Long malware removal time.
I wonder why Bitdefender takes a long time to delete a malware file even if it is recognized by real-time protection and therefore is in the anti-malware signatures. While doing some tests I noticed that it takes up to 1 minute. 1 minute to delete a malware file from your desktop? Seems a bit excessive to me.... Other AVs…
List of BUGs to fix in the Home versions.
Hi, Below is the list of bugs that I think Bitdefender should work on as a priority before thinking about any new implementations. Obviously this has the sole aim of suggesting improvements that serve to make both the free version and the paid version increasingly competitive compared to the competition. I believe in the…
Faster USB drive auto scan
Good morning, I suggest the option to have faster automatic scanning of USB drives. USB drives today are large in capacity and as a result can be filled with many small, medium and large files. So if you insert a very large USB drive the scan takes a few minutes and consequently before removing it you have to wait for the…
H24 setting of notification time
Hello, i suggest solving this bug for those who install Bitdefender on PC with hh:mm H24 time format to be able to have this display of notification time in this format.Currently the format is always AM/PM, while some time ago it was not like this but in H24 format: Thank you.
Manual scans that repeat twice
Hi @agozob and @Alexandru_BD, i noticed that in the latest version of BMS after performing a manual scan, two or more manual scans are automatically performed after a few minutes. Is this normal or is it a bug? Below are the data from my smartphone Realme 8 5G with Android 13:
RAM Usage Variations
I still don't quite understand why the "bdservicehost" process goes from using about 400 Mb of RAM to even about 70/80 Mb while using the computer. Why is there such a big difference in RAM usage? Couldn't it always use about 70/80 Mb?
"Scam alert" operation
Hi, in BDM I noticed that with the "Scam alert" protection when I receive an email, a text message, or a WhatsApp with a malicious link I get a popup warning me that there is a malicious message but when I click on "delete" the message remains with the malicious link. Is this the correct behavior or should clicking on…
Would Brokewell malware be blocked by Bitdefender?
Good morning, reading some news on the new malware for Android "Brokwell" it would be interesting to understand if the AV Bitdefender Mobile Security with the "App Anomaly Detection" functionality would be able to find it, block it and eliminate it. This malware evades almost all Android AVs (even Google Play Protection)…
Misalignment between the present versions.
Hi, in the application management in the control panel there is always a misalignment between the installed version and the one indicated in the application management. Fix the bug. Thank you. 😉
BD processes running while PC is running
Good morning, but aren't all these processes running a bit too many? What do you think?
High CPU usage during scans
HI, I'm doing a complete scan of the PC but maybe the percentage of CPU usage during the scan is a bit too high also because there are two processes running with a high CPU percentage. Wouldn't just one be enough? Why does "bdservicehost" also use a lot of CPU since "Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner" is running? Optimizing…
Personalizzatione home page BMS
Good morning, I propose the possibility of hiding this information for those who do not want to always view it. I would opt to leave the home screen cleaner. I would therefore add the "ignore" button to not always display the message to install the VPN, Bitdefender Central etc... I I understand that it is also a commercial…
Bitdefender Free (new version) - suggested improvements
I have recently been using Bitdefender Free (new version) and I have noticed that some malicious applications, not recognized by the antivirus definitions, were blocked by the behavioral analysis but after the block they were not quarantined but left on the desktop. After the definitions were updated, they were recognized…
Update new versions and notify Windows Security Center
A suggestion to avoid confusion and worries, especially for less experienced users. When updating new versions of Bitdefender Home, after a few seconds the Windows Security Center notification appears saying that the system is not protected, even though the basic Bitdefender protection services are active during the…
Bitdefender Traffic Light
Hi @Alexandru_BD , I saw that it was updated on November 6th. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/trafficlight/cfnpidifppmenkapgihekkeednfoenal?utm_source=ext_app_menu What's new?
