.…
Need license key to contact support
I am attempting to contact support via email.The form will not allow me to submit without entering a license key. I have a paid, active subscription, and it's my understanding that when BitDefender went to the subscription model, they did away with license keys. My activation code (for the subscription) does not satisfy…
Support Page Not Submiting Nor Chat Or Email
Hello I have tried to enter this problem on the support page, the submit button is not working and the chat,email,forum, buttons are not working also. You have charged my CC card 3 days ago before my product expired. I was not giving the chance to take the offer nor did I approve the the 89.95. Now my product has expired.…
Support Team
Why ask me the Support Team for Registration and don't gave me a useful answer? ( my product is already registered since i bought the Software) Why give the Support Team no useful answers? I asked the Support Team: Why a popup apear after 15 minutes "Bitdefender awake" I asked the Support Team: Why apear a Bitdefender ICON…