Optimization of update processes
Hi, in Bitdefender Home is it possible to optimize the "Bitdefender Update Downloader" process and later the "Bitdefender Test Engine" process? Because they use a lot of hard disk resources for many minutes, around 5 minutes every time you start your PC and every time Bitdefender is updated (see image). Obviously this is…
Anomaly Detection app for Bitdefender Mobile Security
Read an interesting article here: https://avlab.pl/app-anomaly-detection-dla-bitdefender-mobile-security/
Bitdefender Rescue Environment for Bitdefender Free
CIAO La funzione Rescue Environment è presente anche nella versione gratuita di Bitdefender? Ho notato che in alcuni casi, anche con Bitdefender Free Home, la pulizia avviene prima dell'avvio di Windows... Questa funzione fa parte di Rescue Environment? Quindi l'unica cosa che manca è la chiave di esecuzione manuale per…
New Bitdefender Free icon
HI, I ask the developers if it would be possible to change the icon of the free version of BDM. Perhaps it would be nicer to always have an icon with a "B" possibly a little different from that of the paid version so as to let users understand at a glance that it is always a Bitdefender product and therefore of security…
TrafficLight browser extension
HI, the browser extension "TrafficLight" is not updated since August 2022(v. 3.2.1)? Are there any updates and/or rollouts planned? It is an excellent browser protection extension that comes highly recommended, and it is a pity that it is not updated and enriched with some features. However, it also serves to spread the…
Does Bitdefender Also Check Emails With The "eM Client" Email Client?
Hello. Can anyone tell me if Bitdefender Antivirus Plus and Bitdefender Antivirus Free also check emails with the "eM Client" client? Thanks!
Good reasons to use Bitdefender Free
Hi everyone, I was an old user of the old free version of Bitdefender. For a few days I have installed the new version of Bitdefender Free on my old laptop and I must say that at the moment it works fine without slowing down my laptop (4GB of RAM and Intel Core Duo 2-Windows 10). For those who use Bitdefender Free (new…
Protection against port scan or PC intrusion attacks.
Hi everyone, watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC2jdBHtVWQ&t=20s I wonder if the Bitdefender Free version would work too? Would you be safe from any intruders on your PC? Thank you! 😉
Fake free protection expired warning.
Today this warning appeared to me informing me that my subscription to Bitdefender Free has expired .... 😂😂 But why do you use these marketing techniques to fool your users and switch to the paid version ??? !!! 🤨 My Bitdefender Free is still fully active ...😏 I didn't think you would start these popups too ...😔😕 If a user…
Bitdefender update after PC startup which uses a lot of PC resources.
Ciao, ho le impostazioni di aggiornamento standard e ho notato che dopo alcuni minuti di riavvio del PC inizia il processo di download di Bitdefender e quindi il processo di test di integrità (o qualcosa di simile). Questi processi richiedono alcuni minuti utilizzando risorse PC elevate, sia in termini di utilizzo della…
Bitdefender Free - Blocks malware but doesn't always quarantine it.
I did a test with this ransoware: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/cd1bb0b84729b272e28a48cdfc22ef1f2577e4a1779a9fe871e54cf71707ded8/detection On Virus Total it is stated that Bitdefender Free recognizes it. On my PC if I do a scan it is not detected as malware. If I launch it it is blocked and therefore recognized as a…
Bitdefender Free For Android Does Not Start Automatically
Hello, i noticed that the free version of Bitdefender for android does not always start in the background when restarting or turning on smartphones. I have noticed this in several models. Can you solve? Thank you.
Bitefender Free for Android - implementations
Hello, I can already imagine the answer ... but I try ...😅 For the free version of Bitdefender for androd smartphones, is there an implementation of at least web protection only? Thank you! 😉
Safe search and failed USB scans.
Hello, I had noticed that in the free version the safe search with Google search engine and also others does not work. In addition, USB on-demand scanning also does not work. Having now the Plus version of Bitdefender, I realized they don't work in the paid version either. So I ask when this bug will be fixed which seems…
Stormshield chose Bitdefender's virus scanner
Read here: https://avlab.pl/stormshield-wybral-skaner-antywirusowy-bitdefender/ Congratulations to Bitdefender! 😉